this question is a bit funny and it carries a lot of reality, there are diverse of home and different type of ideologies.
even some people in the crypto space have different type of mentality concerning their family, some people don't want their families to know about crypto while some are trying to introduce their families to crypto, meanwhile some family are not ready to accept the knowledge while some want to accept but they couldn't comprehend it and some accept it and understand it.
what is your families view about crypto, as for me some of my families knows and understand crypto while some don't understand, it seems like magic to those who dont because they couldn't comprehend it.
i heard about some people who introduced their family to crytpto and when the market is bearish they were held responsible for it and it a funny situation. so because of this they just keep their information to themselves.
which category did you fall ? do you want your people to have knowledge about crypto or not.
Hahahha this is little bit tricky question, some of my family don't fancy the idea of crypto yet, an some have started learning from me.
Am sure it's a matter of time get to more of them on crypto side.
No but my wish is to introduce it to everyone in my family and every member of the family extend family,so I wl be the top owner and also be among the hive richest in list thanks .
It sounds funny but is a very good question...
Some of my family members are into crypto while others are not just interested.. I hope they get the knowledge about crypto soon.