POB STREET 2-09-21 #2

in #proofofbrain4 years ago (edited)


insight.pob present pobstreet in conjunction with @onealfa.pob, where there will be a daily topic raised in which everybody can engage in it, and the daily topic can be reached from the community members, if you have any topics suggestion for the next day drop it in your first or second comment of the day with an #Topic.

The selected topics will be the next day topic, best topic of the week will be selected by the numbers of engagements it attracts.


@onealfa × @insight.pob will be rewarding the community members.


  • top daily comments (judge by the quality of the post)minimum of 5 member, if there are more people we will increase the number of people.


  • Topic of the week

reward can be reviewed to add more winners as we are getting bigger.

if you are not in the the categories i personally will be voting accounts according to it engagements daily.


  • to attract and bring new members to the pob community.

  • support new members and guide them on any issues they are facing

  • to build the pob community and take it to the next level.

comments of the day:

whats your POB plan for this new month?

topic from @rapha-el7


Good afternoon great family..

Work as been so hectic and I hardly have time to come around but I make sure I read through the post Daily...

I have been trying hard to follow his footsteps even though I'm still far behind..Talking about my pob plan for the month, its just a plan I had a before I joined the community after seeing the mighty determination and dedication from @onealfa.pob..

My plan is to purchase and gather few pob from the community because I hardly comment or n post so it might be difficult, so I have to get money, purchase purchase and invest it (staking). So even if I can't always post or comment.. I can curate whenever I check in and earn without stress...

There is nothing more easy and better than that.. #my opinion though...


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This month in POB...

I will stake 10,000 POB and spread joy, !LUV and !PIZZA all over the place.
Maybe just a dream, but wait and see.

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that's a nice plan, am always happy to see a like-minded people it makes things go easy and progressive

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I have reached the mark of 12000 staked POB today. I have been hardly selling any #pob I received as curation or author rewards.

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That was super fast. Congratulations. The staking is like rolling a snowball down hill. Once it gets rolling more and more comes from curation rewards and the more you give the more is returned to you. I was busy during the weekend but will stop by your post today.

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$PIZZA@insight.pob! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @mineopoly.

Did you know you can trade $PIZZA on Hive-Engine, Tribaldex, or LeoDex? (7/10)

that's a nice plan, am always happy to see a like-minded people it makes things go easy and progressive

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Dream big, risk high and earn higher! All the best, nothing is impossible.

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Dream big, risk high and earn higher! All the best, nothing is impossible

You're very correct on this your inspiration words let your brain thinking bigger so that you can be big
Nothing in this world that can't be achieved. May Almighty bless our hustling

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Waoo nice to hear from you

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@mineopoly, that's a huge target... I believe in you dude, hit the bulls eye!

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Who knows @rapha-el7... if I did manage 10,000 this month I would give some delegations out from the Greedy yellow bird. If I don't make my target then I'll try again next month. I'm not really in a hurry.

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!PIZZA is most delicious when you share with friends.

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$PIZZA@rapha-el7! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @mineopoly.

Did you know you can spend $PIZZA on games in the $Pizza Store? (3/10)






@insight.pob, you've been given LUV from @mineopoly.

Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. LUV changes soon. (5/10)

Good luck dear. Go for 10K😊👍
I am aiming for 4K this month, I will be dedicated towards curation to increase my rewards. I will be interacting with newbies to help them be consistent and also encourage others to be more committed to POB community. I am also working on developing more better and interesting content. I will try my best to Spread more positivity, joy and happiness around with !PIZZA. 😊🙏
Let's have a rocking month, keep it up everyone.

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Curation on POB is still like snow on a winter day in Chicago.

!giphy snow

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$PIZZA@mineopoly! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @vikbuddy.

Did you know you can trade $PIZZA on Hive-Engine, Tribaldex, or LeoDex? (2/10)

@mineopoly response was funny but true but at the same time that little encourages new members than nothing.

little drops of water makes a mighty Ocean

I have an important question to ask about pob present price.

This is my question

Is pob price in leodex the official or original price value or that's just it's temporary price value in leodex

And I would like @onealfa.pob or @proofofbrainio or @scholaris.pob anybody to answer this.

And I would also like it to be a new #topic to discuss @insight.pob

I see LEODEX just like another UI of Hive-Engine. Prices and orders are the same, just displayed in a different format

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How can we know pob actual market capacity?@onealfa.pob a token price should be judged by the market capacity/its total supply.

I don't know the official answer. The price of POB varies depending upon who buys/sells.

Pob future remains hidden to it's community..😥😥😥
But I still have faith in it because of its strong communities

My plan for POB this month is to work hard and stake my POB to @insight.pob so that your voting power will be high.

Because you really impressed me by organized a wonderful engagement and you make us to know how this community is important.

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First of all I will personally say thanks to my boss@ insight.pob who initiated this for great people like us,my plan for this very good month which started with blessing of the almighty GOD with rain,is been raining since last night which is the first day of the month.my plan for this month is strive hard to engage,relate and devote much of my time to see this happen also the voting power to be assign to you @insight.pob.thanks

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am very happy to see this and am pleased to make sure everyone who is ready to work and put in effort on this tribe laugh, thanks to the support of @onealfa.pob , he is really a good leader.

i was motivated by him and since then i am willing to sacrifice time, effort and resources for the growth of this tribe

That is really a good one @onealfa.pob because it good to have a good leader like him in this community, the leader that wish well for his followers.

And give them support and motivation always that is so lovely.

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Nice one from you good leader are so easy to recognize and I admire the support he gave to insight.pob

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Good morning to you all,nice topic for today, my plan for pob this month.. Right from the time I join this community have always have a better plan to stake more pob to be like one of the top riches ...

I don't know I have a topic which I will appreciate if we can talk about that tommorw, #Topic how can pob stand Out just like hive stand out from steem

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kindly add #Topic to all the topic suggestions so as to recognise every question, kindly edit the comment, it is a nice question

Thanks for this I really appreciate

Posted via proofofbrain.io

My plan this September is to learn more about this platform and become a pro if possible by the end of the month, the earning is good yes but right now am very interested in knowing more about this, so when i start fully i did be able to impact life and bring people to come join.

World powers and all showing their might, testing weapons of mass destruction daily, Rusia, china, USA etc.
What can we do as hivers to foster peace in this world or is it impossible to achieve?. #Topic, i did be glad to know "can the world ever be peaceful?" Like a world without tears or sorrow. A world were envy and destruction of live does not exist.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

What a nice question and the nice topic
I bet this topic can't be treated in a day.


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I have a plan to spread pob community
and to invite more new users as much as possible and my motive is to increase pob trading volume.
But without laying a good plan of pob future to them ,they won't stake and hold pob. it will just be a platform to earn free money free pob and quickly sell it.

So I wants to know about pob community plan for the future. This is my motive when I first joined pob community. I was invited to come and earn free money and i joined to earn daily income but I changed the way I look at pob and believe in it because I say to myself that people like @onealfa @proofofbrain @mineopoly are investing in pob and that's why I change my perspective about pob because this investors can't be stupid to invest and they can't invest on something that does not have future

Wow today topic will be so great.

In this month I plan to stake some of my little pob am earning and I would like to know pob's plan

"No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the Continent, a part of the main…. Any man's death diminishes me, for I am involved in mankind. Any therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.

John Donne

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Good morning to you all once again I celebrate the winners

To today topic: what is you pob plan for this new month

My plan is to stake up 2,000 before the end of this month,how will I make this possible..my plan is to engage in any contest organise by top riches people to gather my pob and develop the community as well

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if we can all do this it will be so much interesting, if other members sees this i think they will be motivated to do more and also stake

this is what we call proof of brain

I really wish for the growth of this communityHow can I reach and contact @proofofbrainio because is the admin of this community and I wish to add to the growth of this community but I need to contact the admin. I have been tagging @proofofbrainio hoping that you would one day see my comments and we can discuss.

i think we can cantact him through discord

@insight.pob I knew your initiative and creativity will pull through, you are determined and dedicated...

Kudos to you on this...

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The great people of this great community I greet you all with the greeting that is more than any greeting in this world and hereafter,which is Assalamu alikum warahamatulahi wabarakatu.
Am glad to see my name among the great men in the list above and I want to use the opportunity to say my mind this afternoon,which is the prayer of each and everyone of us here.
So my prayer this afternoon is that may the lord protect us,guide us and equally give us the wisdom to engage,relate and make this community the best among all.

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My #topic suggestion for today is; what is accurate voting in other to get currations reward?

My POB plan for this month ;

I intends to delegate half of my earning this month to delegation program by @amr.pob divide the remaining half, stake half to get more voting power and safe the remaining half for my expenses.

My POB earning is still not that much per day, so I'm going to take part more on the various contest in the community , and as well engage with other hive members.

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You don't know tomorrow,
What if fortunately you start receiving high vote and more pob,
Will you still plan like that?

Well if things change, i can always adjust my plans.

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Let me shock you, do you knw with the almighty GOD everything is possible.beside your determination matter most in anything in life,also when you have a fear in your mind don't say it out or else it will come to pass.so think about today ad leave tomorrow to the almighty GOD.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

that's a great one by you, thanks for the reblog

My plan for this month on pob

Is to engage in this community with all my might as much as possible and to gather and earn pob so that I can stake and invest in hive and leo.

about the topic

My pob plan for this month is to delegate my pob to a powerful person in this community the little pob I earn.
I don't really think of staking but instead I will delegate because I hardly earn pob here.
So I think with the little I do and I will should delegate it 2 a giant in this community for this month

i think that is a good idea

Oh, so, just answer the question? Ok. First, I forego any rewards from this contest. I don't mind participating, but I don't need the rewards. Aside from that I'd love to join the commentary. Thanks for the invite.

My plans for the month are to continue curating by Standard 1A (1-alpha): lower-yield rewards over a wide distribution. I don't always give out high rewards, but it does happen. My interest is in encouraging content creation and engagement. I do miss writing though. Just picking a topic, writing about it, and publishing an article was quite delightful.

Contests are consuming my time, but again, for the sake of generating interest and engagement it has to be worth it. I'm spending hours/day on POB alone, but it takes effort to grow a community. I've no doubt others are doing the same.

For the rest of this month, I'll be doing the same and trying to expand into rewards monitoring like onealfa. One person alone can't stabilize or grow a platform.

But if one person can't stabilize the growth of this platform,then how will this platform grow.
What role can I play in pob's growth @scholaris.pob @onealfa.pob @proofofbrain.io @trostparadox.pob

people in this community will be happy knowing this your plan.

and i would like to ask you this, "is there core team or mod on this community".

and again if we come into some conclusions here,how can we propose it to be established?

Is there a core team or mod on this community?

There is a limited core team on this community. To my knowledge, there are as follows:

  • proofofbrainio: Owner, administrator, and evaluator.
  • trostparadox.pob: Administrator, evaluator, and operator
  • onealfa.pob: Evaluator, operator, regulator
  • calumam: Administrator, operator, evaluator
  • leprechaun: Programmer
  • scholaris.pob: Evaluator, operator, regulator

The positions I've listed are only my interpretation save the POB owner. He's listed as the owner so that's the position I'll communicate.

Coming to conclusions?
Can you please elaborate? What do you mean by this?

Posted via proofofbrain.io

if we discuss somethings here, maybe someone brought a nice idea and it worth working on it, how can we tell the admin/core team so they can review it and see if it is worthy of doing

You could tag proofofbrainio or you could also address it on discord at the pob-discussion channel. Another option is to write a proposal for funding and post it both on HIVE and discord.

ok sir thanks for the response i really appreciate, kindly engage in today's question and reward the members with good contributions

I'm sincerely in involved in this without reward.
I think anybody in this community should take this serious because it's for the development of the community.
I want the growth of proof of brain because I will benefit from it a lot because am a POB holder.
So I want it future to be guaranteed and I want more plans to build pob and make it stronger and that's my motive for being involved here


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I will appreciate your Luv sir


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@iyiade, you've been given LUV from @mineopoly.

Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. LUV changes soon. (5/10)






@iyiade, you've been given LUV from @mineopoly.

Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. LUV changes soon. (6/10)

U are so kindThanks for the !LUV @mineopoly

@iyiade, sorry! You need more $LUV to use this command.

The minimum requirement is 10.0 LUV LUV in your liquid wallet.

More $LUV is available from Hive-Engine or Tribaldex

Congratulations @insight.pob! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain and have been rewarded with new badge(s) :

You got more than 600 replies.
Your next target is to reach 700 replies.

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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Introducing the Hive Power Up Month - Let's grow every day!
Hive Power Up Day - September 1st 2021 - Hive Power Delegation

Congratulations boss,,

Posted via proofofbrain.io

My plan for the month of September is to stake at least 200 POB, delegate 250 to the engagement program by amr008.pob and use some keep some 100 POB as liquid for the times of need (like I always do).

On average, I earn around 50 POB in a day (through my posts and comments), 25 of which would be mine. If I earn 750 POB, I should be easily able to meet my goal.

I am trying to keep my goals a little low because there are days when I am not able to post at all because of my job or household work or my chocolate business or my baby. So I don't want to get demotivated towards the end of the month. Better to aim what I can achieve for now.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Wow!, that's nice..

The way you analysed it is so cool, so you just have to Make sure you make at least one quality post daily , which I know you do and also drop good comments....

its not really easy knowing you have to take care of the baby and business.. Just don't stress yourself much, "Slow and steady can still win a race"

I wish I really had the time to even post, I have a lot to share on the community through posts 😔

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I'm doing what best I can do, anything less will not bring me the desired results. But ya, I ensure I don't stretch myself too far.

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What you do any more than that,?
But wow your earning is really amazing.
How I wish I do n as you do

#Topic Suggestion: How POB is helping you meet your expenses?

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Nice topic
But you are to # tag topic like this (#topic) then you will write the topic in front so it will be recognized

thank you for your correction i need people like you to guide our members

Thank you so much, i just corrected it.

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my plan is to stake at least 250 pob by end of this month.
what is today's topic?

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What is your plan for pob for this month

too stake 250 pob and also create content in community

I have a great plan for Pob not this month alone but a lifetime plan on this community.
I just want it future to be guaranteed before I start working on my plan for this community and that's why I'm asking for pob white paper from @proofofbrainio

Wow,that is really amazing, carryout project without supervisor is like going to work without pen,I really appreciate your effort toworld this community I recommend you as one of the best leader so far.Once again congratulations to your new achievement.

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