in #proofofbrain3 years ago


insight.pob present pobstreet in conjunction with @onealfa.pob, where there will be a daily topic raised in which everybody can engage in it, and the daily topic can be reached from the community members, if you have any topics suggestion for the next day drop it in your first or second comment of the day with an #Topic.

The selected topics will be the next day topic, best topic of the week will be selected by the numbers of engagements it attracts.


@onealfa × @insight.pob will be rewarding the community members.


  • top daily comments (judge by the quality of the post)minimum of 5 member, if there are more people we will increase the number of people.


  • Topic of the week

reward can be reviewed to add more winners as we are getting bigger.

if you are not in the the categories i personally will be voting accounts according to it engagements daily.


  • to attract and bring new members to the pob community.

  • support new members and guide them on any issues they are facing

  • to build the pob community and take it to the next level.

comments of the day:

Today's topic

Is it right for someone to write post and still upvote it again?

Topic from : @abimbola753

NOTE: henceforth your staking rate will have effect on the curation reward you receive here in pobstreet.

each account is investigated daily.

#proofofbrain #pobStreet #leofinance


It's a hotly debated topic for sure. My personal opinion is that if their vote is low enough, then I don't care. I curate as normal. However, if their stake is high enough to allow a significant level of rewards, then I won't downvote, but I won't curate either.

Self-votes were allowed and even recommended in the past to demonstrate that the author believes in their work. Now, it's not allowed because whales in the past abused the system. Currently, there is a negative stigma against the practice. I ignore that stigma unless the rewards become significant.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Very well said. Self voting is definitely a bad influence. I had seen so much of Reward Pool abuse by big Whales in Steemit, but I would say Hive is Much better and a Good Working Ecosystem, So Many Responsible and Honest Curators.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Sincerely I didn't know much about steemit mate,but honestly when it come to hive have not really see this happening that much though I do see some users with small vote power up voting themselves too at times.

But it is not a rampant attitude here on hive since have joined,But i will still say that should not take away the fairness of engagement in the community, cause if everyone of us can up vote ourselves and get reward then it means engagement has lot it value

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In my own opinion,this is a cheating if there is so much frequency in your self upvote.
Even if you upvote yourself,you should reduce the numbers of time you upvote yourself content as it's a act of cheating and that's why your curation or your upvote reward to other content is shared 50/50.
Minimise yourself upvote and don't let it To be too much for this community growth

The cause of self upvote is selfishness and greed and nothing more.
Why would you be self upvoting your content when curation reward is shared half, half of the reward will go to the content creator and have will be yours and you are still up watching yourself to get all the rewards.
It's just greed and self centeredness and that act should be stopped in this community

Self-upvote does not mean selfishness or self-centered.
Some people will write content and will dedicate their time to create the content because it is not easy to create a content without copying.
so you will take all your time to create the content and you will hardly receive an upvote.
So why one curate himself?, Then you will now start using your money buying pob while other are selling and making money and you will create the content and you will not receive any reward.
So I don't blame anyone who upvote himself

That could be the reason for some of the self-votes, but not all. What I understood was that some people believed, or were led to believe, that self-voting was good because it showed people you were willing to spend VP on your own content.

Can I see the reason why some people will say that your reputation must be high before you comment on their their content to avoid clone and fake users.
Before I do criticize them but I now know why did they took the step and that step is so wonderful because it will reduce fraudulent act it's just that that step also have a disadvantage

I don't know that what you described was ever an issue.

If this act of upvoting your content is illegal then the features should be removed from pob community and hive community but since the features is included then there is nothing about it and it means it's legal.
Is just that some people abuse it and use it excessively

I agree with you,there are some time that you yourself will type and post,when you go back and read what you have post you will have no chose than to vote yourself,so it is normal.

it is only cheating that is not acceptable

My view is very similar to yours on this! Another thing I notice is that in the old days on steemit, it was very difficult to get votes. Mainly our BR community. Either you paid what little you could for some accounts to vote (which wasn't always profitable) or you were suffering joining. Almost without support from the community itself. Over time, the person started to have a slightly better vote and voted for himself since he was not properly recognized. I believe that some of this lack of recognition in the past ended up making some people keep this practice. I may be wrong, but that's what I noticed and it would be what I would do if I went back there that way.

You are correct friend, its totally crazy there. Before Joining Hive this May, I was on Steemit for few days because I was not aware of Hive. I don't know what's going there, it is totally abused by few communities, just 3-4 lines post getting above 100$ rewards, and some good and quality content not even a single Upvote. I am glad I found about Hive and POB and not wasted much time there. 😊

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Exactly. That's why here at HIVE is much better. people really want to help others

Definitely and I really want to say the self vote issue is not really much here and I have not really come across big whales that engage in it that, though I don't really look at numbers of people that vote for other's people content anyway,but I will still say it is not rampant here

Posted via proofofbrain.io

That is really bad on steemit,but nothing of such can happen here on hive and honestly that show the level of fairness in this community.

Br I just hope self vote issues can be looked into properly so that power won't be abuse by those that have it

Posted via proofofbrain.io

my dream is to stake pob as many as possible,which have started to work on,i have been able to stake some pob with the help of @insight.pob.

all thank to @insight.pob and @onealfa.pob for motivating me to stake,and i will continue to stake and stake and stake much more.

I appreciate the work that goes into POB Street in addition to the fantastic engagement here. One area I think can be improved is the article itself. It is difficult, if not impossible, to trace back through these articles for questions that the community addressed.

I recommend putting a table in your article that allows the community to quickly review past topics. Also, if possible, I'd love to read your opinion on the past day's discussion:

  • Did the community address the topic to your satisfaction?
  • Should we have additional talks about the past topic?
  • Where do we go from here?

It's just my opinion, personally. I feel like the value of the engagement lowers because it can get lost in the ether.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

i would like us to review past topics so we can have a way forward, but it will be quite difficult to add the previous topic to the daily post because there are lot of interesting and important topics which we have discussed here but i will find a solution.

Where do we go from here?

i think you will be the one to answer this and i will be glad to know how we can take the next step, if you can help us talk to POB so he can pick up a project to work to work on.

i heard leo is working on BLEO Binance Leo if that is true it will be a great, i wish pob apso start something new also

So this will help those new members who missed have missed out and give them an opportunity to be part of the community.I will volunteer myself to create a content to bring back previous #pobstreet topics from day 1 and from then I will also bring back with a brief review of all #pobstreet topics discussed every weeks with the links so that people can still visit them and discuss something important there. So I need @insight.pob and @onealfa.pob permission to go ahead.

So I need @insight.pob and @onealfa.pob permission to go ahead.

A permission? Sounds a bit weird to me.
I'm not the one who is issuing permissions. At least - not in this space.
IMHO, Hive is permissionles space.
If you think your idea and your work will benefit POB tribe - just DO IT.
If I will like it, and see it delivering benefits to the tribe - I will support. Will upvote. Maybe even reblog it and/or promote it (as I am doing on other people's post I discover big value)

If I find it useless, or harmless, or malicious - I will ignore. Or downvote.
As much as any other Hive member will be able to do their own actions, in the same manner.
I have no way to know, in advance, what will be your work.

So you just go ahead, and DO IT (if you have such wish, and see it's benefits)

Posted via proofofbrain.io

@onealfa i left a message for you in your dm

I would recommend creating a table with two columns: Date, topic. We can update it and publish it every week. Since the replication would be repetitive, we'd want to consider rewards going to null or the pob-fund.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

i so glad to see this response from you because this is what has been my plan from day one.

i want us to come to conclusion on each topic and have a way forward, there are other token that are doing alot of project to promote the token and it is flourishing, but the silence of @proofofbrainio as not been encouraging.

so i just hope that one day when i have enough money or token to take up some project on this platform.

it is not so easy to bring up topics on daily basis but there are lots of creativity that we can include in pob and it will make it flourish.

since you came up with this, we can emphasize on each topic untill we take a step, by doing so the community members will be happy to see the project active.

Yeah, POB is not a talker. I hope he can write an article in the future.

You are so correct

There are so many wasted creative suggestion and comments in the past #pobstreet we ignored that we supposed to have taked step and work on those suggestion and many creative topic treated we shouldn't ignore. My #topic is How can we take step on all the suggestion in this #pobstreet

henceforth your staking rate will have effect on the curation reward you receive here in pobstreet.

This is really helping and will have a great effect on pob price because there are a lot of many panic Sellers out there.
Many clone thier account and one of the ways to detect them is that they have 0 pob staked. So with thier clone account if they want to earn they will start staking pob 😂😂😂😂😂Sincerely the steps taken by @insight.pob and @onealfa.pob has already motivated me to start staking pob from now on as I have staked 34 pob as a start and I will be staking everyday from now on.

It is not bad to for someone to write post and still upvote it again because this community is decentralized and not centralized so there is freedom to do anything you want cause it's your pob power and not for others and you are free to use it anyhow you want and no one should dare confront you because it's not the person pob you staked.
If it's bad then that features should not be added to proofofbrain community at first

If it's not wrong then they should not have been sharing of The Curation reward then.
This is supposed not supposed to be though it is not illegal to upvote yourself but for the growth of this community it is not proper to upvote yourself to avoid selfishness in this community because if this is done all the time people will start up voting their self and this community and have a quality content anymore because people will comment anything even if it's not quality and will upvote it like that

I agree with you
If you cannot use your power to do anything you wish to do then why is it decentralized and why is it your power then? You staked it and use it to your satisfaction.
I do upvote most of my content created and I don't care cause it's my power and people don't notice it because I have not yet have high power but when I do people will notice

I agree with you @precious008

I wanted to come here today this morning to come and interact with great people here but after seeing this important notice that staking would be considered in curating,I couldn't comment here and I immediately went back to stake the little pob I have and am back now.

#question How would staking be considered in this #pobstreet curation? Is it by the pob power you have/the amount of pob you staked or the last time you staked or the percentage of your pob earning staked?

i believe that it is normal for a person that write a post to upvote him or her self, which mean it is right.

for you to write a post or to comment is a good one,once you know or sure of what you have written that you will surely be given a vote,you can also vote yourself which is normal,we all know that to type is not easy not to talk of to think of what to say or type,but it is only over doing that is not right.

what i mean by over doing is voting yourself Every time, is not right

I couldn't comment here after seeing the notice
Investigation of account in staking having effect on curating the account so I immediately went to stake thefew liquid pob I have.
I think this proofofbrain community should start using auto stake like other community and that will help.
There are only few curators in proofofbrain community.

That's a sign that there are few curators in this community. If @onealfa.pob do not curate a content,the upvote won't reach 100pob and I have never see any post of over 100pob curation without @onealfa.pob curation.

Staking pob will only cure this problem of pob price for a little time and after some times curators will increase and pob produced will also increase and it's total supply will increase.
The only solution I see in holding pob value is that we should invite new people to the community.

Staking pob is the best solution and will make pob value stand high forever.
The reason why I said this is because there is a limited pob produced per day which is 7200 pob that can only be produced per day from the reward pool so the more your pob power,the more the pobyou can take from the reward pool.
So the supply can't increase

How can pob hold it's value and not decrease in value
Because pob was once over 1 hive and it's value decrease everyday till 0.19 hive.
So in order for pob stakers not to loose in future due to pob price getting low what step should be taken?#topic

I feel it’s not wrong to upvote yourself, there is no rule against that, but abusing it is the problem, you can’t just be upvoting yourself without upvoting others. That’s an abuse, if everyone decides to have that mindset, we won’t move as a community.

NOTE: henceforth your staking rate will have effect on the curation reward you receive here in pobstreet.

That's great! At the time of @amr008 with his script, there were many accounts that commented just to get the votes and that disappeared after the end of the project. And I see many cases similar to what I've been analyzing today when I'm going to do my curatorship. Accounts that post frequently on POB as main tag, earning good rewards and stake stopped at 0 or never reached 100. I have avoided voting for this people

As for voting yourself, it's an old discussion.

That's fine by me as long as it helps by voting for others with the same % or more. Those who vote for themselves and rarely vote for others or when they vote, they end up voting with a lower % I don't agree. It's ruining the collectivity here.

There some account that have staked for a long time and have staked a lot of pob pob like about two or more and already stopped staking over 2 month ago but this should be investigated through the percentage they do stake per day or per week out of their rewards

For example by percentage staked and not quantity staked
If you do earn 10 pob per week and you staked 9 pob you are 90% and if other earn 1000pob and staked 500pob they are 50% @insight.pob

I understand the question.

But for a person to bet 9 out of 10 that he won is much easier than that he won 1000 and bet 500.

I defend the part of the person selling POB if necessary. I even need throughout the month to pay bills that are complicated. And I know that all over the world there are many people who are in difficult conditions and find a way to survive here. But, even so, at least the person will increase what he can in his stake. And not just selling everything.
If I notice that she has a constant stake in the amount she earns, then that's fine.

Accounts that post frequently on POB as main tag, earning good rewards and stake stopped at 0 or never reached 100. I have avoided voting for this people

From now on this is what all curator should consider before voting because stakers are loosing due to pob price going down and panic sellers are gaining because they are the reason why pob loose value every day.
But for this system to reset this step you took of not curating low stakers is b St and should be done by all powerful ones.
What I saw today have made me to start staking pob I swear😂😂😂😂
Not only but many people will start staking.

I too agree. @insight.pob and @onealfa.pob thanks for this new step, we don't want pob street going the same way as Engagement programme, this step will definitely increase the quality and Also bring honest engagement. I strongly believe we should maintain Quality over Quantity on POB community, we should not let anyone abuse the goodwill and reward pool of POB Community.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

I don't know maybe am getting you well on this,but if it is what am thinking It will be fine too mate.

So let me come out plain by saying I sincerely didn't really agree with the level at which things are here of recent,cause I have noticed that user's do come here drop comment and leave without coming back again till the next day,the level of interaction stops immediately after they might drop their comment and with hope of waiting for a reward later in the day.

To me I sincerely frown about that ,I think @insight.pob and onealfa should look into this and I want to believe that this is what you are also talking about here.

Please correct me if am wrong

Posted via proofofbrain.io

I have noticed that user's do come here drop comment and leave without coming back again till the next day,

Though people will be discouraged but this is not supposed to be.
That's because the real motive behind most people coming to this #pobstreet is because of the curation reward of @onealfa.pob that's why they will just drop thier comment and wait for next day topic and see #pobstreet as another @amr008.pob engagement program to earn free pob. They are not really interested in the topic and in POB community that even one of the reason why they stopped thier engagement in #pobtalk. @scholaris.pob is a very good example of the love for pob community. on the first day in this community is said he don't want any reward so he is engaging in this place #pobstreet for his love for this community and nothing more and that is how all of us should be not for free money

That is why I love this new rules and regulation in #pobstreet of staking by @insight.pob

henceforth your staking rate will have effect on the curation reward you receive here in pobstreet.

This will help to eradicate every fake and duplicate accounts to earn free money in this #pobstreet this will also help to encourage real members of this community and really pob users.

Very well said dear. These actions are necessary if we want to maintain quality and value at POB Community. We don't need POB turn into a Shit Posting site. A community building needs commitment and honesty. 😊👍. !PIZZA

Definitely and permit me to say this when we talk about @scholaris.pob we are talking about a man that is full of integrity and fairness , a man that gives everyone equally opportunity.

Just which everyone will one day understand the main importance of engaging and not the mindset of farming token,One thing I understand so much is tht their is fun when you interact with people irrespective of the rewards attached to it,the knowledge and even what you get to learn in that process too is attached also.

So to me I sincerely think one day other users get to see this too.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Definitely ,it really seems this is what is happening this days here and to me it is now taking away the fairness of engagement here in #pobstreet and I sincerely frown against this too.

But want to believe that something urge t will do done about this not to actually make it look like engagement program where you drop comment and wait for an upvote for it daily

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Hello everyone in the house
What I noticed so much about this topic is that most people who have a low pob power and hive power are the one fund of this character of upvoting thier content or self curating.
I have not seen anyone with a great and high pob power and hive power curating his content. Maybe I've not gone deeper in this community that's why I have not seen or maybe I'm wrong.

What a Very good content to talk about and honestly this is one thing I think my opinion on will.be divided into two.

Is it right for someone to write post and still upvote it again?

Self vote is not something that I sincerely or completely go against ,due to the fact that at times it will help the author too to boast his /her content too,but I only see it as a crime when such author now uses it for themselves one without going out to curate other account also.

So if it is not abuse at all,I sincerely don't see anything that bad in it at all to upvote one's content and even this day's will have lot of users who upvote themselves after writing a content or comment self.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

I will say it is right and it is also wrong. It is right in the sense that, at time when someone post it doesn't receive vote between couple of hours. People might see the post and ignore because they will thing it not an interesting post that why it hasn't received any vote yet, not knowing everyone is ignoring because of that taught. But if u could at least give it one vote your self then when someone else sees it, that vote might motivate him/her to open the post to read and eventually also reward his post.
And I will also say it is wrong because it is also a way of being dishonest to the community. You should give a chance for people to vote for your work at least you spent so much time for it.Even if am to vote for my post I won't take the first place probably the last.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Account that do not stake thier pob are now in trouble lolsss.
Nice strategy to increase pob stakers. Keep it up.
Even if you don't want to stake you won't have a choice than to stake your pob. Now you will start seeing people staking pob from now on in this community lolss.

Self-voting, is common but definitely not a norm luckily, we are glad to have responsible authors and curators, who understands the value of a Community. But yeah there are few who abuse it that is wrong. It's ok if one Upvotes his low rewarded post and not usually self vote on each and every post. It's a personal choice but definitely one should do it to an extent and should not abuse the reward pool.
I myself used to do that few times in the past on low rewarded posts but it's been so long I did that, I also don't feel the need to do it now because thankfully I am getting decent rewards on my posts and I am getting good curation rewards too. I love to utilise my voting power on curation, its much fun and feels good. I can proudly say i already gave up Self-voting. I am responsible towards Hive Community. But I will not judge any doing it unless one doing it excessively and abusing the reward pool. Especially on POB, just enjoy the curation rewards guys, a few self-votes not gonna benefit you much unless you have 100K POB Stake, lol. 😊🙏

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Nice one from you and I want to share this your opinion too,if it is not abuse I don't see it as a bad thing,but it is just that if this is not stopped or control it might become the order of the day and it will take away the integrity of the community,but also doing that too should not be a crime once it is not often and often, people should allow other people to give credit to their work too and not them giving themselves the credit cause of their voting power

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Am glad that is very good play part of this. I think it is not the right thing to post and upvote your post in a nutshell did not share don't have to do such things that can you throw up food you look back on what you have requested before you can do such this not basically allow in the law of non-existence sometimes in ideology Hebrews so all manner of things that are contrary to the right thing to do the way you look at it you will know that Sachin are you very cool I'm not coming to evaluate something thing in particular issue..

Posted via proofofbrain.io

You do not need to put #peakd as a topic-tag ... there is no real benefit and the post is not about PeakD.com so there really isn't a reason to. We are likely the only account to search for posts with the topic tag #peakd so it really doesn't benefit you much. We suggest you use that space for another topic tag that will help your post more and is more related to the topic of your post.

I hope this has been a helpful educative comment.

Good topic here and a very special regards to @abimbola753 who came up with this topic ones again.

Technically this issues at a point in time have come across a discussion like this somewhere on this platform and to be very honest with this,I sincerely see this as an abuse of power ,cause it makes it looks like irespective the level of what such user is going to write or post they get to upvote themselves giving no regards to other's user view about their content.

Come to think of it,if I can upvote Myself because my voting power is high,then i won't give any regard to what others think about what have written at all.

So to me irrespective of how it might sound to people and user's out there,I see self vote as a mean or an avenue to abuse power and fairness of activities in the community

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Is it right for someone to write post and still upvote it again?

Thier are been alot of debate about this in the past and I want to say at a point I got to know that this act in one way or the other is an act of cheating the community,but honestly I will say am not of the opinion at all,but it is still happening as we still see some set of users who do it to help and boast their content till now.

This is my take ,if all user's should keep on curating their content themselves,then where is the integrity and fairness of the community.

So am not of they opinion at all

Posted via proofofbrain.io

PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
Learn more at https://hive.pizza. @vikbuddy tipped @iyiade (x1)

Hey the love one ❤️❤️,is grate opportunity for waking up this morning and engage in this great community streetpob.i greet you all with the greeting that supercede all the greeting in this great world and hereafter which is Assalamu alikum warahamatulahi ta Allah wa barakatuhu meaning may the blessing and mercy of the almighty GOD be with us all,ameen.
And may his spoken words see us all through in our daily activities in this great community streetpob, ameen happy Sunday my belove brother and sister in this great community Street POB may all your wishes come through when you pray today in church, and I use this movement appeal to you all to go to church today.

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As a novice and new in the game and so far so good,voting is the part of the give and it is a rule and regulations of the game I see no reason why not?been part of the game it doesn't matter where the vote come from,so far is possible for someone to post and definitely they should be able to vote him or her self,because we all knw good character begin at home.

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