Biology:The meaning of life

in #proofofbrain4 years ago

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Biology is coined with two Greek words -bio meaning life and logos meaning to study.Hence biology simply means the study of life and also means the study of living things.
Living things are classified into two which is plant and *animal.

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Biology is basically grouped into two main branches. These two main branches are Zoology which means the study of animals and botany which means the study of plants.
There are other branches of biology which include ecology which involves the study of plant and animals (living things) in relation to their environment,morphology which involves the study of external features of plants and animal,anatomy which involves the internal structures of plant and animal,genetics which involves the study of heredity and variation in living things and physiology which involves the study of how plants and animal functions.

Everything on earth can be classified as either living or non-living things. Living things include plants and animal that have life why you not living things include does things that do not have life. example of living things include man Robert elephant grass mango tree hit easy while non-living things include a stone water table book pen.

Characteristics of living things
living things are distinguished from nonliving things by number of characteristics which include
Movement nutrition excretion irritability respiration growth reproduction adaptation and death
All living thing has the ability to move eat whole body or part of its body from one place to another read that to search for food or to escape from predators or to find the meat for the production etc.
All living things also has the ability or feeding which involves obtaining or manufacturing food and utilising it for growth and maintenance or carry out Life processes like growth respiration and reproduction.while all green plants can manufacture their own food through the process of photosynthesis.
All living things has the ability to get rid of waste product of cell metabolism from the body.the purpose of education is to remove waste product of metabolism like water carbon dioxide at sea which are poisonous to the body if allowed to accumulate.
All living things has the ability to increase in size mass or weight due to the addition of living protoplasmic materials. The purpose of growth is to enable organism to repair or replace damaged or hold things in their body.
All living things has the ability to reproduce or to give birth to Young ones or offspring or individuals of their own kind.the purpose of reproduction is to ensure continuity of life that is it enable life to be passed on from one generation to the next.
all living things must die because they have a definite and the limited period of existence.

@amr008.stem @proofofbrainio @science-facts


Biology is essentially the study of life in its entirety. And what can be more intriguing and exciting than life itself! Life is what makes ‘Earth’ unique. The inherent desire to live has led to discoveries, inventions and innovations.