
Definitely worries kills because too much it kill your motives and when killing your motivation,you have died mentally and you will be frustrated and be depressed on your goals
So talks me how can you achieve that of your goals

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Yes that's true warning will affect your good motive and intention.
Too much of worrying can even make someone to do what is supposed not to do.
That's why people who to worry too much end up committing suicide

Yeah you're very right! Can we now see that in stead of be worry just go out there and get some fun to make you happy but be very careful for those who hot there too are very dangerous.
Happiness is free make your self an happiest person in life....

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I agree with you
Be careful and always think not worry they are different.
Think positively and enjoy your life

That's exactly what I mean too thinks wisely not been worry..
L.G life is good!
Happiness is free from the creator
Have a nice day

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Don't make your life difficult through your mind
Just relax and move on

Definitely don't peace someone and make your own life difficult for you always enjoy your life and move on as you said
Great thought friend

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