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RE: POBSTREET 26-10-21 #55: alot of people are dropped off the rich list, why do you think this is happening? what's the solution?

in #proofofbrain3 years ago

The thing about the pob richlist is that old people are giving up on pob and new people are believing in pob and staking but old people are unstaking.
Those who powerdown will soon regret thier actions when proofofbrain post an update about the community.

"The race is not for the Swift but it's for those who endure it to the end"

It might look as if stakers are loosing and sellers are gaining now but later staker and holders will rejoice and reap thier labors(I hope so soon).
What proofofbrain should work on is to entise and create what would encourage stakers not to powerdown and for new people who are yet to stake should stake.


To be frank ,I too am discouraged in proofofbrain little by little but people like onealfa,mineopoly,vikbuddy, insight.pob who stake everyday do encourage me that there is still future in this project.
Pob price plays decreasing also a huge role in reducing of people in richlist.

Maybe that is the reason why pob price is down nowadays maybe it's because those that are powering down and selling caused it to fall but thank god that it is those who need pob that is buying it so after they sell all there pob then it will begin to rise again

A 100% vote of mine to keep you believing

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There is nothing to be discouraged friend. Actually POB Rich List is moving up every week and those staking everything are only surviving their spots. The minimum threshold required to enter into POB Rich list is increasing every week. We will soon hit 5K bar for minimum threshold required.

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The cause of the least in the Rich List having 5000 pob is because pob total supply is increasing so the numbers in which people will stake also is increasing.
The last time I checked your pob power, you were just over 2500+ pob staked and now I think you are over 5,000 pob staked because I saw you in the Rich List.
Your speed is so amazing I hope I too can have that type of speed but I don't believe I can except I have money to buy liquid

They are literally killing it and indeed a great project.
Why can't POB try something like this? POB Owner should clarify his intentions to the community, if he himself do have enough time, he should create hire a Team of professionals and empower them with authority and power to carry on POB community forward.Active Participation of POB Owner and A Roadmap for future of POB. Have a look at the Roadmap of !PIZZA Token here :

no wonder Pizza keep increasing most of the time.

I do know that it is that I value and it's value is not decreasing like present pob
I hope pob would bounce back sooner I don't know what is used for but where I come across pizza is through @vikbuddy who do give pizza generously.

The pizza road map is just woo! Clear and developement focus. Just what we need right now.

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