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RE: POB TALK 17/08/2021 - #80

in #proofofbrain4 years ago

Indeed worrying is fruitless and should be tolerated or let to gain control in our minds. Worrying is counter productive to someone who intend to really achieve a certain things. I believe the opposite of worrying is what we should imbibe, that is faith or strong believe. All our cares should be casted on our Master's feet. The Lord God of Heaven. Believing in him takes out and disbelief that might have found footholds in our lives. When worrying comes to our minds we are to counter it by seeking solutions to what might be bothering us or trusting all our situation to God if we lack control of the situation. What I have also noticed about the thing called worry, most of the things we often worry about never actually manifest. When we recognize this truth, we will see the foolish of worrying in the first place.

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