Whenever I see swallows flying in the sky, my emotions get stirred up. Watching them soar through the air, captivates my eyes and I always stop to stare. They are very impressive as they use their pointed wings to fly from low near the ground to high in the sky. They usually fly in groups and whenever I see them, I know that summer is near.
Lately, my life has become more complicated, and with so much less free time. I feel like I need some extra space, some extra relaxing time. Seeing swallows almost feels like I am for a moment right there with them. High in the sky :)
AI image created using starryai
As we usually do not remember all information, I plan to make this post with a few interesting facts about them and also with some famous quotes.
Hopefully this will be educational, easy to remember and fun to read!
- Did you know that there are more than 84 recognized different swallow species in the whole world?.
- Did you know that it can take up to 1.200 journeys for a pair of swallows to create their nest? Only the female lines the nest.
- Mediterranean swallows often are first seen in April.
- Swallows are migratory birds. Did you know that the male swallow usually arrives back first from migration? When the males arrive, they sing hoping to attract the females. The females come approximately a week later (fun to keep them waiting, huh?) .
- It is considered to be a good omen seeing the first swallow of the year. There are Russian songs about them, written as a celebration for the end of the cold winter.
- Swallows are social birds. You will often see them in large flocks.
There are some interesting myths about swallows..
In ancient Greece, it was believed that swallows were gods transformed into birds.
In China, swallows are symbols of good fortune and happiness.
In Europe, swallows are combined with of the arrival of spring. They are also regarded as omens of love and loyalty. It is believed that if a swallow builds a nest on your house, it will bring you good luck and protection.
How are they called in different countries?
In German, swallow is Schwalbe
In Greek, swallow is Χελιδόνι. (chelidoni)
In Italian, swallow is rondine.
In French, swallow is hirondelle.
In Spanish, swallow is golondrina.
In Russian, swallow is ласточка (lastochka)
Famous quotes about swallows
"One swallow does not make a summer." - Aristotle
"The swallows that remain faithful to the same nest for life are an inspiration to us all." - Unknown
"The swallow is a bird that chooses a barn to nest, and a heart to love." - Unknown
Fun fact
I tried to create my first acrylic painting on canva a few months ago (last summer) and it was .. a swallow!
It may not look like one, but it was a liberating experience and I plan to draw more in the summer.
Thank you for visiting my post!
(1) https://www.livingwithbirds.com/tweetapedia/21-facts-on-swallow
(2) https://2man.org/birds/interesting-facts-about-swallows.html
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