in #proofofbrain3 years ago

AWS - it is a global cloud platform that allows one to host and manage services on internet.
It’s used by over 80% of Fortune 500 companies to host their infrastructure, and it has different types of services it gives to their costumers

  • Infrastructure service: it provides their server as service, and there is no need of back up or power.

  • Platform service: They have programming language of any type, so you won’t have binaries of apps.


-Software service: This is where you get emails and saas, sqa

-Cloud storage platform: This is where you have different storage options. ebs s3

    Aws is also a hosting provider that gives one a lot of services where you can run your applications on cloud .                 
               Why it is such a hit ?                    -Per hour billing: You get per hour billing in every instance you get a billing .               

-Easy sign up process: it is easy just sign up with your credit card and you are good to go. You can launch your service without buying any hardware, you can be up and running in minute .

-Simple billing: it is easy to understand and it gives you report every month and you can pull out based on anything.

-Stability: They are stable over all regions.

-Trusted vendor: They really trust them

                SERVICE OVERVIEW                  EC2(Elastic compute cloud ): This is a service which give one bear servers , it also gives a machine that can run application and softwares on, and you can get a big machine or small it’s base on one’s requirements.                                    

VPC(virtual private cloud ): Amazon will not let one get full control of the cloud instead they give chucks of their cloud which is (vpc).
VPC let’s one create network in the cloud and than run one servers in those network.
S3( Simple storage services): it gives the opportunity to upload and share files. It’s mostly a file storage and sharing services.

-RSD( Relational Database service): it’s allows you run and manage database on the cloud so they have got almost all the major of database from SQL sever to oracle and MySQL ;postgre sql and aurora which is new .

-Route53: it is DNS they have get a managed DNS service where and you can point your dns to amazon and they take care of the stuff . It is a global dns service and it’s a scalable dns service so it scale according to demand there is also elastic load balancer.

  • ELB(Elastic load balancing): it is the service which gives one the opportunity to load balanced incoming traffic to multiple machines, so you can scale up web applications to any numbers of users.
    -Autoscaling: it adds capacity on-the-fly to elastic balancers so that your website or application is not down due to a load.

     How much does it cost? 

*Per hour billing for almost everything: There is a per hour or per Gb monthly storage.

*Region specific pricing: Virginia in all the regions is the cheapest of them all because they have got some regions which they have got good hold of which are the headquarters Oregon and Virginia are the cheapest.

*Term specific pricing: They also give term service based on the term so you sign up something for a year it will be cheaper for you rather than signing up an on-demand basis so they have got reserved instances which are very cheap as compared to the on demand ones.
*Spot resources: Example of spot resources are spot instance so this is like a bidding market place where you can bid for a price, The only downside of this kind of pricing is that your machine might be terminated or your resources can be terminated if someone bid higher , people use these kind of things for doing some ad hoc on the search or some ad hoc task which are really not critical.
How big is it ?
They have over 15 regions across major countries of the world. They have a global footprint, when means if you are any where in the world you will have a region with in 1000 miles of your location.
Multiple availability zones per region, they have massive data center so each of the region has got multiple availability zone. One availability zone can be through of as a big data center the data center have anywhere from 300,000 to 500,000 serves.
What is the future ? They have 64 services currently which span across infrastructural services, software as a service, platform as a service . They are launching new services in all demand everyday right, they are focusing on machine learning so recently, they are focusing on software as a service where in they want to take control of service you want to utilize they don’t you to do it . They want you to upload to them . Reduction in cost : Once they scale up they reduce the price.


I'm something of an AWS expert myself, really

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