I see you

in #proofofbrain3 years ago (edited)

Ok, this is a little woo-woo. If you don't do woo-woo, move along, nothing to see here. These words are probably not for you.

Last night, when I'd really rather have been sleeping, these words kept echoing round in my head, until I had to write them down. At first they seemed to be my own thoughts, but it soon became apparent they were not. I don't know where, or who, they came from. Make of it what you will. This is what I heard.


I see you.

I see you all.

I see your posts scroll past, your comments or silent emojis, your agreements or disagreements, or that you silently passed by.

I see your love for your families, your communities, your gods.

I see your fears and frustrations, your heartaches and heart breaks.

I see your celebrations and your silliness, your joy and your laughter and your despair.

I see you doing what feels right for yourself, your family or the wider community and I love you for your open hearts.

I see you post relentlessly and tenaciously, day after day, and nobody listening. I love your passion and your bravery.

I see families, friendships and communities split apart and my heart grieves.

There is no need for division.

There is room for everybody's truths to co-exist.

Keeping the community safe and standing up for freedom are not mutually exclusive.

Allopathic medicine and natural healing are not enemies. Rather they are two parts of one whole. Both are needed and they strengthen each other.

Lay down your weapons of words and listen.

Not just to the words, which are imperfect communication, but to the intent behind them. To the heart and soul that are trying to be heard.

Lay down your anger and love one another, my children. Together you can work miracles in my name.

Be of good heart, do not despair and do not give up.



seems like me and you and @dreemit are in the same space.

too much hatred these days. its heartbreaking

Yes, have heard a couple more stories in the last few days of friends being absolutely slammed by family members for their stance. Banned from visiting, etc. It IS heartbreaking. But the 3 of us, and plenty of others, will keep holding the light.

It is heartbreaking, the real dis ease of the past couple years.

We'll just have to love bigger and harder ❤️

Allopathic medicine and natural healing are not enemies. Rather they are two parts of one whole. Both are needed and they strengthen each other.

I was just thinking about why people feel the need to defend their own beliefs and values so vigorously, and to be so vicious in their attack of anything foreign. Personally, I still feel it has to do with a lack of faith, and insecurity deep down, but who knows?

There is room for everybody's truths to co-exist.

Ah, but that might give rise to other dangerous ideas. Like we can all live in peace. Your fellow human beings aren't the enemy...but then, who is?

Cynicism aside, I so hope you're right. :)

Someone I was listening to the other day (maybe David Wilcock?) was saying that a lot of people are still in a kind of pack mindset - not his words and put that way sounds judgmental. But I mean that the security of the pack / community is more important to them than their own personal safety. Personal freedom is a concept so alien to them that they don't want it and can't even understand it. You and I are dangerous threats! I'm more inclined to think it's faith in the wrong things, than no faith. But yes, I'm seeing a fear which then becomes more intense as they're forced to doubt the narrative.

Peace? Crazy talk! But surely what we all yearn for - we just have different ideas about the price we're prepared to pay for it.

I hope I'm right too! I trust I am.

We all need a little woo woo in our lives! <3

Yeah I'm good with a bit of woo woo (but not posting this anywhere else!)

The world will be a better place if there are less divisions and more inclusive. We can always agree to disagree.