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The reason why people also panic sell thier pob at a low price is
Wrong perspective
My question is what is your perspective about pob.
When I was invited to this community I was told that there is a new site where people are earning free money and that was my perspective when I joined this community because that was how I was invited.
I know that I am not the only one that was invited that way,and many others will be invited the same way I was invited to earn free money.
but after reaching this community I see that things are not like that. This is a social Media platform that wants to grow and dominate the world of social media same as also the pob token also wanna grow have have value.
Right now we must change the way we think of proof of brain community as a free money and we must look at it as a growing community and we must help it to grow together.


If this was free money, our brain was a useless piece of art :P

There is nothing called as free money, my friend! If it was that easy to earn here, I would have been a billionaire in 3 years of time. It comes with a lot of dedication and hard work and undoubtedly, putting your brain in the right direction.

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My question is what is your perspective about pob.
When I was invited to this community I was told that there is a new site where people are earning free money and that was my perspective when I joined this community because that was how I was invited.

Exactly what I was told, that I should just be commenting "wow and very good"... 🤣 🤣 And I will be getting money..

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For sure there perspective about pob is bad, that is why they are selling it anyhow.

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