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in #proofofbrain3 years ago

Hive = the platform that encourages - and rewards, mediocrity, conformity and sycophancy.
DPoS with down voting is digital feudalism, nothing less.

It's all based on a 'rewards' or 'punishment' system - but on hive, the law is written by the large stakeholders, and the 'justice' is decided by those very same large stakeholders - and 'value of work' is also decided by those same large stakeholders ....(i.e -it's Communism/centralized controlled economy/ technocracy).

But they also never shut up about it being decentralized' ...MMMmmmm....Gaslighted , anyone?


I have put my heart and soul into posts on Hive. This is no exaggeration. I have no interest in crypto, never have had. I don't use Hive for that reason, but very recently I have noticed that the quality of posts which trend is diabolical. I would be ashamed to put my name to any of them and yet they seem to earn huge rewards and I really could not figure out why....
Thanks to your recent posts (which I have been checking over the past hour or so) I have understood what is happening.
Correct me if I am wrong but it looks as if Hive was providing an excellent and popular space for genuine ethical freedom loving people to express themselves. This was noticed by the unethical globalist Black Nobility and they have infiltrated Hive with their minions who are tasked to destroy it.
If I am right then I can see no hope for Hive. It has been hijacked and is a cadaver on a slab, waiting for burial.

This interview is of great interest - the events in Kazakstan have shown that only one platform still worked - what he is saying has shown to be true:

Hi guys! I'm new to hive but understand this predicament, as explained by a friend of mine that has 2 years already here.

You can check the white paper here:
We are trying as a team to implement a Dapp that can potentially change everything its called #Matrix-8

It's a Decentralized Governance system. We're very close to moving into the testing phase and would really appreciate a hand and more people to join at the moment.


Correct me if I am wrong but it looks as if Hive was providing an excellent and popular space for genuine ethical freedom loving people to express themselves. This was noticed by the unethical globalist Black Nobility and they have infiltrated Hive with their minions who are tasked to destroy it.

There are two possibilities, as I see it.
The one you've out lined above, and the other one - a case of incompetence, lack of understanding of psychology, and greed.
Judging by actions (the allocation of rewards), I'm more inclined to believe total idiocy and avarice, over deep state. (although both options may well be at work).

If I am right then I can see no hope for Hive. It has been hijacked and is a cadaver on a slab, waiting for burial.

...barring something innovative (which I doubt), and with the continued nepotism and sycophancy being supported - it's almost a mathematical certainty.
It will collapse under the weight of it's own self indulgence and incompetence.
Psychologically speaking, it's becoming more and more apparent that it's a 'midwit enclave' (see my older posts about that one)... A bureaucratic mindset, with a talent for administering systems -and that's about it.
This would also explain the natural hostility to anyone that shows independent thought, humor, and who's not scared to ask questions and ruffle feathers ( an anathema to 'the midwit psychology').

Having spoken to some people who really know what they're on about (dealing with funds greater than the entire market cap of hive) and after looking briefly at the governance systems in place - they wouldn't touch it with a barge pole as an investment possibility.

Cadaver, indeed...

Just without down voting alone (Blurt), the environment is positive - with none of the juvenile power games.... d/v'ing gives total control to the large stakeholders.
That's why I cannot really support vyb - for ethical reasons - it's a layer built on hive, and thus, if that profits, so do the idiot power mongers on hive.
I have a real issue with contributing to anything that will profit the morons that have attacked me for the last 9 months !