No! Impossible! Most people are completely brainwashed. Politicians are fighting over who would get the vaxx first!
Now doctors and nurses have come out to demand priority for vaxx as they are frontline workers! You wouldn’t believe the success of propaganda by the mass media!
Even the left wing activists are demanding western vaxx instead of Chinese vaxx. There’s a telegram chat among few people and some expats.
Sadly, the education system had been designed to brainwash people! The cabal has a deep root in South East Asia! Things have been planned in advance for over two hundreds years! The jesuits did arrived here with the colonisation phase. We have many local traitors for decades.
Most people are still sleeping walking into the abyss.
Being a vegetarian by default; I am not a good cook! But I do eat fish when other people cook them for me!
No! Impossible! Most people are completely brainwashed. Politicians are fighting over who would get the vaxx first!
Now doctors and nurses have come out to demand priority for vaxx as they are frontline workers! You wouldn’t believe the success of propaganda by the mass media!
Even the left wing activists are demanding western vaxx instead of Chinese vaxx. There’s a telegram chat among few people and some expats.
It helps to have been semi-vegetarian for many years.
Take care.
Are Thai people easily prone to taking orders and not asking questions ?
Thanks for link.. you may have to give me some tips on how to be a vegetarian...🤣
Sadly, the education system had been designed to brainwash people! The cabal has a deep root in South East Asia! Things have been planned in advance for over two hundreds years! The jesuits did arrived here with the colonisation phase. We have many local traitors for decades.
Most people are still sleeping walking into the abyss.
Being a vegetarian by default; I am not a good cook! But I do eat fish when other people cook them for me!
Your area ( and all areas ) needs to cultivate young free thinking leaders.. The masses of people may want to be free of tranny but need spokesmen .