Memories Behind A Smile

in #proofofbrain3 years ago


Too Young To Worry​​​​

As a kid, growing up was a lot of fun. There was almost nothing to worry about as most of what is needed would be taken care of by someone else. Just get up from bed, with lips painted in dry saliva from the peaceful sleep, and find your way to the cleansing area to tidy up. The next thing to do is head over to the dining and gobble up as much food as the little tummy can handle. Then walk along with friends to school carrying a backpack and a foodbox that matches.
It was a special kind of joy.

Moment Of Worry​​​​

Having a flashback to the days gone by and comparing them with the present moment leaves me at crossroads. Where did those cute smiles go? The joy of freedom from stress? That happy me that worries of nothing beyond petty chores and exam fever? So heartbreaking! Has life has changed from what it used to be? Or I've grown enough to see beyond the four walls of joy. I used to believe in every relationship having happy endings but life has shown me that's mere fantasy.

Enough To Worry About

Life is such a mean thing - A two-faced coin. You either get to leave at a young age, or live long and watch those around you leave. It is hardly a choice to pick a short life as we all want to live for as long as we can. There are those points in time when you find yourself tied to sorrowful events, which then blindfolds the happiness meant to be seen. What is there to be smiling about? It could have been me that left.

Worry More, Smile Less

The smile I was accustomed to gradually began to disappear into thin air. With my little experience worth about a quarter of a century, it has been a tough call to always hope for the joyful side of things always. There have been people so close to me, young and old, who have finished eating their share of life. As every new day comes to life and I find myself awake and alive, the thoughts of those that have been around and are no more makes my heart heavy. Then it somehow drifts to asking for the unknown. Whose turn is it today?

Worry Not For Ever

The worldly life is just an amusement and diversion. There's enough to reason as to why it happens. Despite all, the smile that gets lost does have to find it's way home. Thinking about what has happened in the past or what's to happen in the future is quite the catch of pain. The present is what really matters as it blends with the past and ease into the future. Filter out as much joy from it and let the smile be free.

When today's path is walked on with care, the yesterday's is not something to worry about and even tomorrow's would not be one to fear about.

Content can be found elsewhere under the same username.


Images are mine unless stated otherwise with respective sources.
Graphics made on Canva with Bitmoji integration.

Although we feel sad whenever we think about the previous colors of our life, but its the part of life and everyone is moving through this life cycle. So be hopeful and enjoy the present.
Btw good to see you here.