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in #proofofbrain4 years ago (edited)

You're using the concept of "sharing" incorrectly. "Sharing" is something consumers do after a content creator publishes something. If the content creator is attempting to make their content go viral by "sharing" it across several platforms, they're failing. Since there are multiple instances of the same content, the consumers can only pick up and "share" each instance a few times, so it stagnates due the fractured nature of the markets. X amount of consumers carry THIS link, this far. X amount of consumers carry THIS link (which is the same content as the previous link), this far. Each instance dies out, just like it would if it was going viral, but a lot faster since there are fewer hands/eyes on each instance.

If there was one instance surrounded by all consumers, then it can spread and pick up momentum. All eyes would be glued to the same instance, some eyes would share, more eyes see, and so on. One instance. That's how the internet has always worked.


Jeepers, I had to read that comment a few times to work out just what I was about to disagree with!

I'm talking about sharing as in putting some information on a platform filled with mind controlled sheeple, and so causing one of them to have a full on red pill moment and decide to not have a graphine oxide injection, so potentially changing the course of their life and awakening from the covid cult. Yes that happened to at least one person I know last week. I fucking hate fakebook, but that is a small success.


Oh. The ole Jehovah Witness approach. Gotcha.

I thought you were talking about legit content distribution. My bad.

Legit? - what on earth is legit in the matrix?

It's a word. Short for 'legitimate'. So in the context here we have "legitimate content distribution". It's kind of like saying, "There's a functional way, and a dysfunctional way. Choosing the dysfunctional approach but expecting the same results as the functional approach would be an indication of moronic behavior within the matrix, again."
Zing! Just fucking with you buddy.

I know - you are an odd bugger...keeps me on my toes!

Dance mother fucker! Dance!