I saw that there were a lot of people talking about Encanto, I had no idea what it was, I just know that the animation looks a lot like Coco. Harley is amazing, super cute. When I had a bad memory my mother used to tell me to eat broccoli, I recommend it, even though I can't even remember my birthday nowadays. I'm sure by the time I'm 30 I'll forget how to wipe my butt. Take good care of yourself, soon your brain will be back to normal and on fire. 🔥
You should watch Encanto, it is awesome. Just grab yourself a big bowl of broccoli and you will be set. About halfway into the movie, your broccoli farts will be kicking in too, so you can fart with the beat of the songs.
I totally agree with this, all green veg help to form new cognitive pathways in the brain.