Personally I feel pob needs lots of use case to be outstanding, it needs to be recognized beyond hive. People should use pob token as a way of incentivizing brain work outside hive. The more the use case, the more the value of pob token. The supply of pob token was one of the reasons I got interested. The supply is just 21 million, we already have 1 million token in circulation and proofofbrain is not up to a year yet, the community is growing really fast as more people are coming. I love the halving activating depicting that of bitcoin. I noticed the curation reward quantity of curating on pob has reduced which is nice reducing the rate the supply gets in circulation. If the use case gets expanded, the more people will use it and the more it gets valuable. Even 0.1 or 0.01 pob will be highly valuable. I wouldn’t mind listing pob on other exchanges. Imagine pob being used to pay for educations as one of its use case.
Wow wow wow wow wow
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the thing that pob lack the most is it use case. the only use case pob has is that it can be exchanged to hive and that's all.
But for pob to rise beyond limit it must have all the use case @readthisplease