How can Proof of Brain get rid of cheaters in the community?
You can't get rid of cheaters in the community. You can, however, minimize the attempts. No one person will do it alone. It takes a majority of the community to play a role in mitigating the problem.
I've downvoted a lot of articles because of various forms of justifiable fraud. It takes a lot of work to verify it's fraud, report it to the community, remove the rewards, and notify the user. Sometimes, it is all I do in a day. Now and again, I'll do it so much in a day that I'll burn through my VP in one sitting. And I'm just one person doing it.
Downvotes alone won't get rid of the cheaters. Community action will reduce it to as low as possible and you won't even have to DV to do it. Downvotes provide a small group of people an ability to reach a larger audience. However, if no one wants to use it, then it's a pointless tool.
Do you want to know what could get rid of the cheaters?
- Community members screening posts for potential fraud.
- They communicate concerns to the community or its most outspoken members
- Notify the user of suspected fraud.
- Validate suspected fraud or get consensus on it.
- Don't vote on the user's article.
You don't need to pass community rules or guidelines. You just need to act.
I have DV'd people in the past and I was WRONG. Being professional, going through your steps to validate fraud, and being accountable for a mistake moves mountains. The people I DV'd erroneously never uttered a negative word at me. Because I engaged with them and then we moved on.
I have also DV'd people in the past and I wasn't wrong. Sometimes they wouldn't respond back and continued to make their money. Sometimes, the people admitted the error and never did it again.
We have to work as a team to solve our own problems.
i want to propose some point and ways to reduce fraudulent activities, but i'm still putting it up together, how ever those who are doing this are the one affecting the price of the #pob token.
they do not care of the price since they got it through fraudulent act and they affect those who are dedicated to the community.
you are truly right. to detect a fraudulence post is a rigorous work but the truth is that how many posts are people reading per day not to talk of detecting fraud. even when you notice or suspect that a post may contian some fraud how do you go about to know it is really a plagiarized content?
the truth is that an individual cannot detect except if there is someone is seriously monitoring all content being posted to this group which i believe no one will like to do this?
sometimes i try to see the content that people post per hour, you will discovered that what is posted in this community is often more than what one person can read in just four hours not to talk of looking for if it is a plagiarized content.
the treatment you sited above is cool for me and i think it is nice.
but in addition it will be good if some accounts can be deactivated for some days after detecting plagiarizm in a content with the original source being stated in the comment section so that the person will know that people in the community has gone extra mile to detect the work the person is copying from.
#topic Can proofofbrain community be centralised
Decentralization is a great disadvantage to identity theft, stopping of illegal transaction transaction is not possible in a decentralized government.
#topic Is there any solution of centralizing a decentralized organization in other to take control of illegal activities in crypto world?
I don't know any solution but if there can be a solution that will save the world of cryptocurrency then cryptocurrency will become an official legal tender to the whole world.
This issue has once been discussed between I and @scholaris about the issue of decentralization of this platform which he said this community does not have control over your asset
Said by @scholaris.pob
So this question of yours is also a question in my heart to centralize this decentralized platform to gain full controls and take a great precaution and act to anything illegal in this community.
provided you have your proof i don't think you are wrong? the truth is that downvoting a plagiarized content is for the person to know that the community is meant for people to use their brain rather than free money zone. but you need to put or reference the page where you see the content that is the way to justify the downvoting if not one may misjudge the writer for is effort.
For me i think there should be a measure to know if a content is a plagiarised so that one will not downvote a good effort