Last year I read an excellent post about freemasonry and shared it on my WordPress blog. I'm in the process of updating all my web-pages at the moment and have been finding some gems like this that I never posted on Hive because they were not originally based on my own content.
New Zealand, like most countries, is being deliberately screwed over by a gang of traitorous politicians. There is no doubt that the NZ "prime minister" is a freemason, that part is not even a secret. I have done lots of pictures of Comrade Arden, our glorious leader, which I've posted all over the internet. But for some reason I don't sign any of them...
Looking back now at some of my old blog posts, even some where all I did was to add extra pictures and do a few edits, some of that content is too important to just leave to disappear into the wilderness, and a good way to share content like this on censored platforms, is to get a copy of it on the block chain and then post links back to it.
I've long thought one of the best uses for Hive is to post a bunch of censored content online, but at the same time I've been hesitant to share any of my mostly copy and paste posts in case I get called out for plagiarism.
Last year I tried an experiment with tuning off the rewards, but the catch with that is nobody upvotes posts with the rewards tuned off, so everyone appears to ignore your posts, and you end up looking like a total loser.
There are powerful whale accounts who censor exactly this sort of content, and who use any excuse they can think of to justify their actions. I've previously had run ins with whales over this subject on both Steemit and Hive, but hopefully Proof Of Brain is not under their control. If we are not able to discuss zionist bankers on Hive, we are not on a free platform.
There are people on Hive doing posts saying Bitcoin is about to go down (consolidating), and meanwhile there other people saying it is about to go up (mooning). But without saying when, why, or how long for, it's like saying that it will be lighter or darker tomorrow without mentioning the concept of night and day. So about as helpful as posting audios of yourself farting.
What very few people seem to dare to discuss is that Bitcoin is owned and controlled by the same zionist bankers who own and control almost every government on the planet. Bitcoin is manipulated up and down using massive funds to pump and dump the price, along with controlled influencers like Elon Musk to rev things up as required.
But the far bigger potential manipulation (very likely to be coming soon) is government regulations. And that is easy to do when you own all the governments. Bitcoin is by no means unique amongst cryptos in being a potential one world currency Trojan. Most cryptos have satanic logos for good reason.
It's vital that people wake up to what these forces of evil are up to, so here is a copy of the latest post I've added today to my new blog site It is an update of a post published on Wake Up New Zealand last year which was an edit of a post originally published here on Veterans Today
Freemasonry: Mankind’s Death Wish
Freemasonry is a secret society and judaizing movement. Only those in the upper echelon actually know what is really going on.
“To be initiated into the higher degrees of Freemasonry, the adept must agree to become an assassin of Adoniram. He must be willing to assassinate Christ and his representatives on earth. The revolutionary intent of Freemasonry becomes clear when the adept is informed that he must be willing to kill the king. Mystical Masonry is synonymous with Revolution”
Aleister Crowley, a 33rd degree mason who ended up having a master effect on pop music, held “group orgies” as part of his regular rituals, and ended up influencing sex perverts such as Alfred Kinsey, also performed similar rituals.
Some scholars would point out that “Rosicrucianism played an important role in the formation of Freemasonry.”
If that is the case, then we have another piece of evidence on our hands which clearly indicates that a marriage between Freemasonry and Rosicrucianism is almost unavoidable.
Both Freemasonry and Rosicrucianism, at their eventual root, sought to denigrate and attack Logos and this was very important during the French Revolution.
Since that was the case, again the marriage between the French Revolution and Jewish movements were two sides of the same coin. Isaac M. Wise wrote in 1866 that “Masonry is a Jewish institution, whose history, degrees, charges, passwords and explanations are Jewish from beginning to end.”
Henry Makow: The source of the world’s problems: The Gentile “leadership” has been chosen for its willingness to sell its soul to Cabalist central bankers by joining Freemasonry, which is Judaism for Gentiles.
Architects of Deception, (2004) a 600-page history of Freemasonry by Estonian writer Jyri Lina offers profound insight into the true character of modern history.
Essentially, a dominant segment of Western society has joined the Khazarian financial elite in embracing Freemasonry, a satanic philosophy that represents a death wish for civilization.
They imagine somehow they will profit from the oppression, lies and suffering caused by their Communist “New World Order.”
Incredible, bizarre and depressing as it sounds, Lina writes that 300 mainly Jewish banking families have used Freemasonry as an instrument to subvert, control and degrade the Western world.
This view is consistent with the 1938 NKVD interrogation of an illuminati member who names many of these banking families and confirms that Freemasons are expendable tools.
Based on the archives of the powerful French Grand Orient Lodge, captured in June 1940 and later made public by the Russians, Lina details how Freemasonry has conspired for world domination and orchestrated all major revolutions and wars in the modern era. (Lina, p.332)
Masons, often Jewish, are responsible for communism, zionism, socialism, liberalism, and feminism. They love big government because it is the ultimate monopoly. “World government” (dictatorship) is the final trophy.
These “world revolutionary” “progressive” movements all mirror Lucifer’s rebellion against the laws of God and nature which is at the heart of Freemasonry.
They ensnare millions of gullible idealists by promising a utopia based on materialism and “reason” and dedicated to “liberty, equality and fraternity,” “public ownership” or some other idealistic sounding claptrap. It’s called bait-and-switch.
According to Lina: “The primary aim of modern freemasonry is to build the New World Order, a spiritual Temple of Solomon, where non-members are nothing but slaves [and] …where human beings would be sacrificed to Yahweh.” (52)
Lina cites numerous Jewish sources that claim Freemasonry is based on Judaism and is “the executive political organ of the Jewish financial elite.” (81-83)
The common goal of these Masonic inspired movements is to undermine religion, nation and family by promoting social division, self-indulgence and “tolerance” i.e. nihilism, globalism, sexual “liberation” and homosexuality thereby reducing humanity to a uniform dysfunctional and malleable mush.
Lina and others who attempt to alert humanity to its real condition are routinely slandered as anti-Semitic, fascist, and right wing “haters” by people indirectly employed by the bankers.
This tactic shields the conspirators from scrutiny and makes discussion of our grim predicament impossible.
The majority of Jews are not part of the banking monopoly. By way of analogy, the mafia is considered mostly Italian but most Italians do not belong to the mafia.
On the other hand, Italians don’t viciously attack opponents of organized crime and call them “racists” and “hate mongers”. That would look awfully suspicious. Jews compromise themselves by their defense of the Masonic Jewish bankers and their perverse vision for humanity.
We cannot understand the modern world unless we appreciate that it is the result of the Masonic conspiracy. People scoff yet the evidence stares them in the face every day.
Lina believes, “Freemasonry plays the same role in Western society as the Communist Party did in the Soviet Union. Without belonging to the freemasonry there is no chance of a fast career, regardless of how talented one is.”
Keep in mind that Communism was a Masonic enterprise and the puzzle starts to take shape.
Lina says Freemasons not only control politics but also virtually every sector of Western society, including science and culture. “The present cultural life has become virtually unconscious,” he writes. “We have witnessed the beginning of cultural senility.” (333)
In his pamphlet “The Open Conspiracy: Blueprint for a World Revolution” (1929) the Freemason H.G. Wells describes an “open secret society” consisting of society’s leading men operating as a hidden force to secure world resources, reduce population through war and replace the nation state with world dictatorship. (340)
Masonic Ideology
Human beings are naturally attracted to good and repulsed by evil. Thus evil always represents itself as good.
To the public, and its own lower ranks, Freemasonry pretends to be dedicated to “making good men better”, humanism, tolerance, and you-name-it.
If this were true, would they have to extract vows of secrecy from members on pain of slitting their throat? Would they have been condemned by many Popes and banned from numerous countries? (84)
I do not wish to impugn the many good and decent men in the lower “Blue Degrees” who are unaware of Freemasonry’s true function and character.
But there is abundant evidence and testimony that Freemasonry is a satanic cult dedicated to the worship of death. (134-138)
For example, when the Italian Grand Orient Lodge was evicted from the Palazzio Borghese in Rome in 1893, the owner found a shrine dedicated to Satan.
The Italian freemasons published a newspaper in the 1880s where they admitted time and again, “Our leader is Satan!” (135)
The Masons also admit to having a revolutionary political agenda.
Typical of statements Lina cites from Masonic publications is the following from a German magazine in 1910: “The driving thought is at all times focused on destruction and annihilation, because the power of this great secret society can only rise from the ruins of the existing order of society.” (272)
The Illuminist Conspiracy is the brake responsible for humanity’s arrested development. Mankind resembles a person suffering from a serious disease and sinking into a coma.
Juri Lina wrote that we face “the largest spiritual crisis in the history of mankind. They have taken our history, our dignity, our wisdom and our honor, sense of responsibility, spiritual insights and our traditions”
We are partly to blame, he says: “We have failed to act against the Masonic madness due to our enormous gullibility. We have been totally fooled and ignored the warning signals.”(274)
He ends on a hopeful note, saying evil is dysfunctional and inevitably destroys itself. “Freemasonry carries within it the seeds of its own destruction.” (563)
Wars, revolutions and depressions are all part of a “revolutionary” process designed to frogmarch humanity to “world government” under the rubric of Freemasonry which may be a surrogate for an alliance of occult Khazarian and gentile financial elites.
Their “self-destruction” seems to be our best hope since the public is too feckless and weak to resist.
Human beings are naturally attracted to good and repulsed by evil.
Is that why Hive never grows...?
I suspect that like everywhere else, there is a war waging between good and evil on Hive. Sometimes it's a bit of a downer that evil fuckers clearly have larger wallets, but on the upside, they are greedy, lazy, bloated, humourless twats, rushing their plans out before the adrenochome runs out and they all drop dead.
And drop dead soon they will! (Yes that is hopium, but if it helps I'll put it in my vape and inhale it)
Sometimes it's a bit of a downer that evil fuckers clearly have larger wallets, but on the upside, they are greedy, lazy, bloated, humourless twats,
....And they think that's their good points !!!....bless
When I copied the post I cut off the final few sentences (now fixed):
We are partly to blame, he says: “We have failed to act against the Masonic madness due to our enormous gullibility. We have been totally fooled and ignored the warning signals.”(274)
He ends on a hopeful note, saying evil is dysfunctional and inevitably destroys itself. “Freemasonry carries within it the seeds of its own destruction.” (563)
Wars, revolutions and depressions are all part of a “revolutionary” process designed to frogmarch humanity to “world government” under the rubric of Freemasonry which may be a surrogate for an alliance of occult Khazarian and gentile financial elites.
Their “self-destruction” seems to be our best hope since the public is too feckless and weak to resist.
synchronicity - post coming very shorty...
Speaking about plagiarism , the story's Freemason's believe where copy pasted many times before they made them there own . The god's they claim to work for are long gone . Just some pretenders doing there best taking in those godly positions .
Fucked up part is that we are all blind to it while we consent to there trickery calling it all a conspiracy . ;-)
They have never had an original thought ever, have they?
Patriot broadcaster William Cooper studied and uncovered the high level Freemasons in the 1990s and did a special series called Mystery Babylon--it's all about their brotherhood formation history, meaning, and satanic religious beliefs and practices.
Download for free--
Audio files
And they had him murdered for predicting 9/11 three months before it happened...
I always liked the idea that the dark forces on Earth are really shadow forces. And the shadow needs the lght in order to exist. Meaning the shadow forces and their network of crownies can only do their thing because people supply them with their light, their energy. Complete darkness will make the shadows cease, so would complete light. So I feel the gang and their crownies always have to balance their role if they are to continue with their mad intentions.
on the censorship thingie: you could - instead of declining payout - send the rewards to a beneficiary such as the hive dao, or simply burn the rewards. would still get votes that way presumably and hence visibility.
I'm sure it is them feeding us all the fudporn about how evil they are for that reason. It can be hard to keep in mind sometimes - maybe exposing them is actually helping them, if it is done in a fearful way.
My latest plan is to write new intros for my old blog posts as I post them on Hive, to give them a bit of a spruce up.
one mind at a time yea
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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:
This is so cringe
Ok, who is the slut in the photos, I need her number and rates, if it has a cock I am getting a refund, but for now I am all in!
it has a cock but doesn't give refunds
lol then she is getting taken hostage and ill ask her important friends for cash dollars.