Dreemport is a great site (https://dreemport.com/port/profile) created by @dreemsteem and her team. The core idea is that it is a site where you submit your post to be curate by multiple people based on their system. The catch is that for you to be able to submit a post you need to first curate five posts. That way there is a pay it forward kind of activity where you curate today and your post goes out to peopl to curate tomorrow. Curation means that you check the post and rank it, vote for the posts you like, and more often than not leave a comment too. That way we generate some network traffic too and grow out tribe.
My experience at Dreemport has been very positive, and these games they run are just the cherry on top of the cake. If you want to know more you can go to the site or even pop over on the Discord channel for Dreemport (https://discord.gg/EyRU7V6)
No, Dreemport is Hive adjacent but not within the blockchain. So you need to create a normal application id there. Dreemport helps curate posts from anywhere not just Hive, but it is mostly used by Hiveians :)
It does have connection to Keychain. So when you do transactions there with these cards and NFTs that is written into the Hive Blockchain. You can get better answers from the experts over on the site or on Discord :)
Dreemport is a great site (https://dreemport.com/port/profile) created by @dreemsteem and her team. The core idea is that it is a site where you submit your post to be curate by multiple people based on their system. The catch is that for you to be able to submit a post you need to first curate five posts. That way there is a pay it forward kind of activity where you curate today and your post goes out to peopl to curate tomorrow. Curation means that you check the post and rank it, vote for the posts you like, and more often than not leave a comment too. That way we generate some network traffic too and grow out tribe.
My experience at Dreemport has been very positive, and these games they run are just the cherry on top of the cake. If you want to know more you can go to the site or even pop over on the Discord channel for Dreemport (https://discord.gg/EyRU7V6)
I hope this helps :)
Wow my good friend this looks like a really lucrative thing on Blockchain I'm barley one week in Hive and you're giving me good advice
Do I log in with my Hive Username
No, Dreemport is Hive adjacent but not within the blockchain. So you need to create a normal application id there. Dreemport helps curate posts from anywhere not just Hive, but it is mostly used by Hiveians :)
It does have connection to Keychain. So when you do transactions there with these cards and NFTs that is written into the Hive Blockchain. You can get better answers from the experts over on the site or on Discord :)
Wow, I really should sign up for this😍😍😍