Wow... That's so tragic. If only the parents had gotten Tom some help instead of ignoring the issue, maybe he never would have committed murder.
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Wow... That's so tragic. If only the parents had gotten Tom some help instead of ignoring the issue, maybe he never would have committed murder.
Tom and Floyd lived in a family where the children worked to gain the favor and attention of their parents. Tom's father never admitted it, but he probably helped Tom dispose of Camille's body. Fortunately, there was a sliver of good within Tom because he couldn't keep the secret to himself. He ran to the police to confess.
However, his parent's probably convinced him to frame his brother Floyd. Tom was his parents' favorite son after all. They didn't mind getting rid of Floyd for the sake of the favorite.
Sacrificing one child for another is just messed up... Perhaps the one injustice that was never put at least attempted to be put right is that the parents walk away unpunished. Tom paid with his life. Floyd was set free. Camille's killer was brought into the light. But what about the parents...
Oh, yeah. There's something definitely odd about those parents. The fact that the dad had something to do with the victim speaks volumes. I'm just curious if the police ever hauled him in for questioning regarding his DNA.
I don't know, but he was probably an accessory to murder, so should have at least been questioned!