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RE: E02-From Enemies to Friends

in #proofofbrain3 years ago
  1. Is it because we created borders? Do these borders and language differences cause xenophobia? Is our language fundamentally flawed by western media monopolies that own the narrative? Is it a etymological problem that we aren't intellectually cultivated?
  2. I think that language as you had already mentioned can cause subjective meanings to be collectively distorted. We all make individual connections, and language can not always serve as a medium to understand each other. We have seven senses that transcend language, which each one of us can cultivate and use to communicate. Vocal, Visual, Auditory, Olfactory and Gustatory, the power of mind... What might be the 7th? Maybe a combination of all the 6?

Welcome to Hive Peter. Very pleased to have made your acquaintance and I am looking forward to reading more upcoming revelations.


I hope you speak German: - das ist alles mit dem Wort-Intellekt nicht befriedigend zu erklären - man verstrickt sich darin - Ich hoffe Du erarbeitest Dir ein weiterführendes Verstehen... Can you help me dealing with the included error message - came after trying to edit a post.


It is simpler; language is personally-neutral, unsuited to understand real human systems; each of us is not just a human, but a manifestation of ones out of 1728 possible open-ended generative priciples which cannot be locked into a personally neutral word without undue stress; words are something like a coffin on a flying carpet in the zeitgeist heading for disruption...