Agenda 2030 Perpetuated by Propaganda

Since most people are involved with politics, there's some crucial information to know ahead of time. There's a plan already in place to restructure society called Agenda 2030. The plan was previously known by another name but that's another tangent. Anyways, back on the main topic, the plan is to corral society into small designated areas (like reservations).

One of the ploys being used as means to justify the corralling is global warming. Granted, I use to believe in global warming but for me that was a means to an end. The end being that government would mandate that industries would develop sustainable systems and stop terrorizing Earth. It wasn't until I stood up for what I believed in, namely global warming, that I was introduced to the conflicts of interests and the glaring contradictions and this toppled me over. Every bit of scientific data that I thought proved man-made global warming is real was found to be either manufactured, fabricated or misapplied.

A resource shared with me, which I value greatly, revealed much of what they don't show in Mainstream Media. What's even more, this resource provides reference material that not only points to the claim but to the data(if any) used to justify the claim along with information in scientific journals that contradict the claim. What this does is makes it easy for me to decide for myself what to think.

Deciding for yourselves on what to think is especially important if you are planning on going to the ballot box. Though the issue of how best to restrict the behavior of mankind might not be so directly phrased on the ballot, these politicians and their system are coy at revealing their true intent. Besides for it not being anybody else's right to rule over other people, it is important to note the deceptive means that are employed because this will make it easier to have clear decision making ability.

Linked in is a recently released video #ProgandaWatch. Though it may sound intimidating, the video does well to show contradictions that the policy makers want you to believe is sound science. It's not too long (23:15) and it's jam-packed full of credible information. I share it here because I recommend this to all family and friends with whom I have a connection with.