How Humanity Could Become Impossible To Propagandize

I've been writing a lot about how the ability to control public narratives is the only real power in this world, and how the need of the ruling elites to wield that power explains everything from the feigned panic about "Russian propaganda" to Wikipedia's bizarre editing policies to why Joy Reid still has a job. In my opinion it is impossible to overemphasize the impact that narrative and the myriad agendas to control it has on human life. Indeed, if a critical mass of individuals experienced a deep enough insight into the nature of mental narrative, all of our challenges as a species could be resolved very easily.

A search for the word "narrative" on the WikiLeaks website turns up tens of thousands of results. This is because the manipulators who work for the institutions that tend to have documents leaked to that outlet are well aware that the actual raw information about a government, a political campaign, event, etc. have far less impact on the way the public thinks about them than the sparkly, simplified, tweet-sized stories (narratives) that get circulated about those things on a large scale.

For example, if you ask an American political pundit about the president's dealings with North Korea, you will likely be told that Trump is either a brilliant strategist who is almost single-handedly bringing peace to the Korean Peninsula or an incompetent imbecile who is getting "played" by Pyongyang, depending on which side of the partisan divide that pundit is loyal to. Both sides have access to the same information, but they are advancing wildly different narratives about it, because each side has an agenda that they know will be advanced if their narrative becomes dominant. In reality, neither narrative has much to do with what has actually been going on in the Korean negotiations, but that's another story.

Narrative rules our world today, from our most basic concepts about ourselves to the behavior of nations and governments. Right now your direct experience of life is little more than the air going in and out of your respiratory system, your gaze moving from left to right over this text, and perhaps the sensation of your bum in a chair or sofa; without any narrative overlay, those experiences are all you are in this moment. Add in mental narrative and all of a sudden you're a particular individual with a particular name and a particular story, who has perhaps some concerns about the future and regrets about the past, with all sorts of desires and goals and fears and aversions. As far as your actual present experience is concerned, all that stuff is pure mental noise. Pure narrative.

The same is true of things like power, money, and government. There is nothing grafted onto the electrons of the universe which says that the world needs to be mostly ruled by a few billionaires and their lackeys. Only the made-up rules about how power, money and government operate cause that to be the case, and those rules are only as true as we all collectively agree to pretend they are. They are all mental constructs that people made up, and we can therefore change them whenever we want to. Which is why so much plutocratic effort goes into making sure that we don't.

Narrative dominates our society from top to bottom, which means that all someone has to do to control society is control its narratives. If people are sick, hungry, or poor, you don't have to give them medicine, food or money to pacify them; you can just give them a narrative instead. If you can get them subscribed to the notion that attempts to rectify these problems with economic justice ought to be rejected and avoided by all hardworking Americans, you can have them defending the plutocracy and advocating their own poverty without giving them a thing. In a society where power is relative and money equals power, the rich are necessarily incentivized to keep everyone else poor in order to retain power, so using narrative control to pacify the masses is a common and useful tactic.

I look at mankind and I see a species in an awkward transitionary phase, like how the ancestors of birds probably were before they really got that whole flying thing down. We've evolved these gigantic brains which give us a capacity for abstract thought that has enabled us to out-survive and out-thrive other competing organisms, but we haven't yet moved into a mature relationship with that newfound capability. A human brain can make someone so crazy and miserable that he'll blow it out of his own skull with a gun, a weapon which we invented using that same capacity for abstract thought.

Humans, to put it simply, have an unhealthy relationship with narrative. If you have ever experienced a moment of mental stillness, you know how peaceful and pleasant that experience is. It is natural and harmonious. It's only once you add in the believed mental chatter that we suffer, we hate, we fight each other, and we can be manipulated by narratives inserted into our mental processes by plutocrat-owned media.

There is nothing inherent in the human organism which makes suffering natural or necessary; it's only the babbling believed narratives in our minds that generate suffering. The same is true of our susceptibility to mass media manipulation.

We will not exist as a species in a few decades if we do not find a way to cease being manipulated into war and ecocide by plutocratic sociopaths who rule over us using the influence of money and the propaganda of mass media. If humanity exists on the other side of the massive changes that we are inevitably hurtling toward one way or another, it will be a humanity that has moved into a wholesome relationship with mental narrative. The churning, yammering mental noise about the self, the world, what's going on and how everyone ought to be will have lost its place of dominance over human society. We will have found a way to relate to life as it is, no longer filtered through narrative.

We absolutely have the ability to do this. For thousands of years mystics and philosophers all around the world have been pointing to a different way of functioning that a human being can slip into, one which isn't wrapped up in believed "me" narratives (also known as ego) or dominated by compulsive mental habits. This other mode of functioning has been discovered independently across isolated and unrelated spiritual and philosophical traditions, because it is a potential that all of humanity has access to.

This shift is most commonly known as spiritual enlightenment, and according to people who have been teaching it for many years, it's getting more common. Teachers like Eckhart Tolle, Adyashanti and Jac O'Keefe all say something is very different in their field of study, and individuals are now having an easier time awakening from egoic consciousness than they used to. Spontaneous shifts are becoming commonplace to the point where teachers like Tony Parsons now center their entire body of teaching around the possibility of snapping out of one's old frame of reference without engaging in any spiritual practices at all.

Why is this happening? Why do we have what appears to be a built-in off switch for the very problem that plagues us as a species, and why does it appear to be getting easier and easier for people to switch it off? It is of course possible that spiritual enlightenment is just some random fluke of human neurology, and it is possible that longtime enlightenment coaches are lying or mistaken about that path having become easier for people to travel in recent years, and that we are indeed just one more species headed the way of the dinosaur with no off-ramp. But I do think it's fascinating that our enslavement to mental narrative is the thing which enables us to be manipulated into consenting to war, oligarchy and ecocide on a large scale, and that just as we approach crunch time regarding these dangers people appear to be slipping toward a shift which would free us from that very enslavement.

A humanity which spontaneously began snapping out of its old mental narratives would be impossible to effectively manipulate with propaganda. Hell, if the oligarchs snapped out of it too they probably wouldn't even try, suddenly content with what they have now that life is finally getting a word in edgewise. Anyway, I think it's a possibility worth considering, and even exploring if you are interested.

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I posted this on your previous article "Whoever Controls The Narrative Controls The World" but it also applies here.

If you want to control the narrative then start by explaining and defining words.

Our world is ruled by a kakistocracy of evil ego maniacs who seek to maintain and expand the status quo to the detriment of everything and everyone else.

Kakistocracy* = A system of government which is run by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous citizens.
Evil = Hurting, oppressing, or killing for fun or for profit.
Ego = False self. Me, me, me. Mine, mine, mine.
Maniac = A raving or violently insane person; lunatic.
Status Quo = Power, profit, and control.
Detriment = Loss, damage, disadvantage, or injury.

  • On a side note the red underlined misspelling thing showed up on the word kakistocracy and the only suggested corrected spelling was aristocracy which defines as the following:
  1. a class of persons holding exceptional rank and privileges, especially the hereditary nobility.
  2. a government or state ruled by an aristocracy, elite, or privileged upper class.
  3. government by those considered to be the best or most able people in the state.
  4. a governing body composed of those considered to be the best or most able people in the state.
  5. any class or group considered to be superior, as through education, ability, wealth, or social prestige.

Kakistocracy = A system of government which is run by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous citizens.
Aristocracy = Government by those considered to be the best or most able people in the state.

It should be fairly obvious by now to anyone with more than two brain cells that our planet is ruled by the worst and not by the best people. And the entire human race, animal kingdom, and Mother Earth will continue to suffer to the point of destruction if the worst people remain in power.

I agree completely with the first 2/3 of this very good article. We are indeed locked (in general, as collective humanity) in an enormous and evil matrix. Psychological/sociological schemes have been perfected by the 1% of the 1% since at least the time of Kant and Hegel to bring about the current matrix. We must, together, break free from these constructs while they are still not 100% and firmly rooted so deeply that people would cheer mass executions of resistors most, just a few more years.

However, let me suggest, from a Christian perspective, that the answer to breaking free from all this is to realize the ultimate purveyor of lies is literally at the bottom of this global conspiracy, and that we will have to employ the tools given us by the Creator to break free. That doesn't mean I can't work with others who oppose the matrix for different reasons or see its demise obtainable differently, only that it is going to take a God-sized miracle at this point to shake this behemoth off of us.

All people of good will need to SEE what you have pointed out here, before we can really make a start. Platforms like this are crucial in that effort. The internet is very vulnerable, and WILL BE TAKEN OUT, I fear, at some point, if we begin to achieve this goal. I do not know if we have enough time to wake up enough people, but you are doing incredibly important work here, LITERALLY THE LORD'S WORK (in my terminology,) and I salute you for it!

You know there is some foundation in Nature for the made-up rules of society. Some more some less, but foundation nonetheless, for nothing can be created from nothing, ideas cannot refer ad infinitum to ideas: they need some touchstone in reality whatever it may be.

This was one of the things I was going to say in response to this passage, so I up voted your answer instead.

The same is true of things like power, money, and government. There is nothing grafted onto the electrons of the universe which says that the world needs to be mostly ruled by a few billionaires and their lackeys. Only the made-up rules about how power, money and government operate cause that to be the case, and those rules are only as true as we all collectively agree to pretend they are. They are all mental constructs that people made up, and we can therefore change them whenever we want to. Which is why so much plutocratic effort goes into making sure that we don't.

We can't change them whenever we want to, or doesn't the OP think that would be the first thing a truly revolutionary group would do?

Great minds think alike ;)

It's a pity the OP isn't interested in the discussion, this is just like a newspaper oped I suppose

Men without stories are not human - they are beasts.

We ARE all beasts, and what you call beasts are far more intelligent and sentient than most of us bipedal apes imagine. They have stories too.

They do not tell stories. They do not think in stories. Humans do. It is quintessentially human and exclusively human.

I think you are making an unsubstantiated claim which narrows the options for understanding. You might want to take a look at Rupert Sheldrake's work on morphic resonance. There is nothing wrong with being animals, nothing at all. You simply cannot prove that other creatures do not have stories.

In point of fact we tell stories about the world and other animals do not. Something has a story because we tell the story. The thing existed whether or not we tell its story, but it cannot tell its story or have a story at all until we tell it.

Humans are animals but they're not beasts

Just in case you missed this...

Not even pretending anymore.

Ya beat me to it ! I had the same clip in mind

hehe, I guess we hang aruond in the same circles;)

I liked this post so much I came to Steemit from your web site so that my vote can mean something - even if it’s just a few cents.

The world is in the grip of the scarcity narrative, “there is not enough to go around therefore many are poor because the rich are greedy robbers”. This scarcity myth has had a hold on us for a few centuries now, I remember about 15 years ago when “peak oil” had the planet completely dry of crude by now. And yet somehow, whatever it is that humanity goes looking for, we always seem to find it.

Cryptocurrency and the potential of the blockchain as a permanent store of truth offer the promise of a new world that is more aligned with nature. A world of abundance and authenticity, where wealth flows to people automagically for doing what they love.

Propaganda, #mockingbird media , hollywood and bots create reality by bombarding us with carefully weaponized narratives. There is also a visual narrative of all the images we are immersed in and repeatedly exposed to, noises and repetitive song lyrics, chemical narratives from our food and water and environment. All these narratives are being manipulated by They, the social engineers. The internal narrative we tell ourselves is of primary importance: if you don’t consciously create your own one it defaults to someone else’s, without you even being aware of it.

You might want to add your Steemit address to your post footer. If you write using Wordpress, you can use steempress to post directly to Steemit. HODL your Steem earnings because Metcalfe’s law suggests they will go up in value in the future.


There is nothing inherent in the human organism which makes suffering natural or necessary; it's only the babbling believed narratives in our minds that generate suffering. The same is true of our susceptibility to mass media manipulation.

This is a strange claim. Suffering is the fundamental condition of life, as so well espoused by the Buddha, from a tradition which your words in general take great inspiration. Life is not easy, on any level, and the friction of that unease we call suffering.

It's true that by our actions we can either relieve or increase the suffering of ourselves and others, to look at it from one perspective. Our understanding of the world, what you call "narratives", can greatly contribute to what we do, what we expect and how we interpret events.

I would like to see a real argument why you don't think suffering is natural or necessary, especially on an organism level since you bring it up in that context.

You’ve done it again Caitlin. Putting the existing thoughts in my head into a rational communication. Toptastic. Even people who hear the narrative know there is a quickening. They can feel it. Not everyone, but more and
More folks are. To my mind we will know which way it will go within the next seven years. 2025 is glowing in my mind. Can you feel it?

And with Uranus now in Taurus until 2026/7 the time for real change in how we live and take care of everyone is now. I'm very excited to be alive, future ready and relevant. Great post, thank you Caitlin.

Screen Shot 2018-06-06 at 19.30.18.png

Outstanding, as usual. I love what Caitlin says, and especially the way she says it. I completely agree with her analysis of how power works, especially as it applies to shaping public opinion. My political bent is more libertarian than Caitlin, but the disagreements are very minor considering that we share opinions on the most important matters, war and peace, corruption in government, media, business, sound money, etc. In spite of what the corporate media portray, it appears that younger people are shunning political labels and parties, at least to a far greater extent than previous generations (I am very late boomer / x-gener). Let us hope this trend continues. Overcoming manufactured hyper factionalization will take time, but I don't think TPTB can put the genie back in the bottle at this point.

Caitlin is helping this process by articulating so well what is going on and where we can go from her. Share and support her work as best you can.

Might want to check out Rupert Sheldrake's morphic resonance theory for why it is becoming easier for us to slip out of the old narratives. Take a look at his website for all sorts of interesting mind/soul candy..

So, living in the now, not in the egoic mode, involves compassion for others, for life, for the planet, for other living things, for nature, as opposed to being wrapped up in primitive accumulation such as ownership and its sister coercion? Being able to love the forest around you, and the ocean, and the living things within these spaces? Even the scorpion under the rock you were just sitting on? Is this getting close to the right idear?

Different cultures have set up different mental constructs to help them better understand the world and make decisions. The sad truth is that society would take forever to get anything done if we were able to see a situation from all perspectives. And when we would look at all these perspectives we would realize that no one person is to blame for any event. Rather we would have to come to terms with the reality that we can only blame situations and not individuals. This of course makes punishment incredibly more complicated. Humans like having a single entity to blame for their problems.

Yes, would we then each have to build up an understanding of the world from scratch? And then figure out from scratch how to organize our lives? We'd literally be amnesiac primitives, incapable of contributing a single stone to the edifice of civilization.