I wish I had longer to reply but about to dash to the airport. I agree some it was FRUSTRATING... like, she could have escaped.. but I have enjoyed it immensely. My husband has given up but im looking forward to finale. I agree they should have wrapped it up and got her to Canada by now. Down with Gilead already. Serena is great. Its violent and shocking and brutal, but then so is the world, and so too has been the oppression and assault of woman under regimes for a very, very long time. The program absolutely doesnt shy away from that.
Also, the entire reason it happens in the first place is in response to a nation in crisis... in this case its fertility. Whatever it is, left or right, fix social issues lest people choose sides out of fear and divide us all. ß
Oh just wait till you both watch the finale, which I finishing watching 5 minutes ago. All I can say is - WTF?
I thought it might be a wtf thing. Cant watch til tomorrow.. no spoilers please!
Have fun wherever you're going :)
Hmm, to me, there were some good parts, but too few to make up for the bad ones, but that's just me. It does reflect oppressed women, I know and I agree, that was the purpose of the book, back when it was written, but it's still playing to an agenda. If you look at most of the feminist movement today, it's long ceased being about women's rights, it's about the annihilation of men. You have women criticizing fathers, downplaying their role in society. It's funny how people seem to think that they can only gain their freedom by oppressing their former oppressors. Really makes one wonder if we've learned anything in our time here.
I think thats also dangerous talk, with all due respect, and a sweeping generalisation. Its just as important to fight for womens rights as ever - consider the breastfeeding debacle in America, for example. There is no way that equality has been achieved between the sexes and woman are STILL paid less than men and suffer from domestic violence and rape just as they ever have. Undermining this with a sweeping comment that 'some' feminists seek to remove the place of men in the home is just looking at one small part of a big and ongoing fight for womans rights. Stories such as this make people uncomfortable because its not so far from the truth. Thats what dystopuan fiction does.. takes the flaws in our worlds and magnifies them. In that way, of course it has an agenda - and why shouldnt it? Just as Sense8 had an agenda.