Not long ago Fakebook tried to repress folks posting what they reckoned was important news for those that followed them on the social media platform, labeling such posts that countered the propaganda the wholly owned media promulgated 'fake news'.
This famously backfired, as folks aware of the propaganda mills efforts to control our considerations found the label useful to find material that countered that propaganda.
Propagandists haven't given up. They're going to keep on trying to get us to deliver our wealth, work, and will to their masters until we end their reign of error. Here's the latest iteration of the effort to manufacture our consent to be enslaved.
I find it entirely predictable that they call the effort to prevent examining independent media 'Open Mind'.
'They' can't give up, because they have no place to retreat to, without their own self destruction ensuing.
'They' are on a one way street.'s a winner takes all scenario at this time in our history.
Jumped right on this one. You link doesn't work. Check it out.
I resteemed a post by @suzi3d. Looks like we might be getting a few more alt-journalists on the platform. Wouldn't that be a breath of fresh air?
TYVM! Dunno what went wrong. The link should be fixed now.
i actually tried it this time =p
Got it. Read it. Given most of the comments on my posts where I provide a link, I don't think people bother to check sources. That's the biggest problem with "fake" news. People are to lazy to fact check because they'd rather simply read something that agrees with their already formed opinion. Isn't that the Facebook and Google business model? To track and then provide content that reinforces what people are interested in? I recently read that the results of a Google search performed on your own computer will be completely different than one performed on someone else's because of this.
I've mentioned this Facebook phenomenon to a few people as why I quit looking at Facebook. Two of them told me that they weren't interested in differing opinions. In other words, Facebook provided reinforcement of their opinions. Boggles my mind but I'd bet even money that Google and Facebook wouldn't use that sort of algorithm if it didn't sit at the top of the psychological bell curve. Most people would rather fit in than stand out, be agreeable rather than informed.
Here's another interesting article: America's Most Hated Companies Facebook is among them.
These are strange times for the Steemit platform. So much opportunity awaits here because of our non-censorship, no trolling policies and the earning potential of digital currency, the roller coaster notwithstanding.
People love social media but they don't want to be lied to. On the other hand, they want to be spoon fed and not be responsible for the information they consume. Determining the "fakeness" of news is a personal responsibility, not the responsibility of the propaganda machine itself.
Steemit is better, but it may not be social media utopia. Unfortunately, I see the financial aspect of this platform as a corrupting influence, a sort of financial Darwinism. If crappy posts make money but quality posts do not, you are sure to see more crappy posts and less quality posts because of the way the crypto is bucketed from the pool. If you are lucky enough to become the member of a clique that includes a few dolphins and a whale, whatever you post will make money. If you're crying alone in the wilderness, nobody will hear you.
Keep fighting the good fight @valued-customer. It's worthwhile work.
I couldn't agree more.
Relevance:Open mind , No shame when it comes to Orwellian labellingCurated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Fake news in the age of disinformation serves purposes unanticipated in the age of regulated media. We must not overlook that those critiquing the so-called fake news may be the chief benefactors of this ominous trade
“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident”. Arthur Schopenhauer
The truth is and experience