If facial expressions mean anything these people look scared.

in #prophecy8 years ago (edited)


The globalist can’t stop Trump from making changes at home, to many people behind him. So they’re going to take us to war, it doesn’t matter where just so long as it takes his eye off America. Globalist have to bring down America, they don’t care what it takes America has to be weakened before they can make their final assault on us. Trump is surrounding himself with the military, he has let go everyone that came with him even his security guard of 20 years. He’s giving military armament to the local police again. I don’t believe he would do this under normal circumstances, I think he is getting ready for foreign army. I could be wrong about that part. The worst part about this is if he’s not in power they will still have the gear to turn against us.

I see Israel saying peace and safety. They have been cozying up to Saudi Arabia for the last couple of years (because of Iran). With Trump being behind them 100% and his son in-law trying to make the two state deal with Palestine it could become a distinct possibility.

Signs in the heavens and the earth, blood moons, total eclipse similar to the on at Johan’s time at Nineveh.
Earth quakes are at unbelievable highs in the U.S. they’re only shimmers but there’s thousands more than what history shows to be normal.

The financial system in this country is only supported because the powers to be have not pulled the plug, something they can do at any time they choose.

We have a disaster that covers large portion of the south and now we are looking at another one on the east coast. Imagine if the same thing happened on the east coast that happened in the gulf, this is starting to look like a serious possibility. If you
were a foreign country that felt threatened this would be an excellent opportunity.

People claiming to have dreams and visions seem to be unending, but the one thing they all seem to have in common is the destruction of the U.S.A., but not the complete destruction. God’s telling his people to get out of the cities; this has been going on for years. The faithful will be protected.

I always thought that God’s judgment meant He was going to do something to us. The bowls of wrath, the trumpets, oceans dying, etc., but in reality God’s going to stop protecting us from ourselves and let us reap what we have sown. It adds a new twist to judgment. Kind of reminds me of the show Escape from New York. Instead of putting them in jail they turned them over to their own ways. I wonder if when the fire fell at Sodom and Gomorrah if it was going to happen naturally and God chose not to protect them. The bible says God doesn’t return evil for evil.

I feel the spirit moving calling His people to repent and get right so that He may give protection when the time comes.