Reasonable Discussion
1- Chronology
From Adam To Abraham was roughly 2,000 years. From Abraham to Jesus was another roughly 2,000 years. From Jesus until now there is another 2,000 years and we are staring the 6,000 year mark right in the face. This would put us very close to 6,000 years being complete. Here is a much more detailed chronology.
2- Creation Week Symbolism
The 7th day of creation is considered the day of rest or what is commonly known as the Sabbath. In the Book of Revelation, The Millennium period describes a time when Jesus will rule for a 1,000 years. This will be 1,000 years of rest for the Earth and it will be the time where the Earth is restored to near Eden conditions. These two connections between the rest on the 7th day of creation and a millennial rest are symbolically related.
3- Time In The Eyes Of God
God is outside of time and is not limited by it whatsoever. Psalms 90:4 essentially says this. "For a thousand years in Your sight, Are like yesterday when it is past, And like a watch in the night." 2nd Peter 3:8 also states this here. Both verses allude to 1 day representing a larger period of time in God's eyes. Also it is not uncommon in the Bible for long periods of time to be referred to as what we know to be really short periods of time. However this is not the case with the creation days since the literal interpretation is about 7 24hr days. So it is a matter of context, translation, and interpretation.
4- Number Symbolism
The number 6 represents mankind and rebellion (6,000 years of man's self rule). The number 7 represents perfection (The Millennium). The number 8 represents new beginnings. (New Heavens & New Earth). Could it be that God is trying to show us something here?
Significance: Numbers in the Bible are super symbolic and these numbers may point to God actually having a 7000 year plan for mankind.
Overall Significance: We are close to the end of Humanity's self rule and Jesus will return to Earth to physically to rule as King for 1,000 years right after the worst 7 years of human history takes place.
Wrap Up
Let me be very open and clear here. The world is in fact headed towards the darkest times in the history of the world. This is promised and it has been prophesied to come to past. This is not to scare you, this is to warn you. IF in fact the 7000 year plan holds it's own then my friends we are much closer to this inevitable darkness according to the chronology and scripture. IF the 7000 year plan is not true however, then it will only prolong the inevitable. To me all this stuff is fun to talk about and I would love to hear all the cases for and against what I said. Much love to everyone.
I know you have put great effort to write this post but I don't think we are only 7 thousand years old. Now when we find the remains of out ancestors and that totally proves that we are not some thousand years old
yes i think earth is much older than 7,000 years way much older
Well there's much debate about whether those dating methods are reliable. To me if you want to know the date of anything you can't just rely on chemical tests in a lab.
Kinda reminds me of those "snake oil" salesmen back in the day "step right up, look over here folks! this elixir will heal you! Do not pay mind to the Dr's and scientist who doubt, they do not believe in the power of healing!" If we cannot rely on science with which is proven then what do we have in this world? What is fact?
@humanearl sir....I am a God believer... First of all, we must begin by asking the right question. I could easily assume that there is a God, and go from there, but I won't. Instead, I'm going to begin with this: why do we have something rather than nothing? It's a very famous question, one that has puzzled countless minds for centuries. Still, however, it remains. Why do we have something rather than nothing? There are four basic answers to this question that seem to encompass basically every known belief system.
So...Let's start with door number one: illusionary universe. This sort of asks the question, "do I really exist? Well, by nature, you must exist in order to doubt your own existence. It is summed up in the words of Rene Descartes when he said, "I think, therefore I am". So that door is out.
Next door: self-created universe. In order for this to occur, we would have to commit a logical fallacy. The premise in and of itself implies that the universe existed prior to its existence. Not really a tenable position for a logical thinker.
So now we're left at a crossroads. Something exists, you cannot have something from nothing, and in the end there has to be an eternal "something". Either eternal universe, or eternal God. So what do we do now? We simply ask ourselves, where does the evidence point? If you look at any scientific data, in fact all key scientific data to date, what does it point towards? Eternal universe, or eternal God? Anyone who closes the door on God (door 4) must automatically choose door 3 (eternal universe) but all evidence points away from eternal universe. Look at Einstein's theory of relativity, the fact of the expanding universe, the laws of thermodynamics, etc. They all point to a finite universe, and therefore an eternal God.
Wel done and perfect work sir...
GOD BLESS YOU...Smart topic for Discussion by @humaneral sir...
Thanks so much for this. We know the universe is not eternal. I'll go even further. Where do the laws of nature come from. All they are are just codes for how thing work in our world. Surely it's reasonable to assume there must be someone who wrote the codes.
Also God said that he has made himself known through what we see in nature. We know it just didn't happen by chance.
@humanearl, Absolutely pretty interesting and can long discussion topic indeed post. I discussed about this with my close friends those days. Someone disagree and someone angry with me. Probably I most told about god's theory. We all are Buddhist. But I want to tell them that's not a religious topic. It's a scientific topic. But unfortunately both friends leave from me. It's my past history coz I don't like to upset any persons. But I know all every steemians really intelligent & in fact I think they understand better me. Yes, I believe God is real because how else could we be here. And dont you even dare say by science. Scientists believe that we all came from cells that evolved into organisms that then created oxygen and all these other qualities of the Earth. But, ask yourself this, don't think about your religion or belief just think for a second. If the Earth came from a cell, who created that cell? That cell cannot just make itself out of nothing, it had to come from somewhere. Someone had to create science for you to be able to study it. So, someone had to create that cell so it could grow and form into the Earth. Something can't come from nothing. Think about that saying for a moment. Something cannot come from nothing. This is common sense people so just because you don't want to believe it does not mean that it s not real, coz it is and how could it not be real. You have no exact proof that the earth evolves and you have no proof that it came from a cell. Hey everyone. I told you only my opinion and everyone have freedom to tell any comment. Thank you giving opportunity to tell my idea and experience. Stay Blessed.
You are spot on. God created it all. Why do we have something instead of nothing? Science can be really foolish in it's assumptions about life and the universe.
Thanks for sharing what's on your mind. Feel free to share your ideas anytime.
I'm totally down with that idea that we're nearing the end of this 6,000 period and about to enter this 7,000 year Sabbath. Really seems to fit the harmony of the Bible and how these "Sabbaths" are treated.
Along with this theme of 7's is the weekly cycle. Every nation on this planet, no matter how many times we've added weeks or months to the calendar...everyone observes a 7-day weekly cycle.
Good job friend!
It would be one thing if this concept was only seen through the lens of one verse but there are multiple verses and themes in scripture that alude to this. It's symbolically make sense. God loves using numbers to tell stories.
7000 years plan and we are at 6000 years margin! To me it's horrible news! But the world is moving into darkness, so the world needs people like you do, like you think!@humanearl,
Yes it's very close to 6,000 years being complete.
Last time I expressed my opinion about this. This topic can be discussed for a long time. Each side has its own facts and conjectures.
But I liked that you give arguments in favor of the theory of "7000 plan of the world." I was interested to read and see a different point of view. I think in order to come to the conclusion, we must look at the situation under the different viewing angles.
Symbolism is something that interests me.
I believe in the universe (the universal being). I think that in our world and our universe there are a lot of questions for which there are no answers. There are things that the human mind can not understand and to which science has no answers. Basically, everything is built on theories, because our capabilities are not enough.
The end is inevitable only for one reason - people. Wars and disagreements do not do any good for a human being. People are divided and do not want to live peacefully. (the wars were at all periods of human history) I am sure that there will always be evil and good people and therefore the confrontation will continue.
A good topic for discussion
Yes we will each debate from our worldviews. However things will get much worse I promise they will. I never make promises but I am promising this because God has said that it will get much worse. The God of the Bible does not lie. He is the ultimate standard of what is good and he is the ultimate standard of what is actually true.
Actually this is my personal idea...I don't believe in god I think that God doesn't exist because it doesn't make any sense at all, think about the fact that you are a human which means you have a brain, the brain is you, it contains everything you know, it's who you are, god who doesn't have brain therefore doesn't have any personality, than i start to think about the fact that god communicated with us, humans but then he doesn't have brain, so how can something communicate with us without it, it just doesn't make any sense, that leads me to the fact that a human invented the story that god exists, so he could believe in something, so he could cover the lack of explanation to why the universe exists, well who is a human to create god, just the fact that a human invented god makes me think, than how can you know it's right out of all the options you could think of you choose god?, i don't know if that answer satisfied you i just wanted to get that stuff out of my mind, i don't have a problem with someone who believes in god, i just don't agree with him.Another wonderful and interesting discussion by @humanearl sir...
I think "sUccess is depend only secand letter "U"...
Thanks sir...
No problem @senu. Either God exists or he doesn't. I can't prove he does exist but you also can't prove he doesn't exist. So we have to look at evidence to support whether or not he exists. Now we know nothing can be made without a maker. The same goes for what we see in nature. It did not just come from nothing. Something cannot come from nothing. It's impossible. There must be a creator in order to make something.
You may not see the builder of a car but you know someone built it. So the question to you is why do we have something instead of nothing?
Our ionosphere and magneticphere have decreased by almost 20% since 2000 causing weather and earthquakes and volcanoes to increase a long with the magnetic pole flip that we are in now.
He said there would be stress of all nations with perplexity and signs in the heavens and on earth.
There would be wars and roomers of wars.There would be famine and mass disease and illness.Water would not be pot table and 1/3 of the ocean will die.
Look around you my brothers and sisters is this happening now? Is it maybe just starting?
Ask your self now ,could this really be true?
How much more proof do I need?
Yes we can help by loving and reaching out to those in need.
Thank you brother Earl for the great wake up call.
Be Blessed.
NOW is the time to be aware and alert of what's going on. At first when I cam across this 7000 year plan I thought it was bogus but when you really study it you find so much symbolism and what seems to be evidence to support this plan.
Hi there @humanearl, your blog is an eye openner to all, indeed everything is true it was all written in the bible at the book of revelation the last book of the bible
I am a born again christian, I did accept Him as my personal God and saviour.
God is known but sad to say only few believes in Him deep within their hearts. As what you said it is a warning to all mankind, be aware of what is happening around you. Be ready all the time for we are all at the end times.
God blessed everyone!!!Shalom!!!
Seriously I have never seen anything like this. This is more than just an eye opener to me. I love the analogy, it is just on point and apt.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts☺️. Find time to read the bible in the new testament at the book of revelation, it was so terrifying about the end times.
@maan you are so right. We must be alert to what's happening in the world. Jesus told us what to look for prior to his return.
Indeed we should be ready all the time
I believe in God
There are many ways of gaining certitude in God’s existence. These ways can be broken down as follows:
A- The way of logic (for example the proof of possibility and necessity and so on…)
B- The way of experience (for example the proof of order in creation)
C- The way of the heart (for example the proof of our innate nature)
The easiest and simplest of ways is that of the proof of our innate nature (knowing God through our inner nature and heart). This means that inside of every person there exists a spiritual side, an understanding, and an inclination towards love of the creator. There always exists a point of connection between the human being and God in the heart of each individual.
Those are great points. God is very logical.
I love looking into the end times, and I too, believe the earth is only (nearing) 6000 years old. I’ve recently been checking out and Steve has some great videos regarding the end times. He has brought up some good points worth considering. This is a good one:
I will definitely look into what you sent me. I love this stuff too!
I definitely believe in that we guys are living in the end times of the world,I can't really say it's just 1000 years more to the could be less.
Aslo I want to add about the war that you talk about I think it has already begun,I think the Syria war crisis is the beginning of WW3,there is a lot of destabilisation around that region.America and Russia are on different stand to solve it,making it conditions more fierce there,thats why probably I think it may cause WW3.
Hmm. Interesting thought about Syria. It's possible that it could lead to a bigger war. They are trying to destabalize the region to take resources and control territory. This is a go to tactic for European warfare.
Omg man. This gave me chills. I will be doing a blog about the 2nd coming, Mother God and Zion. Someone approached me and give me insights about these things. I became confused. Hope you check it soon. And feel free to share your opinion. Will be glad to hear it.
I have heard of the mother god thing. In the Bible however God is referred to in the masculine. Although there are some attributes of a mother that god possesses. I'm not saying God is a man or woman because he is spirit but he is referred to in the masculine.
But yes bro please look more into prophecy and the Second coming of Jesus.
Yes man I will check into it soon and I will share it to you.
Among all the powers of the universe, the most powerful and supreme power of gods, because of this universe, the creatures are all created by God,
The power of god exceeds all of it in this universe ..
Thanks for sharing @ humanearl
I agree with you @adson, just the power of allah, the most powerful in the universe
Yes Yahweh is the most powerful of all.
Owk to be honest with you I have never seen anything like this before. This analysis is something else. I am scared to my marrow right now coz they sound so accurate.
It was really accurate a lot of things was happening right now, flash floods, earthquakes, fight againts one nation to another. I advice you to read on the book of revelation, the bible it is in the new testament
@sistem Bro look into this and study for yourself. I started looking into this a couple of years ago and at first I thought it was crazy. But after studying the symbolism in scripture it seems reasonable.
Yes and this is true @humanearl, and make a study of yourself also @sistem
Very good post @humanearl, your post is very useful for everyone. Maybe that's true as you say, that the age of the earth may be 6000-7000 years old. But we can only predict it, while for the truth that really is just god alone who knows when the age of this earth will end. Thanks for sharing a very good post ... :)
God knows exactly what the age of the earth is but we also have written records in the Bible to help us get an idea as to how old things are.
Wow! This study must have been carried out with deep scrutiny. Honestly, when you proposed a post on the significance, i wasn't expecting this or near...
Now i'm short of words.. I'm not scared, but challenged to do some more study on this. I mean if all these signs have been there, then maybe there are people who have tried to connect the dots just like you. I'll research again on this, and see more from the Bible.
This is a hot standing argument, i must commend.
Just study more and it will be eye opening. Like I said I'm not saying that it clearly says this in the Bible but the concepts and symbolism is surely there.
You are not alone in these beliefs my Brother!
The believes are real and true
When I mention this idea to other believers it is a foreign concept. But I think people who are really studying prophecy and time lines can see this making sense.
I believe in a higher power/universal being but I don’t believe in Christianity. I think there’s a lot of evidence to suggest that astrology is the true religion based on personal experience. I just don’t understand some of the things that the Christian god does it’s so backwards, and then the amount of hypocritical Christians out there, man I ’ll be arguing for days. In fact the most judgemental people I ’ve met claim they’re Christians.
Yes there are many who misrepresent the truth. What do you mean by God doing things backwards?
Who started astrology or who began to practice it first?
Like think about this if God is all-knowing and omnipresent, then why did he create the apple? or give humans free will? He knew what was going to happen and allowed it to occur. Why would God do that? It’s like you witnessing a murder in plain sight and not calling the police.
He should ’ve just made us like ants where we don’t have any thoughts or sensations of hunger, suffering, etc and we just follow his will. Wouldn’t that be more efficient?
I don’t know who started astrology although there are claims that astrology is thousands of years old and sometimes the similarities between Christianity and astrology are kinda crazy.
Like the sun as in the sun, sign could represent god and the 12 zodiac signs could represent Jesus ’s 12 disciples. There's more I could say but it would be too much time to explain
You analogy does not make sense in this case. The simple answer is LOVE. Without Love free will does not exist. If there was no free will relationships would be basically forced. Would you really want a world with no free will?
See people focus so much on God saying not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Me make our own choices due to free will. But what should be focused on is the fact that he actually has given us a way out of all this mess that WE put ourselves in. But people only want to focus on the tree.
To our human minds it would seem more efficient but how can we truly say that it is more efficient when we do not possess all knowledge. Since God has all knowledge and is good then he knows what is best for us. But we still have free will to choose what he has given us.
Okay but aside from the analogy why give us free will? And love or hunger, joy, sadness, pain, joy, etc. If we had no free will we would not know what these emotions/feeling mean. Sure we wouldn’t be aware of the good but we wouldn’t be aware of the bad either. Wouldn’t that be a more efficient way of running a society?
You know what I’m saying? The only reason we are aware of such feelings is because of free will. But what if instead we just fed our hunger by serving God? It’s like an out there theory. No hunger or thirst, sadness or happiness, need for shelter or money.
We’re just born and follow God’s word and that sustains us because we have no free will. I think that would be better
Good and bad have two authors. God=good. Satan=bad.
Once again we don't have all knowledge. What we think will be better will not be any better because we don't have all the information or understanding of what is the best way to run a society. Look at human history. We have tried numerous methods of running societies and it simply doesn't work.
As far as why God decided to give us emotions that's his decision.
Like I said he has given us a way out through Jesus. Don't worry about the flood just get in the boat and you'll be fine. One day all the evil will be gone. In fact it is promised.
a very interesting post to @humanearl discussed, I believe all there is in the universe in created by God for the benefit by the man that give power to people to search or analyze all of God's creation, so that man tau how great his power God..
Creation screams "Here is evidence for God". Some people deny the existence of God when it is plainly seen by what has been made.
Well I can argue that some of the historical artifacts recovered in the present day can be carbon dated and the actual time period comes out to be thousands of years before our present day world what do you think about it ? @humanearl .
Yes I'm aware of some of the dating methods but not in detail. I'll say this. When we want to know the age of anything the most accurate way to tell the age is to get written records and eyewitness accounts if possible. Relying on lab tests only is very faulty since we don't know if the chemical makeup of the atmosphere has always been the same. Think about your phone or any electronic device you may have. We don't run a chemical tests on them to see how old those devices are. We simply have written records and people's accounts of using those devices during a certain time period. That is much more accurate to know the age of the devices. Not testing them in a lab somewhere.
Humans have always written things down for historical records.
Yes written records are accurate to an extent.
I wonder if those scientist who study "carbon dating" or the ones who invented the concept of carbon dating ever tested it on an object in their current existence to be certain of its accuracy for they knew the exact age of that object? Nah, that might be too scientific of them.....
about 2,000 B.C. (4,000 years ago).
So a simple calculation is:
5 days
~6,000 years
Yes. Roughly 6,000 years. Some come to different conclusions but it is still around the same 6,000 year old time frame.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, man. Like you said, no one can predict the future, so we can look for signs, but we can't really know. We just follow God and trust that he'll take care of us. Still, it's interesting stuff. :)
Biblical prophecy is the most interesting to me. So many fulfilled prophecies spanning thousands of years and ones to that are yet to be fulfilled.
As I told you on Discord already I believe you have to look at Astrotheology for that. The precession of the equinox could be strongly related to consciousness growing and sinking. And at the end of each cycle there comes a big clash of light and darkness.
Yes it's possible and like I said it makes sense as far as the times we are headed in.
Interesting thoughts i enjoyed to read and think about. Dont metter if its right or wrong, i can see this cicles in life too.
Like our cells in our bodys are bound to bigger cicles, i belive we we as humabs are also bound to this unvisible bigger cicles.
Dont know what will happen to us in future but i think in the end nature and life will win ;)
I guess we'll have to buckle up, sit back, and find out.
Well its very informative about historical article and earth history.
Your writing is very powerful against blogs and its stuff. I like and fellow your excellent blogs.
Keep sharing nice Thanks for update @humanearl
Cool. Thanks for your support. I appreciate every bit of it.
Wow what an awesome piece. Obviously, God's time and Man's time are far different from each other. Man proposes, God disposes
You're absolutely right!
Man proposes, God disposes
God is outside of time. So of course his perspective will also be much different.
Yeaaaaa very true. Hmmm really inspiring. Good morning @humanearl
we have got the one life to make it the best let spread love and peace all over : )
Yes what we do now counts. But our spirits will live on.
@humanearl - Sir lots of prophecy were true... So this one will be... We must obey what god said to us... God bless us all... I wish we all can see the Utopia in our life time Sir...
So many prophecies in the Bible have come true and there are more that will come true. I hope for that too. The only way is through Jesus.
a very good post my friend, I agree with your opinion, and you are not alone here. Because I also support you. Thanks for sharing @humanearl
Thanks for the support!
Well I do agree with the part of the theory of us going towards the darkest age in the coming days.Well hope we find peace before that time arrives !
Yes it will happen. Just wait and see.
Yep he created this world in 6 days and rested on the seventh day which is the Sabbath. Thumbs up for you
Right on. Thanks.
Aliens though?
I don't understand your question?
Although i'm not sure about the 7000 year plan, but as a christian i believe that the end is inevitable!
The end will come sooner or later. We have to be alert and prepared. Also we have to warn others of what's coming.
wow very excellent post Thanks for sharing i will done upvote..
Nice post sir
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Great Video :D
Really i appreciate you. Keep it up :)
Upvote done....thanks for sharing and post.....
Very important and informative post really very nice i appreciate to your post thanks for share this important post with us i hope you
Awesome vid keep up the good work
very helpful information.thanks for sharing.
thanks for sharing
How Old Is the Earth?
Even when it is realized that chapter 1 of Genesis does not describe the beginning of all things, or even the starting point of mankind, but only the beginning of this earth, it cannot be said definitively when that beginning was. In other words, the scriptures do not provide sufficient information to accurately determine the age of the earth. Generally speaking, those who accept the scriptural account subscribe to one of three basic theories about the age of the world. All three theories depend on how the word day, as used in the creation account, is interpreted. The first theory says that the word day is understood as it is used currently and therefore means a period of 24 hours. According to this theory, the earth was created in one week, or 168 hours. Thus, the earth would be approximately six thousand years old. (Many scholars agree that there were approximately four thousand years from Adam to Christ and that there have been nearly two thousand years since Christ was born.) Very few people, either members of the Church or members of other religions, hold to this theory, since the evidence for longer processes involved in the Creation is substantial. A second theory argues that Abraham was told through the Urim and Thummim that one revolution of Kolob, the star nearest to the throne of God, took one thousand earth years (see Abraham 3:2–4). In other words, one could say that one day of the Lord’s time equals one thousand earth years. Other scriptures support this theory, too (see Psalm 90:4; 2 Peter 3:8; Facsimile No. 2 from the book of Abraham, figures 1, 4). If the word day in Genesis was used in this sense, then the earth would be approximately thirteen thousand years old (seven days of a thousand years each for the Creation plus the nearly six thousand years since Adam’s fall). Some see Doctrine and Covenants 77:12 as additional scriptural support for this theory. Creation room in the Los Angeles Temple Although the majority of geologists, astronomers, and other scientists believe that even this long period is not adequate to explain the physical evidence found in the earth, there are a small number of reputable scholars who disagree. These claim that the geologic clocks are misinterpreted and that tremendous catastrophes in the earth’s history speeded up the processes that normally may take thousands of years. They cite evidence supporting the idea that thirteen thousand years is not an unrealistic time period. Immanuel Velikovsky, for example, wrote three books amassing evidence that worldwide catastrophic upheavals have occurred in recent history, and he argued against uniformitarianism, the idea that the natural processes in evidence now have always prevailed at the same approximate rate of uniformity. These books are Worlds in Collision, Ages in Chaos, and Earth in Upheaval. Two Latter-day Saint scientists, Melvin A. Cook and M. Garfield Cook, have also advocated this theory in their book Science and Mormonism. A short summary of the Cooks’ approach can be found in Paul Cracroft’s article “How Old Is the Earth?” (Improvement Era, Oct. 1964, pp. 827–30, 852). A third theory says that the word day refers to a period of an undetermined length of time, thus suggesting an era. The word is still used in that sense in such phrases as “in the day of the dinosaurs.” The Hebrew word for day used in the creation account can be translated as “day” in the literal sense, but it can also be used in the sense of an indeterminate length of time (see Genesis 40:4, where day is translated as “a season”; Judges 11:4, where a form of day is translated as “in the process of time”; see also Holladay, Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament, pp. 130–31). Abraham says that the Gods called the creation periods days (see Abraham 4:5, 8). If this last meaning was the sense in which Moses used the word day, then the apparent conflict between the scriptures and much of the evidence seen by science as supporting a very old age for the earth is easily resolved. Each era or day of creation could have lasted for millions or even hundreds of millions of our years, and uniformitarianism could be accepted without any problem. (For an excellent discussion of this approach see Henry Eyring, “The Gospel and the Age of the Earth,” [Improvement Era, July 1965, pp. 608–9, 626, 628]. Also, most college textbooks in the natural sciences discuss the traditional dating of the earth.) While it is interesting to note these various theories, officially the Church has not taken a stand on the age of the earth. For reasons best known to Himself, the Lord has not yet seen fit to formally reveal the details of the Creation. Therefore, while Latter-day Saints are commanded to learn truth from many different fields of study (see D&C 88:77–79), an attempt to establish any theory as the official position of the Church is not justifiable.