Regards steemians,
Hope all of you have seen yesterday the Blood Moon Eclipse arround the World ...
A Day before this Prophetic event the sky looked ( from where i was) as a magic sky in Africa
From such a splendor of sky, we got another amazing view last Nite even if the Prophecy says that the event has another connotation, as the verse bellow says:
"And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, look, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood." Revelation, Chapter 6, verses 11-13
This idea of a Blood Moon serving as an omen of the coming of the end times comes from the Book of Joel.
The Prophecy of the Blood Moon Eclipse states that a Tetrad that will coincide on Jewish holidays with six full moons in between and no intervening of the partial lunar eclipses is a sign of the beginning of the end of times.
One of the last blood moon appeared in the skies on the date of January 31 during the rare Super Blue Blood Moon.
The first eclipse of this amazing Tetrad took place on April 15, 2014.
There has been as awell some subsequent blood moon eclipses in the Tetrad on the date of October/8/2014,
April/4/2015, and September/28/2015.
This astronomical event that happened yesterday marks the second total lunar eclipse and blood Moon of the year.
Maybe nowadays we've started to experience and to re-understand the signification of the Moon for this Planet ... not only the ancient Babylon was the only culture that felt the Moon held their very fate in its hands ...maybe now we do the same ...
I've discovered that there are three lunar eclipses every year. This kind of total eclipses come roughly twice every three years.
The next Blood Moon Eclipse will happen'in January 2019.
Maybe it won’t be quite as long as this one and it won’t all be in all of our parts of the sky but they will be up there in the sky, like clockwork ... maybe a clockwork of our Time :-)
'Till the next Moon Eclipse, Be good, Pray everyone in his own language of Soul and enjoy the art/music
Here's a song composed and played thru the wonderful turkish ney instrument
Maybe i've should entitle the composition not "My Saba Saz Semaisi" but "Kehanet" ... Prophecy
Enjoy the music
Be good steemians
Amazing work mate!
Thanks @bilal.qasim
Hope all is fine
Hope you've enjoyed the music as well
Blessings to you and your Family
amazing to those who did't saw, very informative fella^^
Thanks for your comment @maglerky
Hope you've enjoyed the music as well
Regards and have a Blessed Time along with your Family wherever you are on this Earth
My pleasure and more blessings to come to you and your family^^