I didnt buy an upvote you moron. It was an organic vote but you dont care
Please remove your flag on my organic @booster upvote @booster deserves to upvote people too.And if someone bought the vote, why do i get to be downvoted? I had no say in this
you are a loser. your downvote project is for losers. I had the only important proposal steem has seen, and you downvote it? pathetic. if steem doesnt get on scatter no one will care, and i dont see elipowell or @steem @steemit inc developing their OWN dapp wallet, steemconnect does not count as its unusable, as any communist style project is. COmmunist STYLE? yes because its not suppoprted by customers and free markets. Its just propped up, so when steemconnect fails no one is there to take responsibility nop one goes out of business, steemit inc just props them up toprpoduce terrible software
Many steemians are so naive they will readmy criticism and think im some sortof enemy of steem when in fact Im still doing more to help steem than 99.99% of these whales and people downvoting my post because someone outside my control bought an upvote
how doe you think it makes new users feel when they see all these downvotes? people assume its a bad project. Good job biting the hands that feeds you acidyo without people like em and my ideas you will have no talent left and no one to convince any new blood to invest in steem
You think you can just downvote people like you are our friends and then hjahahaha tell us we shouldnt "revenge" downvote you back? So you have every right to flag us but if we disagree with your rewards, its revenge... i see
just know that Im still doing more to help steem than you people ever will. You havent done a thing to actually help steem but create a birgade of downvote bots to surgically alter the social fabric of teh chain, and alienate maybe i dunno 90% of the investors? You cant prop steem up forever like this.... something new is coming
an airdrop of steem like pal did is coming... pal may even join EOS and break off from steem completely oen day or steem leo
who knows but it will happen and we will see a way for steemians to leave steem and move to eos
https://steemit.com/ocd/@ocd/ocd-daily-issue-427 is a ink to their post in case you want to downvote it.