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RE: DHF PROPOSAL : Public Speaking Club

in #proposal11 months ago

Ah no are asking 9750 $ a day + 600 $ for your office rent ..
Thats 10350 $ a month.
Costs :
Description Amount Period
Project manager 125 HBD day
Community manager 75 HBD day
Video and content editor 125 HBD day
1 monthly rent of office 600 HBD month
TOTAL : 10350$ a month

But you are smart somehow you propose some job to the nest :
Both the CManager and the video editor will be chosen from within the HiVE community.

It is blatantly ridiculous.


"Ah no are asking 9750 $ a day + 600 $ for your office rent ..
Thats 10350 $ a month.

I find hard to dispute your math logic

I will try to explain my maths better, how I see it

I will not get anything from the 200$ day payed to 2 qualified professionals who offers most of their time for an idea they may not believe in
It is important to have some kind of well equipped venue (chairs , tables , digital screens..) in a well connected place in the capital of the province ,and is not easy neither cheap

From the 125$ /day for the PM , so for me , will have to come the money , at least at the beginning , for paying new hive accounts , marketing and others
So , after paying taxes I probably will not get clean much more than for paying a normal rent

Anyway , I am open to discus the budget for PM (not for the CM and VE)
But what really interest my is the response of the community to the project
Maybe it is just a bad idea , maybe is not now the right time or the right place and I am ok with that