I've voted because you seem like a decent guy with decent intentions and I enjoyed your talk at Hivefest AND we need SOMETHING....but I'm so far, I am doubtful of the methods you mention. "Hiring Shills" doesn't sound like a great way to attract people who bring something to the community. It sounds like a way to get a bad reputation. I know more word of mouth is what we need but we don't want to invite a whole shit storm of spam and scams back here and be known for hiring shills, we had enough of that with steem. That'll all come eventually but I think we need a bigger core first.
Also giving away Hive will not necessarily get people interested in Hive, I think more likely, people will just see "FREE CRYPTO" and when they win they'll just trade it for bitcoin right away.
The best use of your money will be to reward hive users to do better work at getting the word out without being spammy...
I've been trying to get Hive members to leave sincere comments with substance on youtube that mention Hive as a side-note and then we like each others comments. The only problem with this is that youtube will block links. It seems we can get around that by typing "hive . blog" or "3speak . co" with a space in between. Youtube comments is how I (and many others) found steem. I think it's way more effective than twitter.
Another idea is to promote individual users off hive who will actively promote hive (once again, without being spammy). There are many ways you can do this. You can promote some artists hive pages off hive after they win some contest or are nominated by many people. You could also find someone to do a better voiceover for that hive ad that went trending a few days ago and then use the money to promote that ad.
The fact is, very few people will trust "Free internet money" and those who do already knew about steem and lost trust in it, so we need to market the community, and we don't do that by constantly saying "HIVE HIVE HIVE HIVE" we do that by doing fun stuff that people notice and then saying "oh yeah, theres lots more of this at hive"
Another idea...you could make a proposal just for promotion of your game (maybe a smaller amount for now cause hive is so low) and then promote it any way you want. I'd vote for it. Is that frowned upon? It shouldn't be. I think the DAO should be giving money to any decent project that doesn't have the funds for self promotion, as long as they prove they are using the funds well.
Thank you so much for your response and your points are completely valid. I do agree with what you said and unfortunately it does seem true that people will just dump free money :( It's also true that these so called shills will attract a ton of spam users which, like you mentioned, we had enough trouble with on steem.
I really love
Another idea is to promote individual users off hive who will actively promote hive (once again, without being spammy). There are many ways you can do this. You can promote some artists hive pages off hive after they win some contest or are nominated by many people. You could also find someone to do a better voiceover for that hive ad that went trending a few days ago and then use the money to promote that ad.
A couple of the users that come to mind are @nathanmars and @traciyork, who have been doing fantastic work on twitter and there are of course others that we could also reward.At this point it doesn't seem likely that my proposal will be funded and that is fine with me but lets stick our heads together and come up with fun ways of doing something to raise awareness. I know @hivebuzz is working on something pretty fun involving AltspaceVR and maybe that is a good starting point. I also run a cryptocurrency meetup in AltspaceVR which I use to educate normies on the crypto space with weekly speakers. I talk about Hive on there quite a bit and have been able to get a couple users to join. I'd really love to do something to make the space grow cause as I mentioned now is the time for Hive to shine but sadly I really only know how to do that with advertising and giveaways at the moment. Again, I love what you mentioned about incentivizing our own users and getting a better voiceover person for the recent ad. I'm in the PAL discord under the handle Danny Qwoyn if you want to chat further about this.
As far as using it to promote Hashkings or even hiring some much needed developers and Unity I would be honored if such a proposal was accepted but sadly I've tried to get funding for @hashkings and I don't know if it's because it is cannabis related by I have not succeeded in that. When I get some more funds though I would be willing to give it another shot.
Thanks for the suggestions and kind words and I'm glad you enjoyed the talk I gave even though it was so short.
Nathan already has a hive proposal out. I think he manages somehow, guys a machine! I honestly wish I could get him to move his attention to youtube comments....I don't know why people aren't jumping on that idea, I've tried pushing it so many times. I feel twitter is such wasted energy and actually talking about Hive all the time is also wasted energy. The best thing we can do for Hive is to be active on and off chain and make funnels from off chain to on chain. Rather than make a youtbe channel about Hive, I think we need youtube channels about various topics that gain some popularity and mention Hive.
I think it's a shame we have a few people with youtube channels that have 10k+ followers and they don't mention hive in all their videos, just at the end "you can follow me on Hive, it's way cooler than here". I think we should reward people for "building their brand" (I hate that expression) off Hive and using it to bring people onboard casually.
Youtube comments are even more effective cause they target the audience of the video, not only the content creator. I think this will be easier with 3speak when it starts it's new app cause it's a lot easier to google than Hive.
Maybe if you try another proposal for @hashkings that is less ambitious, I don't know how much you asked for but it seems you'll be more likely to receive if you ask for less.
Thanks! Yeah I think @nathanmars does great work on twitter. The youtube stuff is exactly what I was talking about with the influencers bit but they don't come cheap at all. Blocktrades seems to think that my proposal is reasonable check it out! :)
As far as Hashkings is concerned, hit me up on Discord, lets chat. I know the lotus team and Richard personally, great people.
i don't mean paying people to push Hive, I mean encouraging Hivesters to expend their presence off Hive and occasionally mentioning Hive. We don't have to pay people who aren't already part of the community. It'd be more like POSH upvotes on twitter