Are you sleepy?
Are you sleepy?
Are you sleepy?
Then sleep.
What dreams are to be had that can compare to your smile? Eyes closed shut only serve to deprive me of finite moments with you. Finally what purpose is dreaming when my dreams have already been touched, seen and held. Anxiously tossing and turning through the night, will I have lost you to the moon, oh bring back my light.
Your beauty and kindness of heart delivering you to the stars. The jealous moon reaching down to take my light, not knowing it cannot own you and your light comes from your willing love. Such love I cannot fathom, again dreaming cannot mimic even the simplest detail of you.
No, the Moon cannot wish to be the Sun with stolen radiance as it tries to hush me to sleep.
Hehe, you are very sleepy.
No, I am awake, as awake as I have ever been. My being energized and joyous because I get to look into your eyes and see someone better, more, someone loved and appreciated and I get to see that someone means the same to you. I get to see a imperfect world perfectly.
Yes, I may be infatuated and so are the stars and the moon. How could they not be. I will not sleep, I cannot.
I am living right now, feeling you, seeing you, I get to touch you, hear you, and I get to know...
My girl...
Softly she whispers in his ear, "Sweet Dreams."