How to start in Prospectors game and not to die in the attempt

in #prospectors4 years ago


Hello, fellas from the blockchain gaming environment. Today I want to teach you how to start in this amazing game. I want to remind you of something that we often forget. Blockchain gaming is about having fun and get some money while having fun. If you want to earn serious money fast…well this isn’t the post for it. Go check Axie Infinity scholarships.

Prospectors is a real economy massive game implemented in both EOS and WAX blockchain. I won’t tell you about the long history. I’ll just explain to you the basics to start and the best long-term strategy to earn money here.
First of all: READ the wiki. Get used to buildings, game mechanics, you can read it all on Prospectors site. You can find the wiki right here
If you want the quick guide, then I’ll leave you a post about it soon. Because Prospectors won’t make you rich from night to morning. But I can tell you something. It will teach you about rewarded patience. And as liuke from @academialibertad always says: this is better than clicking in a nonsense faucet or watching repetitive ads.

Wild West and Yukon are permanent worlds created with one purpose: get the gold out of the land. When these worlds started, they had a lot of resources and rich gold plots. A Sales auction was developed allowing players to have an advantage in the game. when something is new it shines a lot. Imagine a world when there is almost nothing built and a lot of stuff to do. Perhaps first players made their tools with their own hands and scratched land with bare hands to get resources. Years later, this isn’t what you see. You see an economy alike to the real world, where the ones with better business get profit and own almost all rich properties.

So, stop complaining about how little potential you see and stay wired. Prospector games still in the beta phase, more gold has been confirmed for new lands and challenges. You need to be prepared for what’s coming next.

For now, there’s not so much to, I recognize it. But if you see free gold, then you’re seeing free money. Of course, mining gold isn’t the only way to profit. To mine gold in an optimum way you need tools, buildings, and those could be profitable businesses as well.

So, in this tutorial, I’ll show you how to start to work and how much profit can you get from it.

What do we need?

1-Tools to mine gold (pickaxe 3000 gold, gold pan 3000 gold)
2-Certificate (45000 gold)

This will cost you around 63000 gold. This equals to $0.63 at the moment. I advise you to do the same in the Yukon world. So it will be around $1.2. If you don’t wanna pay this cheap amount I’ll show you how to get it for absolutely free.
Buying the tools. Go to the market and click on the tools you want. Easy right. now go get your tools, don’t be lazy


Buying a certificate. I bought it already, so I can’t show you but is you’ll find the option in the left superior corner of your screen. Easy too right?

Once you get those things you can start to work. Regular jobs oscillate between 2-3g/min. With the certificate, you can work 5h hours straight, wait for 2.5h to refill energy, and do this 3 times a day. This will get you between 5400 and 8100 gold per day in each world. Through the 30 days, you’ll need to buy 27000 gold in tools to be able to work all month. You can earn up to 135000- 216000 gold this way.

How much is this in real cash? This is a funny part, you can earn around $2 a month in each world only setting your workers 3 times a day. But...this isn’t too much money, right? However, it’s an APR of 340% in the first month.

I’ll tell you how to make much more in the next guide. For now, stay 2-3 months working and saving, do not cash out.


Nice guide, maybe you don't get big profits from the game but drop by drop we fill the glass. 😃

Buena Guía. Gracias !!!