Maduro asks for dialogue but the opposition prepares for the 'taking of Caracas'

in #protest8 years ago

The president has prohibited any manifestation that affects the electoral process; The opposition warns that it could try to prevent the vote.

Venezuela is approaching the National Constituent Assembly that will allow chavismo to change the entire state system, with a call in time of the country's president, Nicolás Maduro, to sit at the table with opponents before, in three days, concrete That choice.
Maduro's request came after a ban on his government from "public meetings and demonstrations, concentrations of people and any other similar act that may disturb or affect the normal development of the electoral process."
The opposition has not rejected or accepted the appeal of Maduro, but he has challenged him in the street saying that despite any ban, he will specify the grand march convened for Friday against the Constituent Assembly.
The alliance of opponents Mesa de la Unidad Democrática (MUD) had called on all Venezuelans to come to the capital on Friday for what it called "the takeover of Caracas," and now redoubles its commitment to this protest activity by referring to it As the "taking of Venezuela".
Today's protest is the last and one of the biggest demonstrations announced by the MUD so far to try to stop the Constituent Assembly, a process that must culminate with the drafting of a new Magna Carta and is seen by the opposition as an attempt to " Consolidate the dictatorship ".
Representatives of the MUD have asked supporters to block the avenues and streets of the country from today, in a protest action that will continue on Saturday, and even Sunday, the day of the election.
Opponents hope Maduro will reconsider the holding of Sunday's elections after these pressure measures, and have warned that he could take action to prevent voting.
Maduro raised this "national table of understanding to talk about the great issues of the country" on the last day of the 48-hour general strike with which the opposition seeks to pressure him to withdraw the Constituent Assembly.niña.jpg