America is in fire once more

in #protest5 years ago (edited)

I was getting ready for an evening walk yesterday when everyone's phones rang an alert which said that the City of Los Angeles must remain indoors from 8 PM to 5:30 AM tonight. It's a curfew because apparently the protests in response to the killing of yet another black man in the United States by a psychotic police officer got here.

The officer had exhibited the signs of hatred towards human beings even before this vile act of violence (which, unfortunately, cannot be fixed by any kind of protest), but still he was allowed to carry weapons, wear the uniform, and work under the "serve and protect" motto.

It’s been several days now, and I didn't want to write a post about this because no matter what I say, it will feel like NOTHING. Nothing can be done to fix murder. But at the same time I know that when something like this happens, people have to talk. It has to be public, everything has to be investigated, and actions have to be taken.

I am afraid that this killing was provoked, planned. I'm inclined to think that the police officer with racial hatred issues could be put there on purpose to provoke something horrible and uncorrectable to happen.

Look at what's happening - the whole country is now fired up, Minneapolis is being destroyed, people are scared for their businesses, their houses, and, first and foremost, their own lives. Both "black" and "white" and "asian" and etc. businesses and buildings are damaged, homes and money is lost, and when riots start, everyone can get hurt and NO ONE wins and no one even knows who is fighting who anymore.

Extremists from both "the white power" and "the black power" are provoked, things get out of hand, and people and places are in total chaos.


Things on such a large scale (like protests and destruction that happen all over the country) don't ever "just happen". There are no accidents. If this was provoked and planned, if someone planned this death and the following destruction, spikes of hatred, new waves of open racial tensions, the question is WHY.

Attention of millions of people in the U.S. and in other countries is on this now. It means that something else is going on elsewhere. It also means that someone needs us, regular people, to be against each other (which doesn't happen to everyone, but I know perfectly well that those who are on the extreme sides will use this incident to justify their own inhumane actions).

I don't believe in accidents... or rather it seems that even accidents tend to happen when they are needed by some people, entities, organizations in this world.

Lots of people say there is no more racism in America, but I don't believe this.

I know that if I was black, I would be MORE scared of the police. It's a fact.

There is "white priviledge" in the U.S. when it comes to contacts with the police.

As a light-skinned person (even though an imigrant from a different country) I feel much safer when I see cops than any dark-skinned person does, ESPECIALLY MALES. There is no way around it, it's just... there.

Also I know that there truly ARE some dangerous "black" neighborhoods where peope get killed on the streets, there are drugs, gangs, etc., but helloooo, when I lived in the lovely state of Montana, there where WHITE dangerous neighborhoods as well, you wouldn’t want to find yourself alone there, ever.

As for these “bad neighborhoods” in Los Angeles, HERE IS THE QUESTION: why are those neighborhoods and people like that? They didn't get to that point by themselves, did they? Our whole society created those neighborhoods and gangs by segregating and abusing previous generations. "Bad" neighborhoods and dangerous gangs take roots in previous abuse, lack of money, lack of possibilities, etc. No, it’s not an excuse either, but it’s ridiculous to ignore the fact that historical evens and social actions had led to this situation.

I am very sad that THEY have provoked us and we are mere puppets in the big game of inhumane psychopaths once again.

It happens again and again and again. Different “actors”, different victims, different situations, but the same scenario that always WORKS.

As for the issue with specifically police brutality, I am amazed at the fact that people who want to become police officers are NOT required to have higher education! How is this a factor? Maybe it’s not, but I believe that a person who studied something beyond high school will not be as primitive in his/her judgements, and will have better discipline and self-control.

Social studies especially, social and physical anthropology, sociology, history, etc could really do some good to some people with bias issues (unless they are already beyond help in their convictions). Even better - invite victims of abuse, rape, torture, war crimes, etc., let them talk to the class of the future “serve and protect” enthusiasts. Show them that in the real world “black” and “white” and “arab” and “mexican” bias and stereotypes are NOT what’s in their heads. Make them see more than what they hear on TV or from their brainwashed peers.


I think that when you have 40 million people unemployed their is a sense of fear, rage and distrust of the system and yes this incident would be bad either way but I think this is just fuel to the fire. These things are happening and have been happening for years, nothing gets fixed, as "previously disadvantaged" person as they like to call us I can tell you nothing has really changed.

Racism is just a narrowed version of the classism we actually all part of, if everyone in the "lower classes" actually stopped fighting with one another they could look up and see the sham they are living on where upward mobility and prosperity is cherry-picked by certain people/industries/networks and not down to hard work alone.

Until that is solved, nothing will ever change

What fire is America in? The lake of fire? The Ring of Fire? Regardless of the fire the whole world is burning. The fire you see is simply a distraction while the debtor drown all over the planet.

How do protests get somewhere? That tells me that you know many of the protestors are from out of town. Oh I am sorry the people from out of town are usually looting and destroying property. I wonder how they got all of those bricks delivered so quickly. I bet there will not be a single official investigation of their origin.

There have been nearly 500 people killed by the police state since the beginning of this year yet we only focus on one incident. BLM says that all lives don't matter and there is proof of this in Chicago. When a sniper takes out an old couple visiting a grave site barely a word. Stop playing into the cognitive dissonance. At RBN there is information for us to learn the lessons of propaganda. On this station I recently heard a great saying. I was told as a kid that, "Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it." I have since learned that the phrase should say, "Those who fail to learn the lessons of propaganda are doomed to repeat history." Mark Twain said that history doesn't repeat but it sure does rhyme.

Yep, it’s a set up, but the thing is many people believe it and get involved and now it’s all over the news just like coronavirus was.. Covid doesn’t work anymore I guess, so they had to come up with a different thing to distract thousands of people and clear the streets

The ultimate goal being fear, obedience, and new harsher laws and rules, I think ?

I have no argument against that assessment. I just ask myself how this fits the hegelian dialectic of problem + reaction = predetermined solution

yes... and I would like to know exactly WHO has predetermined it and why most of us all over the world are so easy to manipulate

We can not pin one entity. The NWO has evolved into an oppressive system. This is spiritual warfare. Clean up and hunker down. Hold your fire until you see the white in their eyes. Civil disobedience is constitutional obedience. Resistance to tyrrants is obedience to Yah-Weh.

That’s what makes it so irritatingly difficult... it’s like in the matrix when he says that there is not one single enemy

and every human can be an enemy while he/she is in the system AND is unaware of it or not willing to change
but because they are humans who can potentially become free going against the non-human part of them violently would be a massacre since it would destroy the human part of them as well

Well, like my teacher says - start with yourself and destroy the many faceless enemies inside your own corrupted being first

I think that all types of education serve to predispose someone to a certain way of looking at things. There's more than one solution to every problem. When you have a bunch of educational widgets (let's say "experts, or professors"?) they have a commonly agreed way of interrogating this, that, or the other thing.

If they all tend to apply that same level of examination, in the same style, then it is likely that they will agree on a common outcome, and reject ideas that are to the contrary of their established methodology, even if the challenging methodology is meticulously researched, referenced, and provides strong evidence contrary to the established view.

There's a sense of self-preservation in any organisation, and in particular, in a lot of this organisations - whether they're in the business of retaining "public order", or weighing vegetables at the local market.

True progress requires that those who have the power are displaced from retaining that power, in order to make way for an improved methodology or process.

Thank you for your thought provoking post, and inspiring this rambling sequence of words as a result.

You are right, and I think the next step after any type of formal education (or not even “next” but simultaneous) is to move forward, beyond every system of indoctrination, to explore and learn from every existing system but not become a slave to any one of them.

If a person can learn by themselves - it’s even better, but it seems like in many social circles and families the culture of self-learning and discovery is almost non-existent... and I think that’s a factor... and for many attending some kind of lectures can be like the first helpful push in a new direction

 5 years ago  Reveal Comment

Wow. I had no idea that it’s actually PLANNED (and not just accidental since it’s so easy to apply to get in there right after high school).

Watching what’s going on in the world and being in my own ways affected by it I kind of want to find out... to look directly at those who manipulate the manipulators, you know, the government above the government, this whole structure composed of single entities who work so smoothly together that the whole humanity is fooled time after time... It’s amazing how well-organized they are, how the system is built in such highly functional way, how everything is calculated in the manner that doesn’t leave much room for mistakes

They are vile but genius

They must be stopped but I’m afraid that in order for that to happen those who can stop them have to become just as vile, calculating, and ruthless for the time being (but not get poisoned and corrupted by it)

A friend of mine says we have to dive into the darkness for the sake of the light... And the most difficult part is to come back from there and to cleanse oneself once out

Easier to indoctrinate or control someone who won't (or can't) question the authority of those who "command" them.

I didn't know about this, I feel saddened, but not surprised by this information. Thanks for sharing.