I saw a Swastika and "Make America White Again" vandalism the other day and mentioned it wouldn't surprise me if that was not actually done by someone racist, but someone intentionally trying to make Trump supporters look bad. Then I said that didn't seem very probable. I guess I was wrong. People have been caught doing exactly that, and caught on security cameras doing it.
First... I am no Trump supporter, and I am not a Hillary supporter. I am very much against hate and fear mongering though. There is a lot of hate going on, and it is not coming just from Trump supporters though much of mainstream media reports it as such. In fact, since Trump won there doesn't really seem to be any of that hate and aggression actually going on. Not that I can see anyway.
There does appear to be a lot of people and mainstream media blaming things on such supporters, but these supporters no longer need to protest, march, or try to sway people to vote for Trump. Given that, how probable is it that most of this Trump supporters inciting hate rhetoric is true? It does not seem very probable to me.
It was this article: FAKE HATE: Leftist Students Painted Swastika and "Trump" on Campus Church that made me realize my brief pondering that I passed off as not probable is actually happening.
At this point all of these protests are over WORDS. Why don't you guys wait for some actions? Instead of protesting things that might happen, wait for something that is REAL and then protest that if appropriate. Right now you are treating your imaginations as though those nighmarish images you've called up are REAL and have happened. Trump only has power to choose who he is going to appoint to positions at this point. He could even change his mind on those things. He can't actually do anything until January 20th. Therefore, all of these protests are people protesting their imaginations and treating imaginary ideas as though they have already happened.
Here are some more examples... how do we know these are true? I suspect they are more false flag in nature.
I tried to show multiple sources since people seem so bent these days on deciding not to listen to something depending upon the source. Even if the report was true. One place that people can scoff at for reports is infowars.com and I do understand this as that site also has a very clear agenda and is not at all unbiased journalism.
Here is a video I saw on infowars, but I've found it from another source:
Wake up from your nightmare. Live your life. Be wary, and pay attention. If actual actions occur worth protesting then there may be merit. As such, currently this behavior is irrational and pointless.
I don't blame it on those protesting completely. The mainstream media seems to still be doing everything it can to stir up this type of activity and thinking.
I just hope people wake up and stop treating imagination as truth.
I am NOT a Trump supporter. Yet I react to ACTIONS not words. I find these activities as deplorable.
Steem On!
I cannot agree more with this statement. Now Trump is on board and the only reasonable thing to do is to wait for him acting.
I would be willing to bet that, just like during the campaigns, these are mostly being done by Clinton/Democrat Party supporters. It's as if people think it is entirely inconceivable that another person can write or spray paint something on a banner or a wall without being an actual supporter of what they're writing. Apparently, in their special little safe spaces, nobody can ever do anything just to make somebody else look bad - even though it is proven time and again that this is exactly what has happened in the past...even during the recent election...even from their own brethren.
It's all a joke. It's most likely all orchestrated by the same groups. And it's also all very predictable.
Just remember who the people were that were trying to tell us all that, if Trump didn't get elected, there would be riots in the streets. That we should all be careful that his supporters would turn violent. That they would never accept the election results and would try to disrupt the "peaceful" election process. They warned us. A lot of people just failed to realize that they were merely projecting once again, as they always do.
Yeah... I wrote about the hypocrisy of them doing just what they claimed the Trump supporters would do.
During this entire campaign process I've seen the mainstream media hype how dangerous and aggressive Trump supporters are. I am not a Trump supporter, so when I say I only saw the media and Democrats reporting it I am saying it NOT as an opponent of theirs.
The violence and aggression I saw was usually occurring AT Trump rallies by people protesting that rally. Thus, they were not Trump supporters... people don't tend to protest their own rallies.
Yeah, I'm not a Trump supporter either, as I'm sure you already know. It's just hilarious to me that these people continually try to portray their opponents as violent and as threats to their precious "democracy," but they're the ones that are always protesting and rioting when they don't get everything they want.
"Trump and his supporters won't accept the outcome of the election!"
"They're going to protest and riot!"
"They're going to get violent!"
"They're going to try to kill Hillary!"
"They're going to cause a civil war!"
So far, the exact opposite has happened. Like I said - it's the same predictable projection from this crowd. They think everyone else will act this way...because that's exactly how they act. Next, they'll be crying about police cracking down and the national guard getting called in to break up their riots. Then they'll say, "See! I told you Trump's election would cause martial law and that he would create a stronger police state!" It's just another self-fulfilling prophecy. They either want that to happen, or they're just too damn stupid to figure out that this is what will likely happen if they keep acting that way.
I had to go ahead and add an additional image to my post... I did a false flag mock up scene...
Please be aware & stay away from these demonstrations. There are people there who are looking fro any excuse to wreck havoc. They may be paid, or looking for their moments of fame, or have an ax to grind, or all of the above. You will put yourself at risk if you become embroiled. The Trump supporter that was mugged had a bumper sticker on his car, and was deliberately hit by a demonstrator's car. He got out to exchange insurance information, & was attacked. It can happen to you. Please be safe my friends.
Thanks for the additional detail. I had no plan of going to any demonstrations. Thank you for sharing the comment for other readers here though and for the details on the guy that got beat up.
when seconds count
the police are only minutes away.
Heh did you watch that video? It goes on for quite a while... no cops in sight.
oh? so the cops are MORE than just minutes away?
imagine that.
Yep... I don't actually know if they ever showed up. :)
Half of the protesters in Portland are from out of state. Makes ya wonder.
I've been hearing of reports like that for awhile. I heard some similar things before the election and I know of one case where that was debunked and it was not true. Though that does not mean that is the case in all of them.
Third video from the bottom "Who are the Protestors?" in this post I made earlier today is actually about that.
there was an actual video of trans and others blocking a path to a school, not letting white people by (men particularily of course) more than words there. The fake hate crimes aactually have happened a lot over time, flaring up here and there
I read one about a guy dying because an ambulance couldn't get past protestors blocking it. It was on Infowars, so it is not like it is being reported by a site without an agenda, but given what I am seeing it seems plausible.
The sad thing is Trump hasn't done anything yet to protest. He can't do any actual actions until January 20th, so anything people protest before then is primarily imaginary. Trump can announce who he is going to appoint to positions and people CAN protest those choices, and Trump can change his mind. In those cases protests might make a difference.
Riots don't. If you burn down my house, my shop, my car, break my windows, etc WHY WOULD ANY SANE PERSON think I suddenly would be sympathetic and agree with the rioters? It is pure stupidity.
Stupid (and cowardly) people looking for excuses to indulge those impulses while feeling morally superior. i would slap them down with 'lucille' if i needed and could get away with it lol
I get the reference completely. If we bang on something loud enough we can lure them into a trap. ;)