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RE: How to Escape a Cult that's Taken Over The World. Pt. 2

in #protest3 years ago

I don't agree with you fully here on the COVID cult. But there are things we should all come together on. Things that are bigger and more important to our response to a virus. Being free to speak our minds, being free to frankly communicate about consequential topics like this virus and other things beyond it too. Being free.

To see COVID being used as a tool to hijack people into going against these now increasingly vulnerable Western values is bumming me out, to put it lightly. The virus is bad, but it's not like it's some civilization ending level bad, unless we actively make it to be. And we have these morons hyperfocusing on it, as if it must be dealt with at all costs, no matter how futile it is, and no matter how much they actively ignore that futility. It's these morons, and the reactions from the ripples they've made and continue to make, that are the threat to our civilization.