It has been said that for one to hide a lie, one needs other lseveral lies. Each of the lie in turn also need several other lies. thereby creating an unending to that lie. Truth therefore is one.
There may equally be many paths of the truth or but there is only one pure truth. All the paths of the truth must and have to be coherent with each other instead of contradictory to each other. We can say that a false story is one that does not add up. The number seven is used and seen as an hyperbole.
Truth is integrity, from which is derivative word 'integer'. (or integrity) put simply it means "whole". Saying the right words doesnt always mean you are being truthful. You can say the right words but with a wrong motive. While Another person can just lie without saying a word.
The truth does not change at all. It can be told consistently over and over again and it still mean the same. But a lie keeps on and will always transform itself into many other lies just to suit the prevailing circumstances.
When one tell lies he finds it difficult to be consistent unlike the truth. Therefore you can find that an individual who lies can tell one story in different versions.
Nevertheless,vA lie needs justification to maintain it ground but truth maintains itself without having a single alterations. That's why in many other African countries they say and I quote "Truth breaks a bow poised to shoot." End of quote.
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