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in #proverbs8 years ago (edited)

No one has required you to join in to this conversation. Having done so, I welcome your comments. The fact that Jesus Christ has changed the course of this world is undeniable. It is also indisputable that faith in him as improved the lives of countless numbers. No doubt there are many who have abused faith in Christ, but the good that faith in One who walked on this earth so long ago, in such a small part of this world, is miraculous to say the least.


A know that I am approaching you with this. I am not saying that you are pushing at me.

Your post seemed like a question and I know what it is like to be accosted by the faithful.

I agree with your some of your opinions in your last statement

Jesus was a person with revolutionary ideas who did change the world.
Many folks are better off as Christians and many folk are better off for the actions of Christians including many non Christians. Christians make life better for me in some ways. Your philosophies make people do things that they might not do without Christianity. Some of those things are important to society. I know you and your faith are important and world changing and I admire you for your leadership in the cause.

I feel the way some folks proselytize is undesirable.

I approached you to see what people like yourself think. I agree with some of it and you have made me think more about what good your faith does.

my point in all of this is that you might try a more passive approach with more understanding for resistance.

I hope you don't feel disrespected, I think a person who tries to help is the one most worthy of respect.

"I hope you don't feel disrespected, I think a person who tries to help is the one most worthy of respect."

Not at all. Thanks for your reply.

I did not grow up a Christian. My family - brothers and sisters are in all sorts of trouble because of drugs and alcohol. My mom was a bartender. My step dad was an professional rodeo cowboy and an alcoholic. I became a Christian at the age of 21 and it has saved my life. I believe ANYONE can benefit from faith.

However, I too am afraid of how some within Christianity manipulate others with their faith.

dude right! The prosperity gospel thing is nuts. Some churches are discriminatory and lead their followers to think that way.
The Mormons would not have black people in power until 1978. I went to a church once when I was little that was overtly antisemitic. All groups have the power to lead folks to do questionable things. Deviating from basic tenements like kindness and respect and getting political is almost asking for trouble.

No argument here. :-)
Still, faith in God, and following the Word of God according to the dictates of one's own conscience is a healthy thing. I do not require anyone to agree with me. I only ask they have a solid, well thought out and studied reason for their position. My position is that there is a God and we must all give an account to Him one day. Heaven and hell are literal and the eternal souls of all men and women will go to one or the other and that one's faith in Jesus Christ is what makes the difference.

I see your Heaven/Hell as a metaphor but either way a clear instruction to be nice.
Where do you and yours fall on the homosexual issue.

I interpret the Bible according to historical/grammatical rules. It is to be taken literally unless the Bible itself tells me otherwise. Jesus made it very clear that heaven and hell are not metaphorical. If Jesus was wrong, then I would agree with anyone that we ought to toss the whole book!
We accept Romans chapter one to be the biblical position concerning homosexuality. I recommend a book entitled "Born That Way After All" by Johnny Nixon as an answer to the difficulties those with sexual identification issues.

Not everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved

Your have some allies in all sorts of groups and countries!

Westboro Baptist Church comes to mind.

Where did Paul stand on slavery?