3 Easy Ways to Increase Your Profits Using Proximity Marketing
Proximity Marketing will allow you to send messages to anyone who has an android phone with their Bluetooth on while they are within 100 yards of you or your business. If you have a message that is compelling and appeals to them, you have a great chance of peaking their curiosity enough to have them click your link, go to your website or come into your store for the first time. Take a moment to imagine the endless possibilities….
They get a message sent to their mobile phone that mentions something specific about your current offer or promotion. Perhaps, the message mentions something happening right at that moment at your place of business like a side walk sale or if you are a restaurant owner…happy hour.
Depending on what your business is, the message may mention something that is happening at your business right at that moment or you can send them to a coupon on your social media page or website that offers them a special incentive if they visit today!
Other examples could be, if you have a local band playing at your location now, you can communicate that fact to people who are walking and/or driving nearby (who could be interested in coming by to see the band). Or maybe you have a product specialist talking on a topic of interest to the community. ‘Telling’ people about it while they are walking near your store, makes them good candidates to stop by for a visit.
The question that is on most business owners’ minds when they hear about what proximity marketing can do for them is whether or not this will really make them more profitable. As the owner or main decision maker, you are probably asking the same question, will it really make you more money? The answer is yes, if you know how to use it effectively. We will discuss three ways that proximity marketing can make you more profitable, when it is used to its full potential.
1.) Offer Your Slow Moving Products at Full Price
When you have products or services that are not moving, you can use proximity marketing to make these products or services available to people who may not normally see your advertising (or who may not know what your business does). Selling your slow moving inventory could possibly catch someone who is in need of it at that moment.
2.) Offer Your Discontinued or Clearance Products at a Greater Discount
Sometimes you may find that you have guessed wrong on a certain trend you saw in the market and bought inventory or supplies based on it. Or, perhaps you may have hired temporary workers that you thought would be working on a new line of business. But you didn’t get the increased number of customers to justify the extra labor. Use your proximity marketing services in order to get nearby prospects and customers to see what you can offer right now to those near your location. Getting these new customers will help you to recover some of the costs you laid out and may perhaps even help you to turn a profit.
3.) Offer a Special Discount or Deal on days when your location is slow, using Proximity Marketing
If you have a business that depends on foot traffic or walk in traffic, this can be very helpful to you. You are paying staff to be there. You are paying for utilities. So why not maximize the resources you are already paying for, in order to generate more revenue for your business. What proximity marketing will do is to allow you to offer deals to people when they are close to your location. In some cases, they may not actually purchase the “deal” that you offer, but you will have them at your location, where they will possibly buy something that they do like. These are three simple ways for you to generate more revenue for costs that you have already paid. There are a number of other ways to take advantage of this kind of marketing, and if you take the time to brainstorm you will come up with many more. Proximity marketing is not only great for business owners who have brick and mortar business, but also is a phenomenal resource for online entrepreneurs and network marketers as well. The choices are truly endless and the sky is the limit with this new form of technology! What new and innovative technology are you using to market your business today? To Learn More About Proximity Marketing Click Here
Very Nice !!
thank you! Glad you enjoyed the information!
Hi friend, very good !!!!!
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sure thing. thanks for the vote!
@jataya ... Really Informative POST... REsteemed