Look Up—Don’t Give Up!

in #psalm2 years ago

Psalm 142:3

God doesn’t want you to get discouraged and quit at the halfway point of life.

He wants you to make it to the finish line.

He’s called you to look up, not give up.

Psalm 142:3

Yesterday we discussed two causes of discouragement: fatigue and frustration.

As we continue reading through Nehemiah 4, we find two more.

The third cause of discouragement is failure.

When the Israelites got to the halfway point in rebuilding Jerusalem’s walls, they wondered if they were going to succeed: Nehemiah 4:10

It was taking longer than expected, and they felt defeated and discouraged.

The truth is, nobody succeeds at first.

The only way you succeed in life is by failing and learning what doesn’t work.

Failure is the stepping stone to success.

The difference between successful and unsuccessful people is this: Successful people see failure as a temporary setback.

Unsuccessful people see it as a mark on their character.

Proverbs 24:16

The fourth cause of discouragement is fear.

Not only did Israel’s enemies ridicule the rebuilding efforts, but they also made threats:

Nehemiah 4:11

Hearing your enemies talk like that is legitimate reason to be discouraged!

Nehemiah 4:12

Those who lived closest to the enemy were most fearful.


Because they were constantly surrounded by extreme negativity.

If fear is discouraging you right now, surround yourself with good things and positive voices.

Don’t pay attention to negative media.

Turn it off, or you’ll only become a more frightened, paranoid, and worried person.

What is discouraging you today?

Fatigue, frustrations, failure, or fear?

Whatever it is, give it to God and Hebrews 12:1

Talk It Over

What feelings of discouragement can you give to God today?

Think of a time you failed at something but later realized it was actually a stepping stone to success.

How did your mindset affect your progress?

What are the negative influences you need to turn off this week?