some of the remnants of what remains of the psyberx story, I spent time on this, and despite the circumstances and the time that has passed I'm releasing this unfinished. A momento to what could have been
The wind howled through the dark shifting the house while acidic rain crashed down into the shambles of the roof. Jacob was in for the night intending to amuse himself with a retro movie. He channel hopped until he reached Cine TV, and slunk back into his side of the couch.
Between making business trips for his Pops to his common household chores there was rarely a time to watch much of anything, but still, he always enjoyed a good story when time allowed for it. Randy, his dad sat in the big armchair beside the glass door, already hunkered back into an octane slump of his own making, not uncommon for a Friday night....or any night for that matter, its a wonder how he still trucks along he thought to himself.
He loved him, although a hopeless drunk, the old man had nearly raised him himself, Jacob missed his mother, he could still picture her warm face and smile. Jacob hated those dark thoughts: hated the memories brought with them. Turning back to the TV he recollected the contents. An old flick from times forgotten, a murder mystery quickly turned into the very question of what is real...and what is right and wrong. The camera panned out over a wooded area that had always reminded him of home, the vast forest in the show was uncanny to his own backyard. The show however, had lush greenery while in this world dead husks and the odd tree with dribbles of life were all that remained. If I didn't know any better I'd say it was filmed right here, a long time ago.
The loud twang of glass shattering into the ground caught Jacob by surprise, he clutched the inscribed dagger his mom gave him all those years ago. A shiny black obsidian blade with red illuminated engravings etched into it's core... they faded in and out giving off a red hue. Oh Pops Jacob looked over at him.
"that's the third glass this week! I'd say the old man spent just as much on octane as he did on actual glassware to consume the damned stuff."
Setting the dagger down and pausing the movie, Jacob walked to the kitchen mindful not to step on any broken shards. A draft of wind rushed through him, not uncommon for an old house such as his, although usually, the wind didn't hit as strong.... a bad storm he thought as he wet a rag sauntering back towards the den to clean up the mess. Randy had barely stirred at all, too used to the soun' of broke'n glass he'd say,, the soun' of a broke'n life more like.
SIGH... life's chores were never ceaseless
The young man knelt down to hunt for the pieces, his body faced the sliding glass door.. While his head looked down towards the floor. The wind creaked the house even more. He looked up and screamed.
Lightning crashed illuminating a figure watching over him through the glass. Jacob scooched back frantically kicking the pieces he had just gathered.
Horror grew in Jacobs eyes as he realized the figure wasn't a reflection.
Jacob scrambled to his feet, not noticing that Randy had crashed onto the scene like a bewildered drunk, he had a fair wobble on him from the octane. But Jacob's cry for assistance was loud enough to wake him.
" Who are ya and what are ya doing in my house!" Randy Roared, there may as well have been a gang of intruders in his home, it made no difference to him.
Cold and calculated the stranger stepped back assessing father and son.
"Why... I'm sorry sir I didn't mean to startle your boy. I was knocking for what must have been 10 minutes, I didn't think anyone was home so I let myself in, I hope you don't mind but my car broke down about a mile off... I'm grounded until I can get it fixed." Pausing to clear his throat the man stepped into the light sheepishly.
"I'm looking for a place to hang my head. My girlfriend, friend, and his girl are still in my car waiting for me to report back....."
At this notion Jacob looked to his left to raise an eyebrow of desperation to his Pops mixed with a pleading glint in his eyes, weary but concerned Randy opened his mouth.
"What's ya name boy?"
"I'm a Nobody really..." The mans voice trailed off, he soon noticed Randy's glare wouldn't leave it at that and continued.
"Call me Greg." The man said with a smile.
Uneasily Randy replied,
"Well, Greg , Why don't ya have yerself a seat... please get comfortable while we figure this situation out; Jacob why don't ya go find a towel for our...guest" he said uncertainly; he added "tha acid rain can get pretty nasty if ya let it dry."
" Thank you good sir quite right you are." Chuckling to himself he continued.
"I appreciate you welcoming my little... intrusion into your night."
Finishing his sentence Greg pushed past Randy to take up his chair putting his feet on the nearby coffee table as if to say he owned the place.
Jacob knowing that finding a towel really meant get the gun returned shortly with a towel and a glock tucked into his waste band. He held the towel out towards Greg, Jacob noticed his hand was trembling as he waited for the man to take it. Greg looked at it for a moment, then slowly looked up to stare into Jacob's eyes.
"Thank you".
As the man reached for it Jacob could feel a small bead of sweat building up on his forehead, his stomach tightened into contortions by the uneasy silence that followed. What's with this guy
Randy broke the tension as Greg patted himself dry.
" Well Greg I can't offer ya asylum as you're a stranger to me, ya know how this world is, however you're in luck as I happen to be the best Mechanic In Zeelis." stepping forward Randy continued. " I'll get ya fixed up in no- AHHHHH JEEZ!"
Randy had unfortunately stepped on broken glass, blood gushed out of the gaping wound. He promptly began to hop on one foot like a cartoon character spraying droplets of blood with each bounce. Finally he settled into his chair and with a calm voice declared.
"That's it,, I'm using the flask from now on... even in the comfort of home"
A concerned Jacob rushed to his fathers aid with an octane soaked rag, dabbing the wound. Randy winced in pain with each motion.
"Oh Pops you're in no condition to go fix his car now." Hesitantly Jacob continued probing his dad for tactful insight of their situation. "I'll have to go, after all I'm the second best mechanic in Zeelis" he said with a wink.
"Now listen here son, that may be so, but it's a two man job in this weather at this time of night." I don't trust him
"You're right Pops". Greg who had been watching the whole ordeal from the sidelines suddenly caught a glint of red in the corner of his eye The Dagger
attempting to be slick he palmed it with a swipe but the motion did not go unnoticed.
"AHEM! I believe that's mine." Jacob stated with a sideways glance
A puzzled Greg stared back motionless "excuse me?"
"The Dagger! hand it over RIGHT NOW!!"
A glint of rage milked over Greg's eyes quickly followed by a glaze of neutrality.
"Of course... my mistake, I was simply admiring the craftmanship."
He handed it back to Jacob handle side first. Uneasily Jacob retrieved it from his hands.
"Listen....Greg I know we said we was gonna help ya'll out but it's simply not possible at this time, I'll send my team out first thing in the morning and get ya fixed up on my dime, as for now, I'll give ya a bag with blankets ,some food for ya friends."
"Jacob would you pack this man a bag for the road?"
At this notion Greg made an involuntary jerk and started to babble.
"But... But... I need... my friends though....I, I,"
Jacob cast a sideways glance at the jittering man, then without hesitation.
"You need to leave my home now or you'll have bigger problems then a broken car." Jacob asserted as he produced the Glock from his waistband aiming directly at Greg's face. "Move slowly! I don't wanna kill you Mr. but I will, you can be sure of that." A stunned Greg slowly moved towards the door, hands slightly raised.
Jacob moved fast gathering a few things without taking his eyes or gun off Greg. He walked towards Greg who was standing by the open door.
" Here's the bag. Sorry about the gun, but we're not the hosting type.
Greg stared back with unwavering taciturnity, it was as if by leaving the house, any semblance of the man Greg once portrayed had left as well. Although put-off Jacob retained enough social niceties to hand Greg the bag and say "goodnight" before closing the door.
"That guy sketches me out" half-whispered Jacob as they made their way towards the living room.
" I'll tell ya one thing, I don't believe his car was broken, I think he was sent here to be frank."
" Sent! Why?"
" You're moms dagger... there's something I should have told ya about it a while back.... years ago Billy Ray, one of your mom's friend, he showed up here late one night claiming he was in trouble, that he had to hide for awhile, he gave her that dagger that night, told her to keep it safe, that people would and have killed for the damn thing."
Tears began to well up in Randy's eyes as he spoke " If only I was awake at the time..."
"I woulda told him to get lost with that damned dagger..... Well he got lost, haven't seen him since.... your mom, she became obsessed with the thing, became distant. She never told me much about it, well you know the rest, she disappeared just like Billy Ray. I always worried someone might come by to collect, today might have been that day."
Randy fell silent from the strange sound protruding from their home.
"SHH!" Randy hissed. raising a finger to the air.
Clang, the distinct sound of bottles skidding across pavement echoed from within their house.
"Someone's in our garage, kill the lights and hide, you know what to do."
Wasting no time Jacob killed the power casting the house into shadow, then proceeded to grab his dagger,After what Pops just told me I cant risk having it fall into the wrong hands. He paused halfway up the stairs and crouched to pry up the last step.
Gold coins jingled together as his dagger was thrown into the hidy-hole. he quickly stomped the board back into place. As if prompted by the noise of the board gunfire began to exchange from below. The noise deafened him, it seemed to radiate from everywhere all at once; imploding deep into his skull. I gotta help my dad Making up his mind he began to wade through the sound waves until he was at the foot of the stairs. the guns stopped. he paused to listen. Footsteps echoed towards him from the left. A shiny white glow appeared from around the hallway, growing in strength with each step. Jacob raised his arms straight in front of him gun cocked and ready to blast. The shadowy figure came into view brandishing a glowing assault rifle. The camouflage weaved across the gun like snakes. That's not pops
Jacob unloaded shell after shell. he could hear the tear of flesh as the bullets ripped through the man one after another. The body slumped to the floor in a crumbled pile. Jacob nervously approached him. When he saw the face of the assailant a giant yelp escaped his lips. It was Randy. Jacob dropped to his knees in agony.
Tears weeped down his face, Randy was dead, He had shot him. Nothing mattered at this point.
CHIC-CHIK The resonating sound of a shotgun accompanied by cold steel pressed against his skull suppressed his tears instantly. A familiar voice snarled behind him.
"Where's the dagger kid."