"If you get the message, hang up the phone"

in #psychedelic7 years ago

You can always pick the phone back up, but it is important to step away for a moment to implement what you have received. Integration is a process of embodying experience. This does not mean to never pick up the phone again, but rather to take some time and sit with your experience.

What does Integration mean to you?


Integration is such an important piece to the psychedelic experience! Without interpreting the raw "data" that an experience will provide, there can be no application of any lessons about ourselves or existence. Personally, I had an experience that left me with a lot of questions immediately after and I can appreciate that for some, it may feel as though we were short changed when we approach such an experience to answer. It could be the instinct for some to attempt to seek more experiences, however without unpacking, there may be less opportunity for growth. I am unsure how continually exploring would manifest, perhaps being caught attempting to learn the same lessons, or the person deciding this tool is not as capable as it can be...both outcomes would be unfortunate, for certain.