Carefull man. Tripped quite a bunch of times. But thing about LSD/Lucy is that you CAN'T tell exactly how much is on the blotter, regardless of what the seller said.
I took it 5 times, and 4 times it was right waht he said ,correct quantity. 5th one, was overdosed, made me achieve ego death and ended up having a psychotic panic, yelling like a mad-man because i thought i was dying. Forgot who i was or that I was on the drug, simply thought I was dying. Needless to say, I got to the hospital in that night, and it was the most traumatizing experience of my life.
Psychedelics are great teachers, but you have to be extra carefull when doing them. ALWAYS, and I mean, ALWAYS have a buddy to sit out your trip.Make sure he's not tripping, otherwise you'll both spiral into a horrible trip which might scar you for life.
Are you done with it forever?
This is the reason it needs to be regularized
There needs to be tests.
And community places where it is a persons job to calm someone down if its a bad trip. Also babysitters.
There actually should be a service you purchase that you get your own babysitter. Uber for psychedelic trippers so to speak.
Is that a good idea @jpederson96
I will be careful. With my trips mind if i contact you before i do them?
A egodeath on acid sounds scary as hell.