The context of this your post was lost in the sense that you did the following
firstly you made the above statement that says
NOTE: the quoted are you own words.
So now I am rewarding anyone who can teach me new useful/valuable stuff.
then you went from there to this
So this contest is to see who can offend me the most, and I will send you more hive the more offensive you are.
however, Emotions are neither good nor bad, they're only our psycological responses to the events of life.
However, any new psychological insights are appreciated, no matter how insignificant they may be to the whole of my personality.
what you need is an "Ego Death", cause you suffer from what they call "Toxic Shame" check the both terms out on google, that's a must.
Since i'm not a clown put into this earth to make you feel offended or happy, but right here in my comment i want to talk to you from a place in my heart
yes it's high time i talk to you cause i care about you, yes i might desperately need the money you're fluttering around but this right here i have for you is worth more, only if you take your time to digest it.
yes it is, so take a chill pill with M-o-n-e-y contest talks.
i've known you from steemit since 2018, well i'll tell you some traits i noticed about you, with the tune of your text sometime, feels like you're someworth frustrated and some other time like someone who feels really low of themselves.
back then i remember just when i think about you, i'd say in my mind that guy's a psychopath.
but since then i've grow better to know better than i know life before now.
your Ego feeds you with some BS that if you sacrifice your life for others or put their needs first, that you'll feel better of yourself, or get the best out of life, but jokes on you cause that's not how the devil's world works, probably this said traits might not really be your fault, and maybe you've grown with it since when you were a child, well i don't know, i don't even know how old you could be now, but it doesn't really matter the time you decide to take a change in your life, i've seen people change their lives at 60, not to give you toxic positivity here but truly i've seen them change several parts of their lives to become a better them, in expressing themselves better, and achieving their dreams and making real impact in their lives and that of others too and not the kind of impact of an Egocentric narcissist.
if the above truly speaks about you in real life, then i'd recommend a book for you to read, that would transform your way of thinking about the world in general, funny thing is the same Ego(toxic shame) will get really triggered at first, but if you dont mind it and continue to read ahead i promise you'll come back thanking me, or wishing you knew about it a decade or two ago.
well what book am i talking about here?
there you have it.
i don't know if you can get it around you, but if not, PDF's are always availaable, although "Authors pay bills too dawg", if you need other recommendations of straight to the point self-help book, then you could just comment and i'll be at your service anytime
as i feel the need for financial assitance currently, due to things are not too great or seem to workout even in times like this here please read the post, cause i'm not sure you did the last time.
if you feel the need to help or support us i'd really appreciate it to be honest, but if not, it's all fine still, i'm still at your service just like i said earlier, i'll always appreciate all you've done for me and my family now and even in the past.
i hope this is worth your 2 cents, my prayers are with you mi amigos, have a wonderful life from now on, that's my wish for you the Superior Man called Dimimp, make sure you feel really good about your life, and not pretend to, don't doubt it, it could exist.