"The mind is like an iceberg. Only 1 in 7 is above water. The rest is invisible to the person. "Sigmund Freud (1856-1939)
Freud believed that Yunus Emre's influence on the European psychologists of the time, "I have one, let me in ...", especially the physical anomalies of women, began with the hypnosis and began to descend into the depths of the minds of the patients. Today Freud is the founder of psychoanalysis, the founder of psychoanalysis, a mentor to other psychologists who follow the psychoanalytic model, such as Carl Jung and Anna Freud, who laid the foundations of what we now know as clinical psychology (abnormal psychology), and today, As a psychologist we hear, we are confronted.
According to Freud's theory, our soul (psyche) consists of three main parts: the supernatural Ego, which we show to the outside world, the Superego that holds our deepest wishes and desires and keeps it hidden from the outside world Id, and Id's demands as a regular parent. According to Freud, people must confront themselves with the contents of these dynamics in order to be able to recognize themselves during therapy.
World Famous Psychologists: Carl Jung "The subconscious of Kisin is actually linked to a broader consciousness ... I call this reality a collective subconscious."
Carl Jung (1875-1961)
Jung, who was Sigmund Freud's mentor, but later dismissed Freud's theory as a "rebellious student", was a very mystical personality. Jung, who also did research on Freud's subconscious mind that he had opened, left a little while after Freud's mind and spiritual (material) approaching thought. Individual psychology constitutes a derivation of collective consciousness, linking psychology to religion or even theology. Jung's ideas of the soul as a cosmic energy have formed the sub-structures that guide New Age and parapsychology today.
Worldwide Famous Psychologists-Skinner
"The reason why I objected to the inner dynamics of my person is not because of their belief that they are not, but only in a functional analysis, internal dynamics are unnecessary." B. F. Skinner (1904-1990)
If Carl Jung sees psychology based on spirit, Skinner looks at it based on so much material and organism. Famous for his experiments with mice, Skinner believes that humans are like animals and can be conditioned with rewards and punishment. After Skinner's investigations, attention will be paid to Behavioral Psychology, a positivist branch of psychoanalysts who believe that they have slowly lost time with abstract concepts in America and can carry psychoanalysis to research laboratories. But the results of Skinner's work for society and education are important. The idea that people can control their behavior when they receive the prizes and punishments required by the individual is powered by Skinner's work.
World Famous Psychologists - Aaron Beck
"If we can correct the false beliefs about the self, we can reduce the exaggerated reaction that these beliefs have caused to us." Aaron Beck (1921-)
Defined as the father of cognitive psychology, Aaron Beck has found the middle way between conflicting Behavioral Psychology and Psychoanalytic Psychology in America and has argued that it leads to misconceptions about the perception of the self and its surroundings and unwanted behavior. Strengthening his theories with clinical depression patients, Beck found that the reality perceptions of patients with psychological disorders are quite negative. It is believed that the person will show more adaptive behaviors by correcting different perceptions like 'half of the cup is full / half of the cup is empty'.
World Famous Psychologists - Albert Bandura
"The behaviors that the people exhibit affect their behavior." Albert Bandura (1925-)
Albert Bandura, the founder of the social learning theory, proved in a laboratory environment that Bobo Doll (Bobo Game) experiment with children has affected the behaviors of the person's surroundings and the behavior of the observer in the created environment. In the experiment with 36 girls and 36 boys, the children are left in a room with Bobo Doll, a toy that is swinging in place. In 2 different versions of the experiment, the adult entering, either hits the game and beats him, or does nothing. In version 3, no adult comes in. Researchers see that children in the adult version of the violence against Bobo Doll are violent when they are left alone in the room to play with Bobo Doll.
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I find psycholgogy all together fascinating that's why I majored in it. nice piece