Psychology Addict # 34 | Demons, Possession & Exorcism

in #psychology7 years ago (edited)

WARNING - If reading devilish stories upsets you, please reconsider reading this post, as it is loaded with such accounts. Also, beware that this post briefly discusses child abuse, and contains language that some of you may find strong.

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Back in university I had a classmate (Rita) with whom I got together quite often to have lunch. As our friendship narrowed we began to open up to each other; and for a while, the topic we discussed the most was our respectively housemates. Or, should I say bitched 😶? Anyways, it didn’t take long for my complaints (e.g. Oh! My housemate eats my ice-cream!) seem foolish compared to what Rita had to report about the young woman who was living with her back then.

I met Rita’s housemate various times. She was a pleasant, sweet looking young woman, who did a lot of charity work, only watched children’s TV programs, cooked a mean risotto and had an excessive preoccupation with the devil. She and I didn’t talk about anything other than recipes. But, even when the topic was, let’s say, sponge cakes, it would, somehow, turn to the facets of the fallen angel. So, this is the sort of things Rita would concernedly complain to me about her housemate:

“Last night she [Rita’s house-mate] was sobbing on the sofa when I came back home. She was upset that I left her alone. She told me that when she left the kitchen the fallen angel was standing in the corridor blocking the way to her bedroom. She said he looked as if he had his skin inside out.”

In my previous post we discussed how neuropsychology and psychiatry make sense of visual and auditory grieving-hallucinations (through certain types of feelings). But, there are other emotions that prompt the phenomenon too; namely, terror and guilt. This is something that is often portrayed in literature. For example, in the Book Beloved, the character Sethe is haunted by her daughter’ ghost, who she preferred to see dead than living under slavery, and that was the reason why she killed her. Only to, subsequently, be consumed by guilt. You see, Rita’s housemate often made remarks about her terror of being taken away by demons, and also on feeling guilty for repeatedly transgressing the law of God.

The Voice of Satan (Spoiler: Not Really!)

Scary forest.jpg

I expect you agree with me when I say that our fears are extremely influenced by our cultural values, environment and upbringing. In his book The God Delusion, for instance, Dawkins talks about a situation a friend of his went through. Someone Dawkins described as an intelligent, mature and very religious man; who once, late into the night during a camping trip, was woken by the terrifying voice of Satan himself! That was an episode which later on in life weighed heavily in his friend’s decision towards becoming a church minister.

Dawkins says that he was so taken aback by his friend’s frightening experience that he would often retell that story. In one occasion, when talking about it with some colleagues that happened to be experienced ornithologists; the group of bird experts shouted in unison “The Devil Bird”. It turns out that the scary cackles and shrieks emitted by that type of bird earned them the not so flattering nickname. But of course, a bird would be the last thing to cross Dawkin’s friend’s thoughts, as his fears and anxieties were rooted in different grounds.

Considering you are willing to embrace the explanation posited by psychology to make sense of visual and auditory devilish hallucinations; so far so good! But, what does the science of the mind and behaviour have to say about cases of demonic possessions? A phenomenon that also permeate history, literature and movies.

Not many Demons, Many Identities.

Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) is a truly complex mental illness. And one of the reasons for this is the fact that its symptoms overlap with those of many other mental and brain conditions, like psychosis and schizophrenia. Well, so much so, that the psychiatrist (Eugen Bleuler) who actually coined the name schizophrenia and wrote what came to be a classic book about the condition Dementia Praecox or The Group of Schizophrenias largely describes it through what the DSM nowadays categorises as DID.

For example, in his book Bleuler states the following about schizophrenia.

When specific “persons” speak through the patients, in various cases of automatic speech, each “person” has his own special voice and distinct manner of speech. (p.49)

And this is one of the DSM5’s criteria for the diagnosis of DID.

Two or more distinct identities or personality states are present, each with its own relatively enduring pattern or perceiveing, relating to and thinking about the environment and self.

However, this post is not meant to address such complexities. Consequently, I would like you to please imagine someone presenting the aforementioned symptoms in a French convent, back in the 1500’s.

One such person was Jeanne Fery.

The Exorcism of Jeanne Fery


The identities or personality states referred to in the DSM are also known as alters. Jeanne had 50 of them, 49 out of which were all demons (the remaining one was a child) who, according to her own account controlled different parts of her body; for example, her God cursing mouth and blind eye. Jeanne did not always present blindness, this was only one of the many somatic symptoms she suffered from when a given alter identity overtook her sense of self and agency. Some of the other symptoms she presented were: extreme physical strength, refusal to eat and self-mutilation. All of which are seen in nowadays’s DID patients in the form of suicidality, anorexia, etc...

95% of individuals living with DID suffered repeated physical and or sexual abuse before the age of 5. The other 5% of them also report to have gone through traumas, but of different kinds (e.g witnessing something terrifying) *. Jeanne Ferry wrote an autobiography, where she narrated that her first devil appearance (dissociation) happened when she was 4. That was Garga, he turned up to help her not to suffer from her father’s beatings, who also appeared to have repeatedly abused her sexually. It is now accepted that such dissociations occur as an “avoidance coping strategy”, and in current days they are mostly described as monsters or vampires.

But, of course, this sort of understanding was not around in the 1500’s, and this is why in April 10, 1584, Jeanne was taken to the Archbishop, as ‘evil spirits were possessing her body’. Not only did her alters talk/fight to one another, but they also visualised one another. They had names like Cornau (Horn), Sanguine (Bloody) and so forth. According to her exorcists these devils “would trash” Jeanne’s body, as they witnessed her banging her head against the wall, and mutilating her own body (often her genitals). But then again, this is now interpreted as her re-experiencing being beaten (banging the head) and resisting penetration (genital mutilation). In one of Dr. Sacks publications he explains that some life experiences are so emotionally charged that they compel the brain to repeat them over and over again, due to the indelible impression they make.

An exorcism team was then assembled to expel Jeanne’s demons, and a 21-month treatment unfolded. This prolonged period of time is one of the contributors for the alleviation of Jeanne’s symptoms (which worsened from time to time). The parental position taken by her exorcists and the love and care from other nuns also played a fundamental role in her emotional healing. From them Jeanne also had assistance with leaning day-to-day skills and how to carry herself once again, as well as support to write her own story. After all, in January 12 – 1586, during a fit resulted from severe pain due to her body injuries, she heard Mary Magdalene orienting her to make her experience public.

Exorcising our Own Demons

Rita’s housemate spoke fondly of her mother and father. I am confident to say she wasn’t physically or sexually abused as a child. However, she was psychologically mistreated by her parents and other authority figures. She lived under constant watch and accusations of wrongdoings, which were followed by threats that suggested her being kidnapped by an army of demons. Rita’s housemate never considered exorcising her demons, because she thought of them as external beings. Little did she know that they actually lived within her.

I suppose that this is what most of us think as well. But, the ability to recognise our inner-demons and freeing ourselves from them is an empowering one. By ‘our demons’ I mean our obsessions, ill-feelings, insecurities and fears. Naturally, there will be moments of relapse; but the point is never to give in to them. Rita’s housemate wasn’t equipped with this understanding. Last time we saw her was on the day she left Rita’s house, she felt forced to do so because Rita’s boyfriend began to spend the nights there. This was just too sinful for her. So, she fled, with yet more fear and guilt, which would certainly originate more devilish encounters.

Taking a moment to identify and address our demons allows us to know ourselves better through exploring and discovering our own weaknesses and strengths. This is not an easy business; and sure, there is always that one demon that cannot be completely exorcised. But, the idea here is not to allow it to grow, or even multiply for that matter; the way one achieves this is through looking at it right in the eyes. In doing so, after a while, its frightening and intimidating appearance is no more. Then, we begin to see life through a different lens and start to engage with it in a more meaningful manner. 😊

Reference List:

APA (2013) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edn.

Bleuler, E. (1950). Dementia praecox or the group of schizophrenias. Oxford, England: International Universities Press.

Dawkins, R. (2006) The God Delusion, London, Penguin

Morisson, T. (1987) Beloved, New York, Knopf.

Sacks, O. (2012) Hallucinations, New York, Knopf.

Van der Hart, O., Lierens, ruth., Goodwin, J. (1996), Jeanny Fery: A Sixteen Century Case of Dissociative Identity Disorder. The Journal of Psychohistory, 24(1): 1-12.

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Dear Reader,
I know that I normally finish my posts with a question for you. However, today, I thought that it would be more appropriate to leave you with a saying that is attributed to Mark Twain, which I believe it fits this topic really well and also complements the message I have attempted to convey with my short series ❤


There are 2 pages

I guess knowing can cause us a lot of trouble because we tend to cling so strongly to what we know or what we know that just ain't true.

However, as I read your post, I found myself reflecting on my parents and how much of a good job they did with me and my siblings. This is not to suggest that we have no scars because, I think, those ones are inevitable. But I am grateful to them for ensuring that the scars that we did sustain were in spite of their efforts, not because of lack of it.

There were times, while growing up when I felt that my mom denied herself too much to ensure that we are provided for. I think that those years are partly responsible for my refusal to marry earlier in life to ensure I have better financial base that my parents did. Unfortunately, things seldom work out the way we plan them and I am still fighting that demon.

It is always wonderful reading from you dear Abi. You offer great insights into how things are the way they are and your posts are thought-provoking and an avenue for people like me to admit to myself things that I never would have otherwise.

So, I know my demons and the fight is forever before me until the war is won.

Thank you and I wish you and your family lots and lots of love from me and mine.All the best.

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Hi @abigail-dantes Greetings from @davinci.witness and the itaSTEM team.

Oh! Thank you again guys 😍

I am going to save this and read it at the Stroke of Midnight :)

😂 You can always message me if you get scared!

As it happens it's almost the Stroke of Midnight and I just finished reading your article! Thank you once again, Abigail, for your insight, even at my age I think I've still a few demons left to exorcise :)

Oh! Don't we all Terry 😅

I will be back soon! :P


That's exactly what I was going to do!!

😅 You guys are crazy!

Fascinating subject. I never knew DID was almost always caused by past trauma.

I wish you a great weekend :*I think it is fascinating (and complex 😅) too @tking77798! :)

4-day post 😭😭😭 i missed the first day...

It is better late than never... 😅😅😅

I do love scary and thriller movie... So when you read your warning knew this will be a great reading as always..... The sister of my sister-in-law is always possessed until now... But they say it is a good spirit.. but still i began to think that it can be because of an abuse or mental problem... Here in our place there are a lot of people that are being possessed by a spirit and they began to become a healer....

Thank you so much Ms. Abi for another mind opener piece....

Thank you for your support God Bless always..., 😘😘😘

Hello Dear @avhyaceulip

Your comments make me happy at ANY time my dear, whether they come 1 hour or 4 days after posting, it doesn't matter. Your support is invaluable to me :) Sometimes, this cases of possession you mentioned it happens in your place is just a matter of psychological distress. Sometimes people just feel lost in life and manifest their despair in ways that can be misunderstood.

You take care :)
Bye, bye for now!

I totally agree with you on that point... I really think they need to consult with their psychologist....

Thank you for everything Ms. Abi.... You're such an angel to us... 😘😘😘


Hola mi estimada Abigail, Dios te bendiga en gran manera…

Por ejemplo, en el libro Amado, el personaje de Sethe está obsesionado por el fantasma de su hija, a quien ella prefería ver muerta que vivir bajo la esclavitud, y esa fue la razón por la que la mató. Solo para, posteriormente, ser consumido por la culpa.

Muchas veces queremos tomar decisiones que no nos corresponden como es el ejemplo que podemos leer arriba, trayendo como consecuencia ese sentimiento de culpa ya que sabemos lo que está bien y lo que no y más si se tiene alguna creencia religiosa, donde lo principal es el temor a Dios...

Verá, la compañera de piso de Rita a menudo hizo comentarios sobre su terror de que los demonios se la llevaran, y también de sentirse culpable por transgredir repetidamente la ley de Dios.

Nuevamente aquí vemos claramente cuando se conoce de Dios, en este caso es obvio con la reacción de temor que mantiene la compañera de piso de Rita. Es decir, hay algún comportamiento que genera este sentimiento donde sabemos que lo que estamos haciendo está mal delante de los ojos de Dios haciéndonos sentir que hemos pecado de alguna manera u otra.

Espero que estés de acuerdo conmigo cuando digo que nuestros miedos están muy influenciados por nuestros valores culturales, el ambiente y la educación.

Totalmente de acuerdo..

Las identidades o estados de personalidad a los que se hace referencia en el DSM también se conocen como alteraciones. Jeanne tenía 50 de ellos, 49 de los cuales eran todos demonios (el otro era un niño) que, según su propia cuenta controlaba diferentes partes de su cuerpo; por ejemplo, su Dios maldiciendo boca y ojos ciegos. Jeanne no siempre presentaba la ceguera, este era solo uno de los muchos síntomas somáticos que ella sufría cuando una determinada identidad alternativa superaba su sentido del yo y la agencia. Algunos de los otros síntomas que presentó fueron: fuerza física extrema, negativa a comer y automutilación. Todos los cuales se ven en los pacientes con TID de hoy en día en forma de tendencias suicidas, anorexia, etc.

Sinceramente, desde mi punto de vista mientras que clínicamente se le puede conocer como un trastorno de múltiple personalidad yo lo veo como una legión de demonios dentro de esa persona, llevándola a golpearse, mutilarse y si es posible hasta quitarse la vida.

El 95% de las personas que viven con TID sufrieron abuso físico o sexual repetido antes de los 5 años. El otro 5% de ellos también informa haber sufrido traumas, pero de diferentes tipos (por ejemplo, presenciar algo aterrador) *. Jeanne Ferry escribió una autobiografía, donde narró que su primera aparición diablo (disociación) ocurrió cuando tenía 4. Que era Garga, apareció para ayudarla a no sufrir por los golpes de su padre, que también parecían tener en repetidas ocasiones abusó sexualmente de ella . Ahora se acepta que tales disociaciones ocurren como una "estrategia de afrontamiento de evitación", y en la actualidad se describen principalmente como monstruos o vampiros.

Muy claro lo pudo decir usted como en el caso Jeanne Ferry, quien venía sufriendo cosas desde muy niña, trayendo esto como consecuencia que en su etapa de crecimiento después de haber pasado por tanto desde muy pequeña considerara que Dios no existe y siendo el mismo satanás quien le hiciera ver y hasta creer muchas cosas que de pronto la harían sentir mejor ya que esas pueden ser las posibles soluciones para ella. Ahora bien, aquí es donde vemos esas mutilaciones, golpearse contra las paredes, esa fuerza agresiva y pare de contar.

En conclusión: Considero como madre, que está en nuestras manos que cada persona desde que llega al mundo debiera tener la oportunidad de tener calidad de vida, es decir, no solo en alimentación y lujos, tratar lo humanamente posible de que gocen de buena protección y que no sufran abuso de ningún tipo, fomentarles principios para que puedan saber o discernir de lo que está bien o mal y por supuesto que conozcan de Dios y sé que el Espíritu Santo estará siempre allí indicándoles cual es el camino que deben seguir, no existirá entrada a ningún demonio , donde siembre ese sentimiento de culpa, de duda o temor.

Siempre encantada de leerte mi querida Abi.

Hello Jayomara 😊

Muchas veces queremos tomar decisiones que no nos corresponden como es el ejemplo que podemos leer arriba

I 100% agree with this statement! I think it is paramount to be in tune with our moral values even in times of desperation!

hay algún comportamiento que genera este sentimiento donde sabemos que lo que estamos haciendo está mal delante de los ojos de Dios haciéndonos sentir que hemos pecado de alguna manera u otra.

Do you think it is also possible that she never did anything wrong? But just because as a child she was always accused of being naughty she became an adult that believed every little thing was a sin? This is a woman who thought that watching anything other that kid's programs was sinful! Honestly, I often felt sorry for how tormented she was. Deep inside I believed she wasn't able to differentiate right from wrong, and I say this meaning that she didn't know she was a good person. No matter how much we told her :(

Muy claro lo pudo decir usted como en el caso Jeanne Ferry, quien venía sufriendo cosas desde muy niña, trayendo esto como consecuencia que en su etapa de crecimiento después de haber pasado por tanto desde muy pequeña considerara que Dios no existe y siendo el mismo satanás quien le hiciera ver y hasta creer muchas cosas que de pronto la harían sentir mejor ya que esas pueden ser las posibles soluciones para ella.

Oh! This is an interesting explanation you described me here from your perspective! Now I understand why you believe that those were indeed demons possessing Jeanne's body!

You wrote a beautiful conclusion to your comment my dear :)

All the best to you always ❤
Thank you for sharing your perspective with me and patiently explain the points you make to me!

Do you think it is also possible that she never did anything wrong? But just because as a child she was always accused of being naughty she became an adult that believed every little thing was a sin? This is a woman who thought that watching anything other that kid's programs was sinful! Honestly, I often felt sorry for how tormented she was. Deep inside I believed she wasn't able to differentiate right from wrong, and I say this meaning that she didn't know she was a good person. No matter how much we told her :(

Honestamente no creo que haya hecho nada malo, pero como siempre digo todo erradica desde el hogar y que tanto podemos formar en la mente de los niños como padres. Cabe destacar que está en nuestras manos la formación de un ser pensante donde pueda y tenga la capacidad de discernir, de tomar decisiones capaces de solucionar problemas y no que genere dudas o temores de si lo esta haciendo bien o no.

Esta muchacha se nota que sus padres solo le hicieron ver, que si veía otra cosa que no fuera un programa infantil estaría en pecado y esto desagradaría a Dios, haciendo esto que los demonios atormentaran su vida.Por eso siempre he dicho, es fácil ser padres pero no es sencillo llevar esta ardua tarea, todo debe girar en pro de nuestros hijos y su bienestar.

Abigail, tienes el don de enseñar pero también el de prestar atención a todo lo que te escribimos.
Una vez mas, agradecida de conocerte y que mediante tus escritos son muchas las personas que pueden recibir una ayuda para sus vidas. Espero en Dios algún día poder conocerte.
Dios te bendiga mujer.!

P.D: Mil gracias por tu apoyo al proyecto Zulia en conjunto con mi amigo @ropavejero, de verdad que pudimos lograr la obra y todo gracias a tu ayuda sin mediar palabras. Seguimos viento en popa queriendo ayudar a los que se pueda de mucho o poco pero seguir con esta hermosa labor.

Thank you, Abigail. What a topic that captivates our minds anew and again. Apart from whether there are demons or other beings, the human imagination alone is extremely colourful and incredibly complex. If a person is able to express fifty different characters, as in your example, it is remarkable. I mean, where do people get their inspiration from, even if they're crazy (or at least enter some kind of space that most people don't usually have a door to)? I think how crazy someone is is not only because of his own imagination and peculiarity but also because of how uncanny, difficult and beyond what is acceptable he or she is perceived and classified or distinguished from his or her environment. The exorcism of the past shows how few people knew about trauma back then, although I think that if you go back much further in time, the methods may not have been quite as harsh. Somewhere I read that the strange in a tribe were treated more like special people by the tribesmen and in their strangeness were given a respected status that was less aimed at healing them but at accepting them as they were. Which contributed to the healing itself.

The many voices in the mind are truly such an unusual form of processing that they seem frightening to those who do not know that this is an attempt to deal with a terrible experience or abuse.

In an attenuated form, we are probably all a little schizophrenic and listen to voices (our own thoughts) which, if we are not careful, can take on a strong dimension when we have a conflict.

To look this fear in the eye is good advice, because as we know, it can dissolve if you "talk" to what makes you fear. Because we humans have such great potential and imagination, we can integrate and change the fearful parts within us because we can confront them with another part and call upon the innermost leadership, the supreme authority.

I have found that it works well to connect myself with my spiritual guidance and, in the event of difficulties, to ask myself some questions, which answering causes me to organize my thoughts.

For example, if I have a problem with a loved one whom I threaten to turn into an object, as far as I am not able to ask myself: Is my anger directed against him or actually against me? What would I have to do or say to be at peace? What could help me to look at these people from several sides and where do I position myself? What would I think or say in six months time about exactly the same situation?

Ultimately, understanding madness is also always about understanding and recognizing myself, I too could at any time drift into a situation similar to what I call crazy.

Happy the one who has a symptom :-)

Hello Dear Erika :)

How wonderful to hear from you again! I hope everything is fine with you. As for me, life only has just returned to normal. April and May were absolutely demanding months, both in the personal and professional levels! But, I, somehow, managed to survive 😅

Now, to your wonderful comment:

I mean, where do people get their inspiration from, even if they're crazy (or at least enter some kind of space that most people don't usually have a door to)?

I like your analogy of the 'door'. Although, I don't see the manifestation of the phenomenon discussed here a result of inspiration; but rather, of trauma. Sadly enough :(

Somewhere I read that the strange in a tribe were treated more like special people by the tribesmen and in their strangeness were given a respected status that was less aimed at healing them but at accepting them as they were.

This is truly an interesting observation. Throughout my readings about hallucinations I came across the different ways they are/were regarded in distinct cultures and times in history. I do think the stigma there is today towards such occurrences are a consequence of first, the arrival of Christianity; and the, the arrival of science.

I am pleased to hear you agree with the idea of facing our fears I exposed here. This is something successfully applied in CBT, and also a notion highly advocated by those who believe in healing through mindfulness.

Finally, you raised most interesting questions at the end of your comment :). Further, the following sentence actually made me smile. I love it!

understanding madness is also always about understanding and recognizing myself

I think this could be applied to each one of us. The difference is, only very few people are able to recognize the fine line that separates madness from sanity, a line which we wobble on through our entire lives !

Much love to you my dear.

Apart from the fact that these are traumatic experiences, I find the aspect of creativity remarkable. To the extent that people look for such interesting solutions in this respect, even if they are not aware of it. To bring this to consciousness and to use the wind for the sail is what I meant. Do you not think that every pathological potential does not also bring with it the necessary salutogenesis? Those who let voices speak for their illness can be given the opportunity to make them sound for their health, so that in the end they only get one that no longer makes it necessary to deal with many personalities. At least where there can be a cure. ... It probably needs a very stable and creative therapist, in order to dance this dance neither too pressing nor too laxly.

Yes, true, what you say about the fine line.

I am good, my life tends to be a slow river or so I prefer it to be. :)

Much love to you, too.

Very interesting piece @abigail-dantes, it was fascinating to read about Rita and what you describe as her demons, clearly she didn't see it that way. I personally believe religion and 'demonic' behaviour goes hand in hand and can trigger a psychosis in some people. As a social worker I had a case of a young woman whose mother was very religious and would condemn her to hell for choosing to do something different other than attending church on a Sunday. Notice the small letter 'h', in hell, it means nothing to me, I see it as a religious belt used to keep churchgoers tied to a belief system that relies on church numbers.

Mark Twain's quote is brilliance! Peace.

As a social worker I had a case of a young woman whose mother was very religious and would condemn her to hell for choosing to do something different other than attending church on a Sunday.

Oh, how sad @fiercewarrior! You know, I have encountered both scenarios: those of people who actually have found meaning and direction in their religion and community; and the ones similar to Rita's. But, like you said "demonic behaviors" do seem to be an exclusive feature of religious people.

As for your views of hell... well, I couldn't agree more. There is something not quite right about systems that rely on fear to keep people from going astray. Yeah! Twain's quote is just spot on! :D

I wish you a weekend filled with peace and joy my dear.
Thank you once again for taking time to read my work.
Lots of love to you :)

Ditto! : ) My pleasure @abigail-dantes. I've not practice social work for years but that particular case has stuck with me. It demonstrates how people can be manipulated to act in ways not conducive to their spiritual path. Peace.

I am sad that this was the last part 😔

Also, the conclusion? I absolutely agree with it. At least based on my personal experience, there is no greater ally than our self who can easily become our greater enemy.
At some point in our lives, we all go through hardships that take their toll on our mental well-being. It is up to us to deal with them, alone or by asking help from others - let me use a word game from a doodle I drew back in high school:
Choose the correct answer
a) L - b) P

I think it is hardest for people who grew to be "problematic" and were nurtured to believe that this is something normal. Early life traumas are the sneakiest ones.

I enjoyed this series Abi! Hope you have a great and relaxing weekend!! Kisses from a small village in Northern Greece! 💖💖💖

Choose the correct answer HEL... a) L - b) P

Ohh.. 😍

I will be definitely using this in one of my forthcoming posts (and give you all the credit of course)! I think I am going to buy a notepad and tittle it:

"Ruth's Quotes" 😊

Lots of kisses and love from Portugal :)

Ah! That's an honor! ^_^

Ah! That's an honor! ^_^

Hello my good friend aby delighted once again to read your stories that leave us an excellent teaching. this time I agree with your statements that these apparitions represent a mental problem, but as I told you before I give faith that there are bad people who do bad things to other people, leading them to their destruction little by little in any way. These are things that we can not cover the sun with a finger. I was particularly a victim of it.
I started my school year, I was 6th grade of elementary school, I was 9 years old (if I remember correctly) I had a great friendship with twin sisters which started from the 1st grade, it turns out that one of them writes me a letter expressing the love that I They had in a way that was subject to misinterpretations and I as a child at last jokingly told him that because he told me that, I'm not a lesbian and they do not like me. I do not spend a lot of time when suddenly out of nowhere I start to give species of convulsions if I have a fever or some other anomaly that entails presenting those symptoms. I was hospitalized for several days to do my studies, which went well. they discharged me and I went home and every time I left home they gave me those convulsions. my mother knew a man who was some kind of healer and ultimately decides to take me with him and the diagnosis that they made me what they call sorcery and I was 1 year living in the countryside away from the city to recover. After that, I returned home and continued with my life and until then I have never been given these convulsions. as the years go by my aunt finds the aunt of those girls and tells her that her mother had died and confided that her mother practiced black magic and was the one who caused all this so that I would die.
To all of these it is very difficult to think that all this only happens as part of our imagination.
I hope you spend a happy weekend dear @ abigail-dantes :))

Oh ... wow @rosnely! What an experience you went throught there ... I am quite lost for words. But, please note that the mental conditions we discussed here are not explained by means of imagination. They are real conditions and the experiences caused by them are indeed very real for those living woth them :)

Thank you for stopping by and sharing this most incredible personal story with me!

the truth was a hard experience and more because of my young age, my process in school because I had to start the new school year with new classmates, but the process of assimilating what happened to me was quite complicated.

I wonder was Rita’s housemate really repeatedly transgressing the law of God or she was just too strict to herself.

Taking a moment to identify and address our demons...

After reading Jeanne Ferry's indeed horrible story I'm pretty confident that I'll meet my demons in my tonight's dreams. 😂

P.S. What would be the value of a fallen angel's life? O.o

Have a lovely night, evening or day, depending on when you read this comment! : )

What would be the value of a fallen angel's life? O.o

Ha! Mr. Smart pants 😃

As for Rita’s house mate, my guess is that she was truly strict to herself (because of her upbringing).

Much love to you my dear :)

Another awsome post I read it 3 times.

I expect you agree with me when I say that our fears are extremely influenced by our cultural values, environment and upbringing

You are absolutely correct, I think that at a certain point in some cultures their belief in certain myths reaches such radical extremes that in a certain way they infuse terror and mysticism to children. And like any terror infused in some cases it tends to develop, and perhaps generate any number of cognitive distortions or psychological pathologies

Hey @anomalogy,

Thank you! So glad to hear you liked the post :)
I really like the way you conveyed your views here. What touches me the most about such cases is the fact that the, in certain cases, some people still in adulthood find difficult to restructure their thinking. Like Rita's house-mate.

Thank you for stopping by. Have a wonderful weekend!

I expect you agree with me when I say that our fears are extremely influenced by our cultural values, environment and upbringing.

I agree with you. Permit me to drop a little experience with you.
After the burial of my late dad (note: there's a cultural importance people from this part of the world attach to burials), and because of the role I played during the burial, even though I was much younger then, I picked up fear of ghosts then.
And on some occasions, I would start to perceive the perfume of my late dad. But I'm glad I later overcame this fear.

So you're right, fear can be influenced by culture and environment.

Nice piece Abbey

Hello @samminator 😊

Thank you for providing support to this particular observation with a personal experience! And also sharing a little about your country's culture and values :)

Lots of love to you Sammy!

I embrace my inner demons, I do not need an exorcist or any other people to help me get rid of it.

I was so much enjoying the devil/demon story that all I can say is...

I think my life is easy when I hear tortured soul stories and the people fighting the unseen objects which most times are a result of their imagination often stemming out of the traumatic experience as a child.

I had the most awesome childhood devoid of any trauma; all my injury is one I inflicted on myself through the adventurous spirit of a seven-year-old out to explore the world like never before.

Childhood is something everyone should have. No amount of money or fame could take its place. Or we may end up like Micheal Jackson and ask have you seen my childhood?

😂 Green!! Is that David Chappelle??

Well, there you go. Your amazing childhood allowed you to become such a confident adult, who actually enjoy spooky stories! And you are correct! We all have the inner strength to battle our inner-demons, I believe the human psyche can be incredibly self-healing!

Hope this weekend goes slower than last one Green :)

PS1: No more spooky stories! This is it 😝
PS2: I will look into that link you kindly left me here. Thank you :)

Yes, that is from one of Dave Chappelle's comedy sketch. My weekend just began on a good note, and you already know what they say that happens to time when you are having fun: it runs :)

Good to hear Green ❤

Hello @abigai-dantes

I really see no reason for the warning notes before unfolding the main context of this masterpiece, because the post itself is meant to proffer solution to such mental conditions that will be difficult to handle by ordinary medical science.

I love how you went down the historical archive to cite how the case involving Jeanne Fery was handled to the extent she began to behave normally, or close to it, eventually.

As you rightly stated, the first approach to proffering solution to demon possession or (DID) is recognition of the illness first by the victims as captured here:...

...the ability to recognise our inner-demons and freeing ourselves from them is an empowering one. By ‘our demons’ I mean our obsessions, ill-feelings, insecurities and fears...

It is my suggestion that Rita gets her housemate to appreciate these facts towards finding a permanent solution to her predicament.

Very educative composition.

@eurogee of @euronation community

Hello @eurogee :)

What a pleasure having a visit from you here on my blog. Thank you for your kindness and for providing me with assurance. Your comment is so well written and has truly made me feel I conveyed the message I attempted to. It also made me feel that all the care I put into the wording and selecting of the material was so worthwhile. Thank you so much my dear :)

You have a wonderful day.

Hey @abigai-dantes you write so well and very versed in your topic of chosen. You're a superstar in what you do. ✌️

A post to send chills down your spine 😱

I feel for these people with clear psychological issues which seem to be related to severe experiences in early life.

The demons here have had a long time to manifest and grow, and ' looking at it right in the eyes' must take a lot of strength and support.

Whilst I consider myself not to be free of inner demons, reading about other cases does give me confidence that they can be tackled when their show their heads.

Thanks for another interesting post this Friday Abigail, have yourself an angelic weekend!

Hi my dear :)

Yes, it is so spooky right?! I am SO pleased to hear that you find inspirations to tackle your inner-demons through other people's example. I think this is something very few individuals do, and this is precisely why we see so many people walking through life accompanied by so many demons :/ Let's be inspired by others to inspire others! ❤️

I wish you an angelical weekend (how cute?) for you too @abh12345

Spooky indeed, I am not a fan of horror films and avoid supernatural plots completely!

I think I have attached a stigma to comparing myself to others and I'd times feel this isn't the right thing to do. From your reply though, perhaps I have been looking at it, or at the least the 'wrong' people, to find the inspiration from and that's why I sometimes feel 'guilty' for doing this.

e.g. Comparing to those who are suffering and telling yourself 'well nothing can be that bad', apposed to looking at people who have fought through suffering and learning from their example.

Is the first example the 'wrong' way to look at aspect of life, I wonder?

First things first Asher :)

Not comparing ourselves to others. I am truly against that! Learning from others, from both their failures and successes (just like you said). But, this should not exclude learning from our own failures and successes too! As for comparisons, if you are ever going to compare yourself with someone, that should be you, BUT who you were yesterday! Because if anything I believe in a life were we always strive for an improved version of who we are. Even if that means "oh! I smoked one less cigarette today"; or, "oh! I learnt this lesson from that person's experience" :)

Right, I understand. Learning from others and comparing to yesterday's self - I can work with that.

I shall let you know in 7 days if these 7 days have heeded this advice 😁

Please do 😉 Looking forward to it!

I've seen alot of people suffer from various forms and symptoms of this DID and DSM. Some people even feel cool about having the "alters". I believe it is conventionally referred to as "alter-egos" nowadays.
People feel it is a cool attribute. But I don't feel so certain about it.

And this stats from your post even gives me the creeps...

95% of individuals living with DID suffered repeated physical and or sexual abuse before the age of 5.

Seriously? That much? 😨

And then there is this...

The other 5% of them also report to have gone through traumas, but of different kinds (e.g witnessing something terrifying).

So, If I am to fully grasp this, it means that naturally, no one is born with such tendencies. As in, the tendencies to be possessed with multi-identities, demons or to have "alter-egos". It then means that several man-made and human factors, actually induce these tendencies in people.

And this is even troubling, to say the least...

It is now accepted that such dissociations occur as an “avoidance coping strategy”, and in current days they are mostly described as monsters or vampires.

I guess if I am to ensure that my kids have a decent, demon-free, or DID-free life....First things first, would be to make sure that they are in no way possible exposed to any form of abuses - be it psychological, physical or emotional.

As for the sexual abuses by parents, It is downright despicable. And parents that indulge in such acts need serious help.

I feel I could kill anyone who attempts that on my little angels...😌.

You rock...Everytime! Lots of love to you and yours! Thanks for sharing this amazing piece @abigail-dantes.

Hey @rickie :)

Yes, child abuse is definitely a hard one to read about and discuss. But it is precisely because of its devastating consequences that I think it is necessary to be addressed. The stats are scary indeed! But, please note that not all molested children develop DID. Lots of them develop other types of mental conditions such as PTSD, chronic depression etc.. The consequences of trauma in childhood is a real thing, for sure. And, like you said: no child is born mentally ill! And yes, to ensure your kids become confident, stable adults all you have to do is to continue providing them with love, security and care. But, it is also important to not become overprotective! :)

Lots of love to you & your little ones.
Have a wonderful afternoon and a weekend filled with joy my dear!

Lolz.....Overprotective is something I might eventually be guilty of, though. But in fairness there are a lot of vultures out there in various forms and with diverse means of perpetrating heinous acts. And we consistently hear about them every once in a while. Children, in recent years, have now been targets of various forms of abuses and assault. It is scary to think or try to comprehend of the level of moral decadence that some of our human species have undergone.
And sad as it is, victims of such acts eventually turn of to be the ones you described earlier with chronic depressions, PTSD and much more.

Anyway, you sad it all....

continue providing them with love, security and care

That's what we should all try to do. Have a splendid weekend @abigail-dantes. The weekend has finally begun, for me.

Enjoy your weekend my dear ❤️

Enjoy your weekend my dear ❤️

Thank you for this one. I had a sister who suffered for her entire adult life. She had been diagnosed with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, and your post reminded me that at there was at least one doctor who believed she suffered from DID. Most of my knowledge of such diagnosis came via my parents, and any talk of possible abuse was always avoided, so my guess, based on your description and my sister’s common tendencies, is that she certainly did suffer from DID. However, although I suspected that she experienced some sort of physical abuse as a child, I was never able to determine a truth in that. My father was very controlling and emotionally abusive, but my gut tells me he wasn’t physically or sexually abusive. However, my sister was doing a significant amount of drugs at a very young age. By the age of 15 she was, according to a family psychologist I spoke to years later, taking exceptionally high doses of LSD. He said he worked with many troubled teens over the years, but never saw anything quite like my sister. He recalled being woken one night by my sister banging in his front door (we lived in the same town) and when he greeted her she was absolutely convinced that the entire front yard was a sea of snakes and she was as terrified as anyone who believed such a hallucination. So, my question/comment is whether you think that heavy drug use, especially hallicinogenics, could cause trauma enough to induce DID. You mentioned that 5% experienced some other trauma, so this leads me to believe it is possible. At the same time, I also feel that physical abuse was probably likey. She passed away a few years ago, by what I can only describe as suicide by smoking. She was suicidal her entire life, but often takes about she how she knew she didn’t actually have the heart to do it. My mother is also at an age where she remembers very little from my childhood, so aside from the fact that she was quite defensive about any talk of abuse, nothing new is likely to come from her on that topic. I have been resigned for many years to never really know what happened to my sister. She was a tortured soul and just one of the many, many people who lead a very difficult life due to such conditions. Thanks again for writing this. I am always amazed at how beautiful and enjoyable your writing is. You have a real gift.

Hello Dear @cstrimel :) It is good to see you here.

I am sorry to hear about your sister and the things she went through.

IT is VERY tricky to diagnose DID and the great majority of cases is a result of repeated/extreme trauma during childhood. Even the 5% that did not suffer, let's say physical abuse, have gone through a horrifying trauma such as witnessing the murderer of a parent etc.. this is what studies and stats show. As for those who have developed DID in adult life, what studies show is that, when they are women they must have gone through something horrific like being molested, for instance. And for men, in general, this is mostly seen in veterans. But than again, the dissociation shown by this people can also be a symptom of PTSD.

So, my question/comment is whether you think that heavy drug use, especially hallicinogenics, could cause trauma enough to induce DID.

Based on all the literature I have come across, I haven't seen a single case of DID which is not related to direct physical or emotional trauma. All the episodes you described your sister experienced sound to me very much like psychotic episodes, which are heavily associated with heavy drug use.

Thank you very much for taking part is this discussion and also, for the incredibly kind words at the end of your comment.

All the very best for you always.

When I was a kid the people in my neighborhood lived, they were very often told about the ghosts in an alley leading to a place of worship.

They said the strange figure was a beautiful, long-haired woman dressed in white to the tip of her foot.

And every parent in my mother always reminds me not to see that little alley. As a child I was at that time because I always heard stories and added by my mother's prohibition not to pass in the alley. But what I experienced was different from other kids my age. Because I am not afraid but curiosity and curiosity arise strongly inside me.

One night after dinner I went out to play in the yard. After making sure that my mother did not see me, I quickly ran into the alley and as I crossed the mood in the alley was very quiet and my feelings were a bit strange and my neck hair stood up.

Suddenly when I saw the right sidle there was a beautiful long-haired, white-dressed woman standing behind a mango tree and smiling sweetly at me, swiftly jabbing my steps away from the place. And from then on I always obey and listen to what my mother says.

After a while I began to think back calmly about the incident, especially about the figure of the woman behind the mango tree. Was he really a ghost or a woman stealing a mango?

Hello @jamalgayoni :)

It sounds like you were a brave little kid! That means you had a very safe, loving environment surrounding you. I couldn't believe when I read that you punctually had seen the woman! What an experience 😳
But what I like the most about your comment is the fact that you also questioned what you saw! It might have been an genuine hallucination (which was fueled by all the stories you heard), who knows? But, like you said, it might have also been a woman taking her share of mangoes :D

The idea really is to keep an open-mind :)

All the best to you!

My mother suffered from the experiences that Rita's roommate went through, the truth is I really didn't know what was wrong with her but the thing was she was always seeing things and describing things, she spoke so much of spiritual bodies enveloping her body and torturing her we felt it was a mild form of insanity.
this made me wonder so much if it wasn't a mental illness how come we couldn't always witness the things she sees.

I enjoyed your last post so much really, it's amazing, I'm glad you wrote this piece

Hello Dear @josediccus :)

I am so glad to hear you have enjoyed this series. I hope it has made a few things clear for you. As for your mum, I would't jump to conclusions such as 'insanity'. You know, high levels of depression and anxiety can prompt this sort of phenomenon too. If your mum get busy with different things, manages to have a stable sleeping schedule and are able to reduce her concern about such occurrences I am positive they will no longer happen! Well, she is lucky to have loving children who care and think of her ...

Thank you for your kind words about the post my dear.
You take care :)

Yes I was thinking so too, I think I will take my steps in trying to keep her psychologically stable, it's beyond my comprehension that was why I panicked at first, but thank you for your amazing input, it's really very helpful, I will put it into perspectives.
Thank you for writing

Hello Abby :)

I really enjoy your style of writing. The way you shift between personal experience and scientific explanation makes me feel like I got something from you, while at the same time being educated about the current topic you explore.

Being a psychologist I find it easy to understand the scientific part of your articles, and I really hope that readers, who are not educated in psychology do so as well.

Best regards !

Have a wonderful day my dear & take care.This is a very flattering comment @dysfunctional! :) Thank you so much.

It's well deserved one :)

Am always glad when I see your post dear..I feel proud..:) what if I add that , the fears and attitudes that causes negativity and controls our being are demonic spirits which we ourselves have allowed to take control over our mind, body and soul. Because at a point when they are in charge of our being, we got no control over them.

Interesting insight Pospsy!

That was scary!

I have to admit at first I thought your friend's housemate was a total freak, however as I kept reading I felt compassion for her. So seriously strange how our brains can play such games on us. Makes me question reality; everything we witness is technically our brain's interpretation of signals received, signals which can also be generated by the brain itself in some cases. Mind blown

But, the idea here is not to allow it to grow, or even multiply for that matter; the way one achieves this is through looking at it right in the eyes. In doing so, after a while, its frightening and intimidating appearance is no more.

Beautifully put, I think we are creatures of habit and therefore facing our deepest fears can definitely make them go away. Or make us comfortable enough in their presence.

I enjoyed your work!
See you around!

My dear @lordneroo :)

You have a kind heart for feeling compassion towards Rita’s house-mate 😊

You totally got my message! Absolutely, even those demons that we cannot do much about can be dealt with “make us comfortable enough in their presence”.

Lots of love to you always :*

After reading the title and couple of the first paragraphs, I thought you are sharing with us a new fiction story. :) I just love your writing style!

It was interesting to read about this difficult topic. Some people I know have/had the conditions you wrote about so it was interesting to learn more about it. Thanks for another great article, Abigail!

Oh, Alcibiades ... You live in my heart ❤️

I am very glad to hear this post has brought some new knowledge to you. Especially if you know people experiencing such situations!

Thank you for taking the time to read my writings and take part in the discussion.
I wish you a wonderful weekend. I hope the sun is shining over there! 😊🌷


Dear friend, you write on interesting topics. What is fascinating to me is often it is those that come from families of good Christian homes that frequently have the most problems separating good from evil. Recently I heard something which now eludes me, regarding a filming of an excorsism. In my recollections it was to be done by perhaps the same man that filmed the original “Exorcist” he alone is with the priests as they make another attempt to rid this poor soul of his demons. In his interview he admits his fear, but feels this is an important message that must be unmasked.
Having known a couple of people that were victims of ritual abuse through cults , I can only say life did not bode well for them.
I will try to find out about that docudrama that is soon to be released and let you know if About it.
Ending this appropriately with much Love and appreciation for the work you do. ❤️🐓🐓

Hello my dearest @mother2chicks :)

I am already looking forward to exploring this material (the documentary)! Thank you for thinking of me :)

I have met in the past and currently know many religious, Christian people who are very emotionally stable. They tend to be the ones who focus more on the positive aspect of their religion: forgiveness, compassion, the teachings of Christ etc... they also report what I would categorize as hallucinations; e.g. they claim to heave seen or heard a particular saint or Jesus. And this elates them! But, unfortunately, there are those like Rita's housemate, whose focus is mainly directed on the negative side of their beliefs: punishments, the devil, transgression etc... from my perspective, it does not seem to make them any favours :/

Have a wonderful Friday. I send you lots of love here from sunny Portugal ❤️ :)

@abilail-Dante’s here is the link to the story about the docudrama of an excorsism. Hope it helps you with your work.🐓🐓

Thank you 😍

If you see this documentary will you let me know what you think of it? Most likely I won’t get the chance. Your friend. ❤️🐓🐓

ok :) I will let you know!

Reading this, it becomes very obvious how much Hollywood movies are inspired by these psychological phenomena. But they almost always try to leave the metaphysical element in, maybe even make it real, instead of debunking it. And so the culture of 'demons' persists among uneducated people, and there's no catharsis, and definitely no exorcism from the demons of our ignorance.

You ended with a Mark Twain quote, I'll end this with a pertinent Marilyn Manson lyric, that relates to Rita's housemate:

"fear of the Beast, is calling it near,
creating what we're hating,
it's only fear that is here".

Hello @abigail-dantes, a pleasure to read you in this new opportunity. You speak of something in your publication that right now needed to hear "recognize our inner demons and free ourselves from them" referring to obsessions, bad feelings, insecurities and fears. Thank you for those words and i add, there is no reason to face those demons alone, we have our family, friends and surround ourselves with good people help to leave all these bad feelings aside that sometimes take over us.

Thank you for commenting!Good observation you made here my dear @petvalbra “there is no need to face those demons alone” 😊

Actually reading your post, reminded me of the film I watch "Send me to hell". I have some little inclination to Horror movies and I have seen exorcisms and how mutilation in these movies occur.
However, these things are also common in some religious setups.

The ending of the post is good and it is what we should all work towards.
Thanks for this brilliant post.

Hi dear @turpsy :)

So, it looks like you like scary movies! I saw one which I really liked The Woman in Black a while ago. But, I normally watch thrillers and drama. I am very pleased to hear you liked the message with wich I concluded the post :)

Thank you 😊🌷

Hello @abigail-dantes! You have not made a publication for so long that I started watching a TV series about child abuse "The Alienist". I watch one series during a workout on a treadmill every day in the evening. Maybe I'm going crazy? What do you think? )

No. Not crazy ... I think you are getting informed. It is an important topic. Not a pleasant one to embark on, but essential for those with children in the family! Is the series good?

I watch this series more like a detective. The series is based on real events. I'm interested in how this story ends.
I do not know how this series will be evaluated by a professional psychiatrist.

happy afternoon friend abigail, I hope you find wonders ... cool now if you hit the spot with these 2 publications. I like these topics and how you handle them. since I live in a supertitious family circle and do not believe much in psychology or science, but that the root of most of their problems is the supernatural and it is somewhat tedious because I do not believe much in those things.
I wish you a happy weekend dear friend ... blessings and may God give you much health and wisdom so you can delight us with more quality publications like these. bye bye

Hello dear :)

Yeah, it can be a little tricky when our loved ones and those closed to us refuse to see things from different perspectives. This can becomes problematic sometimes. What I find interesting is that, despite your family be superstitious you are not! Being open-minded is a good thing! Well done you :)

All the best

good I am to see to believe friend, as also it is necessary to be clear that there is good and evil and we can not deny it.

Oh my! i thought at firat this was a very scary post but not really , just wanna share as well miss @abigail-dantes ,way back when i was in elementary and high school , lots of students and some i know they say are being possessed , they say by devil, or sometimes other bad spirits, i'd seen them shaking, eyes looking up highlike all white, and they seem to be very strong even like five are holding them.

But i also believe with what you said that it could be because of the experiences , like with Rita'shousemate , with banging her head and self penetrating on her genetals, it is evident thag it's realted to what her father did to her, but i hope she is better now adays.

I can also remember those exorcism movies , one cannot forget is the exorcism of emily roseand many others , seems to bang their heads too. love to watch those kind of movies , but of course! dontwanna experience them😱

But one thing'sfor sure and definitely agreewith you, it's still within ourselves , that if we washed away all the devilish things within us , definitely, we'll havrpeaceof mind and happiness

You are really back every Friday , i have to remember that , hehe, thanks for this post miss Abi , andof course for your continuous support , God bless you more and more

much love from us 😘❤️❤️❤️

Hello my dear @zephalexia :)

I am pleased to hear you didn't find this post very scary! Some people did 😅 Please note that Rita's house-mate was not physically or sexually abused by her father. That was Jeanne Fery, the nun whose unfortunate story I used here to illustrate a case of DID being misinterpreted as a demonic possession. Ok?

I have never watched The Exorcist and The Exorcism of Emily Rose !! I am a scared cat 😂 You take care & thank you once again for always stopping by and sharing your views with me. I truly appreciate it :*

Thank you for sharing a meaningful article. In our hearts there are still bad thoughts, and to win it, we should pray to God every day.

Thank you for your kind comment :)

I will always wait for you to write good articles like this about God

This is scary

I wanted to reconsider but I ended up reading it twice...... #scary

Well, thank you very much for taking the time then! :)

“Last night she [Rita’s house-mate] was sobbing on the sofa when I came back home. She was upset that I left her alone. She told me that when she left the kitchen the fallen angel was standing in the corridor blocking the way to her bedroom. She said he looked as if he had his skin inside out.”

Nothing a good ol-fashioned lobotomy can't fix!

Gosh! And Rita thought she was a bad housemate 😜

Right Abi, lobotomy is too brutal.
There are other, more gentle methods 🤣

Oh! 😂
I still think Rita was a better housemate than both of you together!

The demon is a manifestation of the “angry, rebellious part” of a person–a separate or dissociative personality “who may hate God, or even experience a violent reaction to the name of Christ.” In other words, demonic possession could possibly be an extreme coping mechanism for someone who has become dissociative, angry, or (spiritually) damaged through continued abuse.

Hey @croata :)

Thanks for taking the time to comment! Well, in Jeanne Fery's case her dissociation was a consequence of fear rather than anger. I completely agree with the latter part of your statement ' mentally/spiritually damaged through continued abuse'. Nicely put!

Have a good day :)

Bang! Wow! While I was reading, I was wondering how you would end your blog. It was a bang. I never expected. I thought this would just plainly discuss Rita's housemate's experience.

Maybe, a famous line sum it up as well. "Don't be carried away by your emotions". Of course, "emotion" itself is not an evil thing just like the "temptation" is not a sin. It will be only devilish if one acts against to his/her own nature of personhood.

Hey @abigaildantes, concerning did is it really possible for different identities to look differnt physically, I mean totally different like two differnt people

Not that extreme, no :) The physical differences seen in cases of DID just go as far as a reflection of the alters’ taste (e.g clothes, hair style), mannerisms, posture and so forth!

Thank you for stopping by @giftessiest 😊

Is there a way I can chat with you on discord, I have this book im writing and really need insight on DID cause thats what the book is about basically would you mind shedding morr light on it

I'm very happy that I can see you recently dear and I am in awe again with your incredible posts! But I think I need to read this when the sun is up. Im one scaredy cat. Hahaha

What is more interesting topic, I believe that our guilt and emotions have a lot to do with our hallucinations and also the upbringing that our parents give us, in my country parents usually scare children with ghosts if they do not they behave well; I do not like that upbringing, I have a daughter of 5 years and I try as much as possible not to put my daughter in mind those fears, because I want her to be a strong and emotionally healthy girl. Very good post my friend @ abigail-dantes.

Your daughter is a very lucky little girl, to have you as a parent! :) She is going to become a confident, strong adult!

Very good post @ abigail-dantes, thank God I have never gone through any of those circumstances, it would be really scary to think about seeing a demon or a ghost. I, in particular, agree with what science explains, although I have spiritist friends who have told me stories of demons, but in reality I am not attracted to those things, I think more than those things are the result of imagination.

I like your take on this topic Urbano. It looks like we share the same opinion! :)

Science now have answers for everything.. I have heard of DID but i have never connected it with demon possessions. I believe that demon possessions are real.

Hello @nmalove :)

It is good to hear your opinion about this topic. I am highly interested in the way people make sense of such ocurrences. I think it is important to have an open mind and not be limited to only one possible truth. Also, I don't think science has answers for everything. That would be wonderful! :)

Thank you for your comment.

I started reading about DID when i was about 12 years old.. I first read it in one Danielle Steel's novel (i have forgotten the name), and i believe that people actually suffer it. But as a Christian, i have seen some real life scenarios that can't just be DID, that's why i believe that demon possessions do exist. It can't all be DID.

Thank you so much!Absolutely! I don't think they are all DID either, there are other kinds of mental distresses that might prompt extreme behaviour. I really appreciate your input here @nmalove :)

They are real as long as you allow them to.

Ofcourse.. They are controllable😊

Proud of you,, real writer.... You put references at last of your writing project.... It means that you have a good responsibilty... Because, I see many people just copy another's creation without put the source... I really appreciate your post..

Thank you :)

You are welcome

Que post tan intenso @abigail-dantes te invito a que pases por mi blog para que me de sugerencias ya que estoy nuevo en esta plataforma y me gustaria saber que piensa

Que post tan intenso @abigail-dantes te invito a que pases por mi blog para que me de sugerencias ya que estoy nuevo en esta plataforma y me gustaria saber que piensa

Awesome dein Blog

le escribo para enviarle mi usuario en discord, cuando tenga una oportunidad añadame a su lista de amigos javisem#6038.
Que tenga un maravilloso día.Hola mi estimada @abigail-dantes espero se encuentre de maravilla!

We could all sometimes use some kind of exorcism to take away our fears and negativeness.

There are 2 pages