Morning Alexander, I got a bit sick(nothing serious). It started like a normal flu, next thing I was in bed coughing my guts up, and without energy to even open my eyes. I am surprised by how long it took me to recover. But, I am much, much better now. I have been properly medicated, able to speak with an audible voice, and eat proper food again, etc... I will soon return to my activities and Steemit :) thank you for stopping by. Have a great day ☕️
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I never realized you were ill, hun!
I just thought you'd run
I hope you get well soon, miss you...
Hey @lucylin :)
It is wonderful to hear from you! I am A LOT better now. I am strong enough to start catching up with work and studies this week. My blog will need to wait a little bit. I have also missed you too, as well as my steemit writing and interacting with everyone else on the platform.
I hope everything is fine over there with you & Lucy.
You guys take care :*
I will be around soon! :D
...looking forward to seeing you again soon!
Derek says 'hi'
Reg say's 'wibble'....(for some unfathomable reason..)
A very merry Christmas to you, hun - I hope you are doing ok... xxx
....and best wishes to to your
long sufferinghusband.All the best...
Hello there @lucylin :D
Well, happy boxing day to you (never got the whole boxing day thing, but ... oh well :P). I trust you had a nice time over the holiday period with Lucy and the family. How is Christmas celebrated over there? Did you know in Brazil (and here in Portugal too) we celebrate on the 24th?
I am doing ok, thank you very much! So ok, that I will be starting a (research) project in January. It will be a bit demanding, but I am looking forward to it! :)
Long suffering? Long suffering? How did you figure out that must be a living nightmare being married to me :D How? How? How? 😇 I will sure pass on your wishes to him!
I wish you & Lucy good health, prosperity and peace of mind always, always ❤
Gute Besserung, Abi:)
= German for "have a good recovery time."
I checked your blog once in a while = nothing. Now I know the reason.
Bye from Erika
You are such a sweet, enlightened being Erika. Thank you 😊❤️
:) though I am not I thank you.
Looking forward to Christmas. We got it going last year, haven't we? I remember this particular Black and White photographs during the holidays. Was a lot of fun. I wonder how the spirit is going this year.
All the best for you.
Sorry to hear that. Do you eat healthily overall? Ever since I got rid of sugar and heavily processed foods, colds avoid me. When I feel something might be afoot, I immediately drink coconut milk, eat some natural Greek yogurt, and broccoli. Dunno if it works of if it happened by accident and now I'm like a Pavlov dog.
Get well!
Coconut milk... all right then :)
Thank you for these tips! Bought a 1 kg pot of Greek Yogurt today!
I felt a lot stronger today !! Weeee
👍 😊