Oh my .... what a wonderful surprise to see your comment here today @javisem! Goodness me! I know that your sister is well and now I know you are also fine. I trust the same is true about your mum, correct? Welcome back to Steemit! I look forward to seeing your beautiful artwork in my feed :) Yes, I remember the awesome comments you left discussing your perceptions about the supernatural and what the Bible says regarding it all. We did have a good laugh with the horrible beer challenge didn't we? Well, this is what is so incredible about you my dear. You always have a smile to give and kindness to spread!
Stay safe and strong!
Much love to all your family ❤ ❤ ❤
Gracias por tus buenos deseos amiga! No hace falta escribir un emoji para percibir el amor en estas lineas, mi mama esta bien gracias por recordarla, mi hermana y su familia en Ecuador y yo aún en Venezuela guerreando y confiando en Dios que pronto acabara esta terrible dictadura.
Un millón de besos para ti! Muy pronto haré unas publicaciones de unas ilustraciones que tengo pendiente.